5* Rainbow Team Advice

Hiya @Secretfromwithin

Some General Advice:

OP Question - Best 5* Team

Now I’ll answer your question but think you should spend more time working on your 4* hereos (as I wrote above).

Best team in term of synergy would be:
Kingston → Zimkitha → Aegir → Joon → Sartana
Kingston is a great winger.
Aegir is a highly thought of Tank
Zim is a great support hero, best on the left so the cleanse kicks in before your other snipers.
Joon & Sartana are both great snipers. You always wanna put purple & yellow together as they act as a defence to each other (yellow weak vs. purple and vice versa). Specific order is interchangable imo…

Advice on who to forcus on levelling

I can give some advice about who to focus on levelling but I can’t see much of your roster beyond the first 30 listed… Most of those are 5*s who I think you should leave be… especially as you are unlikely to have the materials to keep levelling them continuously…