March 8, 2020, 7:03am
General advice; yes I would wait until you have a good basis of 4* maxed heroes before sinking into any 5* heroes
The first piece of advice - Focus on the 4*s
The best advice I can & will give is to focus on 4* heroes & pause the 5* ones (once you finish their current ascension tier). Reasons being:
5* heroes are very expensive & time consuming to level-up. They need a lot of unfarmable materials
4* heroes who are maxed are more useful than a 5* stuck at 3-70. 4* heroes can be used in more places (more tournaments & more challenge events) than the 5* who’s stuck. Additionally, the 4* hero can be emblemed up while the 5* hero just sits & looks dopy…
4* heroes form the base of the game. In wars & raids, most players (except the very very advanced ones) supplement their line-up with 4* heroes.
My advice is to work on 4* heroes until you get 4x maxed rainbow 4* teams. This will allow you to get:
a) a good base roster to work from. Useful in wars, raids, tournaments, events etc…
b) a good understanding of your play style. What skills & hero types are best suited to you.
c) able to stockpile those extremely rare unfarmable 4* ascension materials (Darts, Tomes etc…)
Only once you got 4x rainbow 4* teams (15-20 maxed 4-stars) would I focus again on 5* heroes.
Especially I would advise this BECAUSE your shields are sparse so you won’t have the mats to take a 5* all the way…
As it stands right now you have no green depth… Focus on building up some green depth in the comparably “cheap” 4* heroes before getting into more 5* heroes…