From the looks of things you’ve spent some heavy $$ in a pretty short period of time & have a lot of really good heroes!
I’ll offer up some GENERAL advice first:
And also this thread is a good read:
back to your question!
Help you with a defence team
defence now:
`Alberich -> Richard -> Onatel -> Marjana -> Kingston`
Defence Future
Thres options I’ll put forward
Option 1:
Pretty decent one, using both healer and a fair bit of attack power Alberich -> Tyr -> Ursena -> Onatel -> Kingston
Option 2:
More attacking setup than the last one Kingston -> Tyr -> Ursena -> Onatel -> Marjana
Option 3:
Makes use of the Y-P-Y defence setup. Can swap alberich out for one of the right wing snipers Alberich -> Poseidon -> Ursena -> Onatel -> Tyr/Kingston/Marjana