⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Rocket

This thread is for discussing whether Rocket is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.

This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Rocket. For that, please see: 👺 Rocket - 5* Fire / Red from Goblin Village

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:bar_chart: Poll

  • I think Rocket is reasonably well-balanced overall
  • I think Rocket is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
  • I think Rocket is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
  • I’m not sure yet
0 voters

:speaking_head: Discussion

  • If you think Rocket is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?

  • Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Rocket ? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?

Purpose of this thread:

To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a Ideas & Feature Requests which has no real voting.

In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Rocket thread.


After testing him I feel like he needs little tweak. He is not the worst goblin out there but his fiend functionality is not that great. It’s hard to get goblin legendary hero so if SG is planning to buff other goblins (B&F, kettle, leaf whisk) requesting @Staff_SGG to buff rocket as well.

Thank you @PlayForFun for creating this thread :blush:


Yeah, there’s just something missing that keeps him from being a desired goblin.


As said the mechanics of his cs doesn’t work the fiends are remove easily without dealing any fire damage. A simple healer than cleanse after can manage him that makes very situational to use. In raid on offense and defense he isn’t efficient 75% of the time due to his non fire detonator. Make him witer to three and pull a 3 turn detonater on his fiend and he will be good and desirable. In this he is completely broken.


He barely dents the opponents defense. and his bombs are slow to detonate. He has to absorb enough health for the bombs to go off and by that time, the opponent has mostly recovered and is ready to fire again. Yet another new hero I’m disappointed in. I thought he would be great.


Can use a buff. Even 4* heroes take the fiends away easily

I think that if the fiends can be easily removed, the fire damage should not be removable

Or fiends to all enemies. Its a new goblin guys :grinning:

In raids its hard to use him. I expected more from his specials


Quite strange fiends are to 3, but wither is only to target. So even making the wither to three would already be better.
And add a condition that if the fiends are removed (like e.g. by Arco), there is ‘x’ damage dealt (with ‘x’ equivalent to 2 turns of the burn damage).


I ran over 20 trial raid battles with rocket since I pulled him and if he doesn’t receive a mechanics update I will stop using him. Here is why:

  • Only 6 out of the 20 raids the fire damage triggered.
  • Fiend damage is not strong enough to justify using him on an attack formation unless the fire damage is not dependable on a heal In order to be triggered. (Cookie’s mechanics should be implemented for Rocket)
  • All healer/cleanser combo heroes, which there are many even in the 3-4 star tier will shut him down completely and the 350 wither only to the target is not strong enough to justify using him. Rocket is very situational and has tremendous limitations for daily use as many defenses will have healer/cleanser combo heroes

He either needs the fiend bomb to go off after x turns or the fire damage needs to be uncleansable.


Exactly what I thought. I have tried him in many raids and like I said 75%of the time he just do fiend damage and that’s it no fire damage. Witer to 3 plus detonator in x turn is the balance we need on the one. Or like you said a mechanic that if you remove the fiend by anyway you take uncleansable fire damage. he is just a poor Viscaro at the moment


Thanks to everyone who is testing and giving feedback on rocket. About polls honest answer he is not excessively weak but not well balanced either. Most of the time it’s hard to get his fire damage. He is the latest goblin so if someone has more rings and short of red hero they can level. People saying he is excessively strong I’m sorry may be you just read his card and didn’t actually faced him in raids. Let’s keep this thread going :blush:


A newly released hero that can be easily blocked and cleaned by a 3 or 4 star hero is absolutely not a hero worth spending to get… fix please…


We need another option in the poll lol

Rocket is not balanced, not weak and definitely not too strong. He has huge potential at Fast speed but it is easily countered as mentioned. He needs a buff.


Agree rocket looks like a first draft in the beta who needs adjustment. Wither to three and x turn detonator and he will be just as he should be.


Additional point that just struck me:

Rocket is not doing direct damage, right?
Then why in heaven’s name is he a RANGER? Isn’t the entire purpose of the RANGER class to avoid counterattacks and defense buffs? As far as I understand it, the 195% hit from his fiends will not have an impact on him when counterattack is up.

So a change in class (Sorcerer or Monk?) is something to add to his balancing…


You are completely right his class is non sense. I don’t see magician a good class for him and barbarian also. All the other class can suits him

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Still not fixed? I hope it gets fixed for the new goblins portal…


I hope also because for the moment I’m keeping my set of rings and I will be happy to use them on a balanced rocket.


Too late for me… I already used the rings. I’m still trying to make him useful at 4/80 but I cannot justify or recommend him because the fire damage won’t trigger. The fiend damage (X3) against 2LB heroes with Legendary troops is about 250-300, which is a a joke for a brand new goblin. Odile is doing 500 damage per turn X4 for her black swan special… and she heals. Rocket, as is, is worse than season one heroes. His fire damage has to trigger after X many turns and his wither has to be to three targets. Will be happy to send in videos and screenshots as much as needed to prove the point. Please SG, he needs to be fixed ASAP. Satori wasn’t even broken and received a buff a couple weeks after release. We would appreciate a quick resolution here. We spend a lot of money to get heroes that strengthen our roster, but unfortunately Rocket doesn’t stand a chance in battles with current mechanics.


He is terribly worse than a first season hero… A hero who has just come out of a portal like the goblin one who can be dispelled by a simple healer even 3 stars does not deserve respect and attention… This is what happens if you don’t test him well heroes in beta…


will be cool to add that fiend every turn damage 25 or 50% more damage and cup it to i dont know a 350% and enemies will be forced to heail and he will do more things eith healed removed fiend