@MacKenzie - you like it better now or before, sorry I’m not clear on that. Hopefully you like it better, if not tell me what you think we should do? I didn’t put the roman numeral under the Hero’s name this time just so that you could see more at one time then before. RaZ
Please forgive me, if my previous post is not as clear as it should be. The new layout in the release candidate is much better as the former version.
No worries @MacKenzie - I appreciate that! Look forward to evolving it! Thanks for your support and feedback! Raz
I like it I really appreciate all the hard work you put into this. Also do you have a line account @Razor
Thanks again for all your hard work you dedicate to help us all out my friend!
Hope you dont mind me asking a question…a couple members of my team have been asking about creating alt team players from separate ios devices… Do you recommend this or do you frown on this? Appreciate your help!
Just wanted to say I’m new to the forum but the work out in by Razor is awesome. Thanks for taking the time and putting the information out there for those who r looking fo fit.
Hey @Vader! Well I wouldn’t be able to manage running 2 accounts myself lol. I do know there are some players that do. Almost necessary to manage/start new subsidiary Alliances I figure and keep the same criterion and leadership style in place. I haven’t ever come across anything saying that we can’t do this (someone with game expertise like @Kerridoc would be able to answer this - I’d like to know just to know). Now as to having multiple accounts and being part of the same Alliance - I don’t see why not - not sure it gives an advantage really to the Alliance in the end, just more control to the player(s)…
Hope that helps kinda or gets someone in here that can…
SGG does not officially support multi-accounts but everyone knows many of us have them. If you create an alt, you’ll find it much easier to manage having a dedicated iOS device for each account. Otherwise you need to change your sign-in to Game Center carefully and lay out your base the same on each account to avoid the Sprite display bug.
@Vader - I knew @Kerridoc was the game/tech expert that would have an immediate answer! And man was that immediate and precise! Cool. Thanks DOC!
@Rigs @MrsBCW @Slingbow @Jedon @Rook @Decorum
@Starryeyedgryph @HFW @SpunkRat @Hcmitchellr
The power of DATA (from the Hero Utility)… If you look at the dates you know what’s going on… Who has been released…
I apologize an event came up the left the 2/9/2019 data collection ‘REPORTING’ undone. The database was updated with all the stats as well the new Members Exclusive Report H.P.E.T. on that date.
So it’s going to just show up historically… SARTANA made her way back into the TOP-5 and MOTHER NORTH kicked some A! @CheTranqui - believe you were sad about Sartana… so notifying you.
This 2/9/2019 delayed report will only be available for about 1/2 day…
@Rigs @MrsBCW @Slingbow @Jedon @Rook @Calibred @Decorum
@HFW @SpunkRat
As C2P, it pleases me so greatly to see a TC20 hero in the Top 5! GO SARTANA! WHOO!
She’s actually my FAV
I wanted her to WIN The Fairest poll/contest
Thanks for tagging me … Razor
I Sartana too but I don’t yet have her.
Did you ever find one? I could definitly use one lol
@Razor Do you have a manual for dummies for using your guide?
@Rook There is a new Directory on the TitanMafia.com site that has a section for the Hero Utility - check that out and let me know if that helps… SEE
also for @Pokeyzombie341
Following is the complete Directory…
Appreciate your quick answer and support Kerridoc…
Razor…again thank you for your time and effort in finding me an answer. Take care!
Is available for preview in the Members Lounge!
You are going to want to see this BABY QUICK load the entire HOTM CREW!...
Nahhh guys, I didn’t forget about HEL - SHE RUNS THIS CREW…
@Rigs, @FraVit93, @Garanwy, @Slingbow, @MrsBCW, @Rook, @CheTranqui, @Ray008, @Wormwood, @FrenziedEye