This tool will brighten and enlighten your playing immediately.
- Immediately be exposed the the hero ‘data’ sheet in full (Mana Effect(s), Passive(s), Resist(s), Class Effect(s), Family Effect(s), Base Card Stat Ranks).
- Pull Entire Classes of Heroes in FULL
- Pull Entire Families of Heroes in FULL
- Select from ANY HERO by Element (Subdivided within Rarity), in FULL
- Team or Opponent Sim
I’ll be back to gather any feedback or issues anyone found. I didn’t see any familiar names in the recent (old) thread so adding randoms! I’m looking to the FORUM to test drive before a real LIVE push.
Please leave any comments/issues found - thanks ahead for anyone’s assistance. I’LL BE BACK (in the not so distant future) -=RaZoR=-
100% CLOUD BASED - Nothing installs on your devices.
@Asus @BlackZed @CobraKai @DarthMaul @Ei-Dunn @Frozen @Jack.O.Kent @HawktimusPrime @IgH @JdeWal
Empires & Puzzles: Hero Utility v3c
v3c - Official FINAL Release: 12:00pm
MST - Aug 1st, 2020
Available to you 24/7! A Unique and Mature evaluation tool consisting of 7 valuation methods. It extends to the hosting of Hero current card values, Ranks within Rarities, Special skills, Family and Realm Bonuses, Class & Talents with Costume adjustments, Current and Historical data collected by 100s of fellow E&P players for generating the games most reliable and most quoted Positioning and Ranking data. Its purpose is assisting ANY player or group of players with Hero decisioning and team support. The data is exceptionally organized and presented in a pleasing visual representing every rare to legendary hero from the Empires & Puzzles collection.
Users can select 1-5 heroes for a side by side comparison, as an informative team assembler, for data validation as well historical confirmations and snapshots to increase a player’s knowledge and organizational habits. The Hero Utility has been used by 100s of thousands from the new players to the very seasoned. Over 3 years running and improving!
A note from Razor: To showcase the additions & changes in this version the Heroes used in v3 further below are maintained. This visual with text (click to enlarge) provides you the introduction to its tremendous value, likely becoming your greatest go to utility in the game (a free TM account is NOT needed for its use, its ready for you NOW!).
Be well my friends, prosper and may summons & the boards be good to you!
Note: Please spend a few minutes to review the Proper Use Guidelines of the utility. It will minimize any confusion potential up-front, and put you in the drivers seat ASAP. The v3c Dual Version allows you to switch between the Color and DaRk versions seamlessly
The evolution of building… THE NEXT LEVEL - No player should Class without it!
For the SERIOUS Player: GuiLDWare The Evolution of Evolution…
Developed for the players of Empires & Puzzles by a player.
EnPHero.com (Hero Utility) and TitanMafia.com (Users Group/Reporting)
2020-8-1 LINEID: RaZoREnP
V3 - Official Release: 4:30pm
MST - Dec 30th, 2018
The DaRk VeRsIoN (this version has been replaced with the re-vamped v3c)
Original The CARD Version (no longer supported as of 2019-12-16)