Almost two years to the day, the new hero re-grades are now live!
I know quite a bit of you have found out through my live stream that I have released the new version. I want to publicly announce it here. Quite a few changes have been done on the hero grades. I have gone through and re-graded every single 4* and 5* hero (3* heroes will be released soon!). It was important this time around to make sure I gain public opinion and use that to compliment the grades. I have over 20 other people working with me to look over my work and give their take on heroes. I also added a ton of math to the hero guide and have work towards incorporating real math to the grades. ElThamer was the mastermind behind a lot of the math involved with the grades.
Thank you to all the hero regraders! CAPTAINPOOSE, Davesauce, D.D, Epigenetic, Gho$t, Hugh The First, iiiFILTHYY, Jasqua Strange, JeeDee, Julia (KotN), Lipidshk, Lott, MAGS [7DF], NittanyLionRoar, Qboro, Revolutionvl, TheChef, Volsfan, ZR-Nick, and sweet baby Zero and his Steak with Ketchup.
Feel free to check everything out, as always it is free, and free to use with any tool, or shared on any platform, the only thing I ask is for you to share the original link provided below when referencing it and not just the link it self to the google spreadsheet.