🧪 Early Information on "IMPROVED" Alchemy Lab [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the IMPROVED Alchemy Lab Building.

For information and discussion on Hero Academy, please see: 🧪 Early Information on Hero Academy [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

A Note About: :bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observations

I’ve added some observations/opinions in a couple spots, called out in this format:

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: information here

:clipboard: Overview

Alchemy Lab has re-entered Beta, with a new, revised version.

Notable changes include (further details on these below):

  • 20 recipes available, instead of 10, and some existing ones are changed; 2 recipes unlock with each building Level, instead of 1

  • Changes to existing costs, as well as Alkashard production

  • Changes to Combining Alkashard requirements and rewards

  • Combine Alkashard UI moved into Alchemy Lab instead of Inventory

  • Only one Transmutation recipe can be used at a time, unlike the current live game version, which allows up to 3 simultaneous Transmutations by the time the building is fully leveled As of June 9, the ability to run simultaneous Transmuations has been re-added

  • Gem costs have been removed or reduced from the recipes which had them; there is a new gem-based option to “Boost” Alkashard production for gems instead on each Level

  • NOTE: Just as in the current live version of Alchemy Lab, Transmutations can NOT be skipped with gems; Upgrade and Research times CAN be skipped with gems, also as in the current live version

:woman_cook: 10 New Recipes

The current version of Alchemy Lab in the live game has 10 Building Levels, each of which unlocks a particular Transmutation Recipe.

This updated version of Alchemy Lab still has 10 Building Levels, but instead has 20 Transmutation Recipes — 2 per Building Level. Upgrading the Alchemy Lab to a particular Level unlocks both Recipes.

Each Recipe must be individually Researched, as usual.

Players who’ve already built and upgraded Alchemy Lab will find that the new Recipes are available to be Researched without further building upgrades.

Full details on all Recipes, both old and new, are below.

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: One oddity of this is that the equivalent of the existing Level 9 has moved to a Recipe in Level 10. I have no idea how that’s going to work when released in the live game for cases like these:

  • A player has built to Level 9 and researched Level 9, but has not built Level 10 — does the new Level 9 Research unlock automatically? Or will the equivalent Recipe be unlocked once Level 10 is built, and the new Level 9 will need to be Researched?
  • A player has Level 9 running — does this transfer to the new Recipe from Level 10 automatically? What happens if the building isn’t upgraded that far?

:one: No Multitasking [ability restored on June 9]

The current version of Alchemy Lab unlocks multiple simultaneous Transmutations as the building is leveled up.

This is no longer an option in the updated Alchemy Lab.

Current System (now the same in Beta)

  • Building Level 5 unlocks 2 simultaneous Transmutations
  • Building Level 10 unlocks 3 simultaneous Transmutations

New System

  • Only one Transmutation can be run at a time, regardless of building level

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: A common question is what happens when this is released for players who have long queues in multiple Recipes — do they stop? Are resources returned? Are they temporarily allowed to run multiple Recipes until the existing queues finish? This will need to be addressed, but isn’t clear at the moment.

:bowl_with_spoon: Changes to Alkashard Production, Requirements, and Rewards

There are two major changes:

  1. The number of Alkashards required for Combining has been reduced from 10000 to 1000

  2. The rewards for Combining Alkashards have been adjusted

Full Details on Alkashards

Like the current version of Alchemy Lab, the new version of Alchemy Lab produces Alkashards in addition to items resulting from Transmutations.

However, the number of Alkashards required for Combining to select an additional item has been reduced from 10000 to 1000.

Additionally, the Alkashards produced by some of the existing Transmutation Recipes have been changed. And, as noted above, there’s a new option to Boost Alkashard production with gems, if desired.

The rewards for Combining Alkashards have changed a bit too. While there are still 6 random items to select from, the item quantities and types have been reduced.

Reward Options for Combining Alkashards

As in the current version of Alchemy Lab, players are presented with six random options, and may select one when Combining Alkashards.

Changes are noted as old and new

Slot 1 1x 4* Ascension Material
1x 3* Ascension Material
1x 4* Ascension Material

In revised Alchemy Lab, Beta testers have noted there appears to be roughly a 5-25% chance (it’s too early to know with much certainty) of a 4* mat being available as an option, as opposed to the current Alchemy Lab always having one available
Slot 2 3x 3* Ascension Material
1x 3* Ascension Material
Slot 3 50x Emblems
10x Emblems
Slot 4 50x Emblems
10x Emblems
Slot 5 30x Titan Battle Items
5x Titan Battle Items
Slot 6 30x Titan Battle Items
5x Titan Battle Items

Further Details on Combining Alkashards

As in the current Alchemy Lab, the slots are set, but all items available when Combining Alkashards are random — so there will be two Ascension Materials, two Classes of Emblems, and two Titan Battle Items, but which particular items are in each slot is random.

Also as in the current Alchemy Lab, a single selection can be made amongst the slots. The available items don’t change until a selection is made, and once a selection is made, the next round of rewards for Combining Alkashards will be a new random mix of items.

:gem: Removal of Gem Costs, Addition of Boosting Alkashard Production with Gems

None of the updated Alchemy Lab recipes require gems, and As of June 3 Beta, only Levels 19 (10A) and 20 (10B) require Gems. Transmutations still cannot be skipped with gems, just like the live game. (Building Upgrade and Research times can be skipped with gems, however, also like in the current live version.)

Gems are now optional for Alchemy Lab below Level 10 (as of June 3), and can be used to “Boost” Alkashard production.

This option to “Boost” is presented when collecting items from completed Transmutatations. A popup offers to collect the items and Alkashards, or to alternatively spend a specified number of gems to boost the Alskahard production by a particular amount. This option is only available when collecting the items — once you’ve made a decision to Boost or not, the items and Alkashards are collected, and the option is no longer available for those items.

If you’re collecting multiple items from sequential Transmutations at the same time, then the Boost option will be multiplied accordingly. As an example, if the Boost for a single item provides 5 extra Alkashards for 10 gems, then collecting 3 items at once will offer 15 extra Alkashards for 30 gems. This option is all-or-nothing — when collecting multiple items at once, your only option is whether to Boost for all of them or not; you can’t choose a partial Boost based on fewer items. If this were a concern, collecting items more frequently will provide more control over Boost options.

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: while this is a novel way to allow using gems without requiring them, the value proposition as currently set seems HORRENDOUS to me.

At best in Recipes 10A and 10B, there’s a cost of 1.43 gems per Alkashard, which means you’d be spending the equivalent of 1430 gems for 1000 Alkashards. That seems like an EXTREMELY steep price for 10 Emblems, or even a random 4* Ascension Material (if one is even available). It’s even worse in the lower-level Recipes, where Alkashards are 2.0 gems each, making that exchange cost 2000 gems.

:arrow_double_up: Updated Alchemy Lab Levels & Transmutation Recipes

:clipboard: Summary of Recipes

This is a list of the 20 Recipes, identified as xA and xB for Building Level x, e.g. 1A and 1B are the two Transmutation Recipes unlocked for Building Level 1.

The names listed are those shown in the icon summaries in the game, and describe the output of the Recipe.

The emoji before each name, :twisted_rightwards_arrows: and :arrow_double_up:, mimic similar icons in the game, and indicate whether the Recipe is for exchanging an item to another item of the same rarity (:twisted_rightwards_arrows:), or for upgrading an item to an item of an increased rarity (:arrow_double_up:).

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: The overall theme to the new Recipes is Transmuting items into other items of the same rarity. This was a very frequent request during the original Beta of Alchemy Lab, but was never added.

Complete details on each Recipe are below this section, including costs, Alkashard production, and observations about their uses.

  • 1A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Common Crafting Material
  • 1B: :arrow_double_up: Uncommon Crafting Material
  • 2A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Common Battle Item
  • 2B: :arrow_double_up: Uncommon Battle Item
  • 3A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Common Ascension Material
  • 3B: :arrow_double_up: Uncommon Ascension Material
  • 4A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Uncommon Crafting Material
  • 4B: :arrow_double_up: Rare Crafting Material
  • 5A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Uncommon Battle Item
  • 5B: :arrow_double_up: Rare Battle Item
  • 6A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Uncommon Ascension Material
  • 6B: :arrow_double_up: Rare Ascension Material [note that these are solely farmable mats]
  • 7A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Rare Crafting Material
  • 7B: :arrow_double_up: Epic Crafting Material
  • 8A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Rare Battle Item
  • 8B: :arrow_double_up: Epic Battle Item
  • 9A: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Epic Crafting Material
  • 9B: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Epic Battle Item
  • 10A: :arrow_double_up: Rare Ascension Material
  • 10B: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Epic Ascension Material

NOTE: Full Recipe Details have been moved to a second post directly below this one



  • :recycle: Changes to existing recipes are noted as old and new.

  • :new: New recipes are noted with the :new: emoji

  • NOTE: Transmutation Times in Beta are for testing purposes only. Therefore I don’t know what the actual times will be, and have intentionally omitted them.

Building Level 1

:new: Recipe 1A: Transmute COMMON Crafting Materials into different COMMON Crafting Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to as few as three possible items by using four different items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
2930k 510k Food, 1d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 4000 Food | 1h | 1x 1* Crafting |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
2 2 1 :gem: 1

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a COMMON Crafting Material.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 2

Recipe 1B: Transmute UNCOMMON Crafting Materials from COMMON Crafting Materials

Recipe Research
2952k 652k Food, 1d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
30 12 Ingredients + 31000 1800 Food 1h 1x 2* Crafting
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
2 2 1 :gem: 1

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Crafting Material.

Ingredients required: 12

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 2

Building Level 2

:new: Recipe 2A: Transmute COMMON Battle Items into different COMMON Battle items

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: Because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all of the other items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
2964k 729k Food, 1d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 10000 Food | 2h | 1x 1* Battle Item |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
4 4 1 :gem: 2

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a COMMON Battle Item.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 2

Recipe 2B: Transmute UNCOMMON Battle Items from COMMON Battle Items

Recipe Research
2975k 897k Food, 1d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
15 10 Ingredients + 42000 3100 3600 Food 2h 1x 2* Battle Item
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
4 4 1 :gem: 2

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Battle Item.

Ingredients required: 10

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 4

Building Level 3

:new: Recipe 3A: Transmute COMMON Ascension Materials into different COMMON Ascension Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: This Recipe can be used for producing Adventurer’s Kits/Backpacks from other Common Ascension Materials (Training Manuals, Rugged Clothes, and Practice Swords). That was a frequent request during the original Alchemy Lab Beta, but was previously not implemented in the first version of Alchemy Lab released to the live game. And because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all of the other items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
2988k 998k Food, 1d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 15500 Food | 3h | 1x 1* Ascension Material |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
7 6 1 :gem: 3 2

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a COMMON Ascension Material.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient except when all the different possible ingredients are selected.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 7

Recipe 3B: Transmute UNCOMMON Ascension Materials from COMMON Ascension Materials

Recipe Research
2999k 1199k Food, 1d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
24 18 Ingredients + 57000 6000 7000 Food 3h 1x 2* Ascension Material
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
6 7 6 1 :gem: 3 2

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Ascension Material.

Ingredients required: 18

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 7

Building Level 4

:new: Recipe 4A: Transmute UNCOMMON Crafting Materials into different UNCOMMON Crafting Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to as few as two possible items by using four different items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
3002k 1232k Food, 3d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 32000 Food | 6h | 1x 2* Crafting Material |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
15 10 3 :gem: 5 6

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Crafting Material.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 15

Recipe 4B: Transmute RARE Crafting Materials from UNCOMMON Crafting Materials

Recipe Research
3009k 1409k Food, 3d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
20 8 Ingredients + 63000 14500 15000 Food 6h 1x 3* Crafting Material
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
12 15 10 3 :gem: 5 6

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a RARE Crafting Material.

Ingredients required: 8

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 15

Building Level 5

:new: Recipe 5A: Transmute UNCOMMON Battle Items into different UNCOMMON Battle Items

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all of the other items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
3011k 1511k Food, 3d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 67000 Food | 12h | 1x 2* Battle Item |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
30 20 5 :gem: 10 12

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Battle Item.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 30

Recipe 5B: Transmute RARE Battle Items from UNCOMMON Battle Items

Recipe Research
3025k 1625k Food, 3d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
10 7 Ingredients + 73000 25000 30000 Food 9h 12h 1x 3* Battle Item
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
18 30 20 5 :gem: 10 12

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a RARE Crafting Material.

Ingredients required: 7

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 30

Building Level 6

:new: Recipe 6A: Transmute UNCOMMON Ascension Materials into different UNCOMMON Ascension Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to as few as two possible items by using four different items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
3039k 1839k Food, 3d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 93300 Food | 15h | 1x 2* Ascension Material |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
41 28 7 :gem: 14

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Ascension Material.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 41

Recipe 6B: Transmute RARE Ascension Materials from UNCOMMON Ascension Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: as with the current live Alchemy Lab, this Recipe can only produce FARMABLE Ascension Materials, i.e. Battles Manuals, Chainmail Shirts, Scabbards, and Tall Boots. As such, it likely remains largely useless for most players, as most people typically have large stockpiles of these materials by the time they’d be able to Build and Research Alchemy Lab Level 6.

Recipe Research
3051k 1951k Food, 3d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
1 gem + 18 15 Ingredients + 86000 41000 45000 Food 12h 15h 1x 3* FARMABLE Ascension Material
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
25 41 28 7 :gem: 14

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing one of the following RARE Ascension Materials:

  • Battle Manual
  • Chainmail Shirt
  • Scabbard
  • Tall Boots

Ingredients required: 15

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 41

Building Level 7

:new: Recipe 7A: Transmute RARE Crafting Materials into different RARE Crafting Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all the different items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
3063k 2163k Food, 7d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 170k Food | 1d | 1x 3* Crafting Material |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
67 46 11 :gem: 23

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a RARE Crafting Material.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient except when all the different possible ingredients are selected.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 67

Recipe 7B: Transmute EPIC Crafting Materials from RARE Crafting Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: this is the first existing Recipe that doesn’t have a reduced Food cost. The Recipes after this one have increased Food costs, so this appears to be the inflection point.

Recipe Research
3069k 2306k Food, 7d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
25 gems + 10 5 Ingredients + 94000 Food 1d 1x 4* Crafting Material
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
55 67 46 11 :gem: 23

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Crafting Material.

Ingredients required: 5

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 67

Building Level 8

:new: Recipe 8A: Transmute RARE Battle Items into different RARE Battle Items

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all the different items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
3076k 2576k Food, 7d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 372k Food | 2d | 1x 3* Battle Item |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
135 90 21 :gem: 45

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a RARE Battle Item.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient except when all the different possible ingredients are selected.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 135

Recipe 8B: Transmute EPIC Battle Items from RARE Battle Items

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: this is the first existing Recipe that has an increased Food cost — though the gem cost has been eliminated.

Recipe Research
3088k 2688k Food, 7d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
50 gems + 5 Ingredients + 103k 220k Food 2d 1x 4* Battle Item
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
125 135 90 21 :gem: 45

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Battle Item.

Ingredients required: 5

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 135

Building Level 9

:new: Recipe 9A: Transmute EPIC Crafting Materials into different EPIC Crafting Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using the other two different items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
3091k 2709k Food, 7d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 627k Food | 3d | 1x 4* Crafting Material |

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
225 150 35 :gem: 75

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Crafting Material.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient except when all the different possible ingredients are selected.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 225

:new: Recipe 9B: Transmute EPIC Battle Items from into different EPIC Battle Items

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: this Recipe breaks the pattern, in that all the other “B” Recipes before it are existing ones for upgrading the rarity of an item. Instead, this is a new Recipe for Transmuting an item into another item of the same Rarity, like all of the “A” Recipes before it. The equivalent of the existing Level 9 has instead moved to 10A. Like the other same-rarity Recipes before it, because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to as few as two possible items by using all of the other items as ingredients.

Recipe Research
3098k 2809k Food, 7d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
4 Ingredients + 641k Food 3d 1x 4* Battle Item
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
225 150 35 :gem: 75

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Battle Item.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.

Ingredients required: 4

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 225

Building Level 10

Recipe 10A: Transmute RARE Ascension Materials into different RARE Ascension Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: this Recipe is the equivalent of the existing Level 9 Recipe., but with the 5% chance for an EPIC Ascension Material removed. It breaks the pattern of the other Recipes, however, in that it’s been moved from Level 9 to Level 10. I have no idea how this will work when released to the live game for people who’ve Built and Researched Level 9, but not Level 10 — perhaps they’ll just lose access to it until upgrading, and then it will still have the Research completed once they unlock the Building Level?

Like the existing version of this Recipe, it allows Transmuting FARMABLE Ascension Materials into UNFARMABLE Ascension Materials. Because of that, while it’s named akin to Recipes used for Transmuting items to other items of the same rarity, it’s effectively a Recipe for upgrading items. This is actually reflected in the game iconography, as this Recipe has the :arrow_double_up: icon instead of :twisted_rightwards_arrows:.

While the 150 gem fee has been removed, the Food cost has been MASSIVELY increased — from 168k to 2650k.

The Alkashard production has also been hugely increased, from 450 to 1050; that’s notable not only for the absolute increase, but also for jumping from 4.5% of the Alkashards needed to Combine to 105%, because of the reduction in required Alkashards for Combining from 10000 to 1000.

Recipe Research
3105k Food, 7d 0h

| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 150 gems 100 gems [gems were completely removed, and then re-added] + 12 Ingredients + 168k 2650k 125k Food | 7d | 1x UNFARMABLE 3* Ascension Material |

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation:

NOTE: The Ingredients are Rare FARMABLE Ascension Materials, and the output is a random Rare UNFARMABLE Ascension Material. So you’re trading from Chainmail Shirts, Battle Manuals, Scabbards, and Tall Boots to a random Compass, Gloves, Orb, Hidden Blade, Trap Tools, Cape, or Shield.

Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
450 1050 500 150 :gem: 350

This transmutation recipe has a 5% chance of producing an EPIC Ascension Material.

This transmutation recipe has a 95% chance of producing one of the following RARE Ascension Materials:

  • Compass
  • Fine Gloves
  • Hidden Blade
  • Orb of Magic
  • Sturdy Shield
  • Trap Tools
  • Warm Cape

Ingredients required: 12

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 1050

Recipe 10B: Transmute EPIC Ascension Materials from into different EPIC Ascension Materials

:bow_and_arrow: @zephyr1’s observation: while this Recipe also is notable, like the one before it, for the elimination of gems and replacement with a massive Food cost, as well as the large increase in Alkashard production — the biggest change is that it takes TWO 4* Ascension Materials to get ONE, instead of being an even one-for-one trade like the old version of the Recipe.

While that’s arguably fair, given the eliminated gem cost and increased Alkashard production, it’s hard not to come away from the experience feeling slighted, even if you get what you wanted. Feedback so far in Beta would seem to agree — many players have noted they don’t like losing out on a 4* Ascension Material in the trade.

The one upside of requiring 2 Ascension Materials is you can choose different ones, which reduces the possible output to one of 5 Ascension Materials instead of 6, slightly increasing the odds of getting what you want. But that would seem to be at a very heavy cost of reducing your overall pool of 4* Ascension Materials by one.

Recipe Research
3127k Food, 14d 0h
Transmutation Costs Transmutation Time Output
250 gems 250 gems 200 gems [gems were completely removed, and then re-added, and then reduced] + 1 2 1 Ingredients + 256k 3110k 225k Food 7d 1x 4* Ascension Material
Alkashards Alkashard Boost Cost Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased
600 1050 500 150 :gem: 350

This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Ascension Material.

This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.

Ingredients required: 2 1

Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 1050



This is perhaps the longest Beta Beat post I’ve ever written, as the Alchemy Lab updates are somewhat extensive to fully explain.

Given the large volume of information, particularly Transmutation Recipe details, it’s more likely than usual that I may have a typo or mistake.

If you notice something that seems potentially wrong, please tag me to ask about it, so I can verify it in Beta.


Adding this for reference:

:link: Existing Threads Related to Alchemy Lab

For a full list of items currently in Beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see:

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That took some reading…

For a TLDR point is it now worth it? I’ve never even bothered to convert my lvl 5 forge I sorted for this. When I read the original there was no point.

So honest opinions does this have life now???

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First of all thank you so much @zephyr1 . We all know this was hard work from you.

Its really sad seeing that at the end the new alchemy labor is a mess. We lose the 5% chance of getting a 4 star Material from a 3 star one. Thats hard. Even harder that we have to convert 2x 4 star material now to get 1 new. What the heck??? This whole Beta 30 is a big mess in my eyes


I’d say it’s a lot closer, both because of the increased production of Alkashards and reduced number needed for Combining, and because some of the Recipes could be somewhat useful for some purposes.

I think they still have the costs wrong in a lot of spots, though — the Food and Ingredient requirements for many Recipes, while reduced, still seem exorbitant.

That’s where a lot of negative feedback in Beta is coming from, for sure.

But I suspect that a lot of players would endeavor to farm Emblems with this revised version, at the least.

Further adjustments to the Recipe costs could make this pretty decent.

This is the part that’s making a lot of people angry:


@zephyr1 I think one of these is wrong? Ascension material or battle item?

Otherwise…at first look this looks like a step in the right direction, but it will take me a while to figure out if this means I’ll start using it. Thank you for the bed time reading material!

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I am amazed at how SG can be THAT BAD at creating proposals to fix buildings.
I mean… Who is doing this? 1 person could do it better in one week and they do it like ■■■■ while taking months!!!

Level 10 is just a joke as players actually lose 1 net 4* AM and now 3* Farmeable AM do not have a use rather than allowing to get alkashards…

Lvl 10 should be as follows:
A = transform 10 3* AM plus 2.5M ham and 1.5 M iron into 1 AM (90% three stars, 10% four stars) and 1500 alkashards. So you spend heavy resources and in worst case you get emblems.
B = transform one 4* AM plus 2.5M ham into one other four star AM, YOU CANNOT GET THE SAME YOU PUT. You only get 500 alkashards. Basically you roll the dice for a “better” 4 star AM, and but you get way less alkashards, which is fair as you do not lose an epic AM.

I mean… This is just hilarious, I proposed a better version in 10 minutes, a version that allows you to transform heavy amount of resources (so you have less for other purposes) into 4* AM, or that allows you to roll the dice on getting the one you need for heavy resources (and more waiting time) and that gives less prizes (so that is also a cost you have with respect to 10A)

@Petri look at this please… seems the guy who makes your ideas is clueless


Fixed, thank you!

It’s of course Epic Ascension Materials for that last Recipe, just like the original Alchemy Lab.

That was a copy/paste error for sure, which I missed when editing.

I do not see how this is improved at all the expected value for alkashads and rewards is better granted, the alkashad production is better to, but now we have the nerf of only been able to do one production at once I am sure many people would never have researched certain levels if they knew this was coming.

The massive food cost now a lot of cheap to play payers would have just prefered the gem cost.

I dont think many players are going to see this as an improvement overall.


Yeah I agree, not a fan. It’s not enough to get cheated by RNG when it gives you 29th poison dart when you could have used that 12th tabard to bring up a 2nd dark hero, no you got to pay the Piper with 2 hard earned mats to even out your luck with RNG.

That may be devs definition of fair not mine.


After i builded AL i was converted back to 11 level crafting. And this is definitely a good improvement i wished maxed that building. 10A is my favorite recipe atm i mean who needs that farmable material right :smile: and i am willing to pay that food+time rather than my precious c2p gem.


Thanks @zephyr1

@MysterySpin shared his insight with us the other day on this and in summary (not doing his thoughts justice of course) I think he came to the view that while the gem cost is removed, level 10B is almost a nerf of sorts given that two 4* materials must be sacrificed for a random material.

So I still won’t be touching it


I hadn’t even thought of it that way but yes! Spot on! If a 4* mat sells for $10 in an offer, we know that it’s worth way more than 350 gems :exploding_head:

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The $10 offers with 4* mats during Seasonal Events also come with 1000 gems, though.


That’s definitely the one getting the most ire in feedback.

I think they took a step in the right direction overall, though. Just not far enough…but considering the first version was total garbage, I still have some hope they’ll make further updates and arrive at something that doesn’t totally suck.


2 for 1 on the four star mats is a no go for me, but I do like the ability to run 10A nonstop with a weekly (assuming) 15-25% chance at a 4 star mat with my shard trade in.


I’ll be stoked to make backpacks out of trash, and more recipes without more levels is weird (though welcome), but those transmute cost numbers do look pretty whack right now, haha. I hope they listen to feedback from betatesters! And, I guess we’d better not combine any shards in the meantime :slight_smile:

I think I may actually be okay with “losing” a 4* mat doing 10B, considering we’ll likely be able to get a few 4* mats from doing 10 1k shard combinations, which is an increase from the 1 we were able to get from a single 10k shard combination. And with 10A producing over 1k shards (and the bump to shard production in lower levels), I’m thinking overall we’ll be seeing our 4* asc mat counts increase? Maybe not if those food costs stay that high, though :grimacing:


No. Most of this is hot garbage just like the previous iteration.

Only experienced players who have played for a long time will have this building, which makes most of the outcomes total trash.

For experienced players the only things that matter are 4* materials, and emblems.

The emblems stuff here is a slight improvement to their availability but it is extremely an long winded and excessively administrative way to get them. I simply cannot be bothered

And trading 2 four star mats for 1 is plain silly. We all know we will need them at some later stage, so you might as well wait

In summary:

  • excessively long build and research time and costs, check
  • many pointless processes, check
  • outcomes which of are limited utility (at best) or very negative (at worst), check

Go back to the drawing board and try again