Even with 5* heroes, with emblems, on some of my families accounts, Rigard 4*+18, Melendor 4*+18, 1x to 2x Grimm 4*+18, Wu Kong 4*+18, Boldtusk 4*+18, Proteus 4*+18, Tiburtus 4*+18, Sabina 4*+18, Scarlett 4*+18, Cyprian 4*+18, Kiril 4*+18, Boril 4*+18, are insanely powerful heroes.
Emblems was the best thing Devs did for all players, F2P to P2P.
“The hero you have is better than the hero you do not have”- F2P wisdom.
Beta beat
This does not include some good 3* / 4* heroes showing up in Beat Beat Season 3 heroes.
I concur with your strong disagreement. For F2P, you can’t count on having/maxing a ton of 5-stars, and even fewer 5-stars that you can max out on emblems. My best is currently Domitia +9. However, I have a ton of +20 four-star heroes that are quite sturdy, allowing me to compete in diamond tier. So yeah, I’ll emblem Domitia, Poseidon, and Onatel for my defense team, but I’ll also happily go to battle with my Melendor, Sabina, Tiburtus, Boldtusk, Kiril, and Sonya +20s. A recent post by Olmor claims that a fully emblemed Little John (HP/def) is viable for diamond raiding; I’m working toward it to test that theory. Would really help my ability to stack green.
I agree with some of your points, but I guess we are just disagreeing in the overall long term philosophy. I am more about upside so that is why I do not value emblems “as much” and a little more tokens. I still have emblemed 4* and find them useful, but for me the priority is trying to find ways to get 5* start heroes, at least for now!
Once I get more of them, of course my mind will shift more to getting emblems, but as of now, to improve my roster upside I need more 5* heroes.
Just as an example, having high end 4* I still lose more raid than when using non emblemed 5* just because they are more strong (usually abilities).
Anyway, a good discussion and disagreement is always welcomed! helps to see new options and point of views. I always strive to get more emblems, but right now I am chasing token and heroes more.
Well, I will keep you informed about the future mechanism to provide data, so this project can grow!
Been there, so I understand. I’ve been fortunate that my legendary draws have been mostly good ones - Onatel, Poseidon, Ranvir, Domitia, Azlar, Vivica, Sartana, Thorne, Khagan, and Elena. If I were sitting on a bunch of Horghalls and Obakans, maybe I’d feel differently.
Now that some people have started to receive costume keys, I am starting a new dataset once I get my first key (not including that chest so I do not bias results).
With that the main idea is to check if things change (i.e. reduction in other drops to compensate as example). If everything seems equal, both datasets will be merged.
Hope this helps the decision making of people.
At least it helped mine, I never go without doing 4 chests everyday, and on lvling days I fill a third of raiding!!
If some of you want to look at elemental chests and help with that project you are also welcome! Elemental chest loot project
Hey Again! Also CTP, wanted to share the offer calculator values I use (the first grayed out column is “Equivalent Gems” to compare to your values). A lot of these values I found were based off the relative rarity of the item compared to EHT and ETT loot drops across all sources (chests, titans, wards, etc) on the basis of a 10 pull.
Very good, I actually like it, and seems to be fairly accurate in how most C2P should value those offers.
Now, guys with several 5* (higher end c2p or p2p players) may want to value more the 4* AM as they already have good heroes to use them, but a severe lack of 4* AM
I have a couple questions about the value you’ve assigned to some things:
Wouldn’t token summons be equivalent in value to the summon they offer? I.e. one hero summon = 300 gem saving. One costume key = 350/5 gem saving etc…?
Raid and world energy flasks are both valued at 100 gems in the shop…?
Similarly, most battle items are available in the shop for values greater than what your sheet has them listed at?
Things are worth what people will pay for them based upon the relative supply and demand. Just because SGG charges 150 gems for a 1x daily summon should mean 150 gems is the worth of a gray summon token? Nobody would pay that! (omg, I hope nobody pays 150 gems for a daily summon…) Same with axes, flasks and junk in the shop. You get free ones regularly so they’re not generally worth that much to people except in unusual situations. Like you have a billion dollars. Or you will get first place in the challenge event ending in three minutes if you just had five more axes…?
In short…the relative values I assigned are my own opinion. I didn’t completely make things up either as I did try to use a 10-pull on summons as the gem equivalent basis to estimate the worth of other items in accordance with their “free” drop ratio compared to EHT/ETTs. Most mid-to-late-game players who are spending are likely saving for at least a 10-pull at events instead of single pulls. I just adjusted things based upon how I darn well felt about them not to speak for ierazo, but he (or she) used a similar approach. Some data + some opinion.
Correction: The costume key value I have is not correct with recent updates. 60 gems equivalent per Costume key would match Atlantis coin values. It may be adjusted slightly downward if costume keys start appearing in free loot drops everywhere.
Hi Guv, I have a similar stance to Dorkus, in the sense thata s a C2P I will never pay the amount of gems they ask for some of the things… therefore I have my own valuation system (posted above). That is a good thing of the community, we have a lot of different opinions that help to see other points of view!
My valuation is actually a couple of posts above with the rationale behind it explained