Hello there, you may know me from The elemental project , The war chest project , The titan chest project or just because of my comments in several topics here.
Now I want to bring some interesting results about the tracking I have done with Monster and raid chests, I started creating a data set about the loot received like last October, and I have some interesting results that may be useful / interesting to you.
I divided the dataset in periods because of “big” changes made in the game with new versions. I have first a period tracked before the introduction of keys in loot, then between the introduction of keys and the change from atlantis to Valhalla coins, and the last period that started when Valhalla coins were introduced into the loot while atlantis coins disappeared. The following are the results:
- Period before introduction of keys in loot:
- After keys in loot, before switch to valhalla coins:
- After switch to Valhalla coins:
- Analysis:
- The biggest sample sizes are for periods 1 and 3.
- It is slightly concerning that in the last period (where we are in now) the % of 4* A.M. obtained in diamond chests seems to be lower by a huge amount, however this could be a consequence of small sample sizes, but we do not know for sure.
- The “reduced” loot tickets change seems to not have affected raid and monster chests.
- Monster chests give only WE flasks, with a probability around 5% per chest (up from 1.5% aprox in first period)
- Raid chests give only Raid flasks, probability around 5% per chest, up from 2.5% in first period.
- Since the change to Valhalla coins, it seems like the monster chests give them more frequently, while diamond chest slightly less.
- All the other statistics seems equal (considering sample sizes and errors due to sample), with the following interesting averages approximate probabilities:
Gems: around 2.35 for Monster chests // 4.2 diamond chests
Gray tokens: around 50% chance Monster chests // around 96-97% diamond chests
Emblems: around 0.9 monster chests // 0.95 diamond chests
Trainers 1*: around 12.5% monster chests // 42-45% diamond chests
Trainers 2*: around 5-6% monster chests // 11% diamond chests
Overall loot seems not to be affected over time, but for the inclusion of keys. Only significative changes are a slight increase in coins being given by the monster chests and also what seems to be a huge decrease in chance of 4* AM from diamond chests. In case this is true it would be a bummer. Will continue tracking my data to see if this trends continues.
It also must be noted that I gave an arbitrary valuation of items considering my own opinion, and the ham, iron were not included. You can see that mystic visions are very valuable and chests also are, so I recommend filling as many chests as possible.