I got her in this atlantis summon , does she worth to level , if so in which ways ?
She is basically for tile damage. If you need that then go for it
I have used her a lot in purple stacks. I’ve had her as the last n one standing vs a pair of snipers and won because they wasted their specials on her in ghost form while she tiled them down.
Only really usable when stacking purple and if you’ve got nobody better.
I’m psyched that I finally got Ameonna last Atlantis, I’m leveling her now.
Her base attack stat is 771, which is amazing, and she buffs herself with +82% attack. She’s really the best option for high attack stat for holy Titans, which is important in building a Titan team.
She’ll be featuring prominently on my holy Titan team, which I plan to be: Wilbur Sabina Ameonna Proteus Wu, once Ameonna is ready. She’s replacing a maxed Thoth-Amun, who has a relatively high but lower attack stat, and whose minion animation makes him a tad difficult to use on Titans.
She’s also very useful for being able to be targeted by the Titan when in Ghost Mode, but unable to take damage. That’s on par with a 20% accuracy debuff, or even higher if any of your heroes have died.
I was considering giving her Emblems, but I think I’m going to buff Sabina first. But when I eventually get to a point that Sabina is upped enough, Ameonna is probably next up.
So in short, yes, I think she’s worth leveling.
Thanks all for your valuable advices , and I need one more clarification . Please tell me the order to lvl up dark heroes to 3/60
Sabina first; Her healing is the most useful ability from those 3.
If you get Rigard or Tiburtus or maybe Proteus from Atlantis you should prioritize them over Ameonna, otherwise raise her after Sabina.
Cyprian isn’t worth levelenig at all imo. He can work as a tank, but there are far better options out there. If you need him for Paladin quest go for him, but completely ignore him otherwise.
I hv rigard 4/70 with 6 talent and triburtus 4/1 . Don’t have proteus.
If you have minion casters, Ameonna will be a very cool option. Every time she has minions and becomes a ghost, these minions deal a lot of damage and work as placeholders not letting the opponent ghost tiles there. She’s e.g. a nice flank for Delilah due to that. At last she’s a Sakura, too. Paired with others of her family she helps to charge faster. I’m on her right now and plan to give her emblems, too.
I leveled Sabina, Cyprian and Proteus first. Cyprian is a might against AoE, but not very tanky. He shines on map and attack. Health dealers have been always my first choice. Healing is the most worthy and helpful special imo.
Ameonna, Sabina and Proteus are a cool team against yellow titans.
I would finish Tiburtus first since you already have him at 4/1. In a vacuum, Sabina would be the next best available hero to level up. However, given that you already have Rigard at +6, I would level Ameonna next since your team needs some firepower for your titan and purple stacks.
Thanks all for your advices
Theres some cool infos here if you wanna dig more, I’ve posted some screens with stats, damage.
I would also add, to all that was being said here and in the other thread [link above] pair Ameonna with some crit troops and it’ll become even more devastating.
Thanks for that info @zephyr1. She has been sitting very low on my list of heroes to advance. I need to start working on her a bit it seems.
I have her at 3/60 and so far she’s been part of my war teams that have Mitsuko. Ameonna takes strategy to use correctly.
She’s part of my main titan team against yellow titans too. Against the Alpha Gryphon she’s at her best, where she won’t conflict with Wu’s boost.
She’s terrible in Defense teams, I wouldn’t use her there. But in offense teams, where the AI can’t play around ghost form, she’s great.
One tip about her ghost form; it’s a double edged sword. Before you use her ability, fire any healers. She can’t be healed in ghost form because she’s immune to all “normal attacks, special attacks, and status effects.” She’s especially good when she’s still standing against any sniper wings in ghost form.
@zephyr1 for Wu + Aemonna; keep in mind that she overwrites Wu’s boost with her ghost form. This does have the advantage of decreasing the miss rate from purple tiles, but at the cost of +82% attack compared to +185%. It looks to me like a solid titan team
@zephyr1, I was under the impression you had and were leveling a massive pile of Protei for war and such. Did you finish all of them, or are you giving Ameonna priority over, like, Proteus number five?
@TheBeastxGreat, I agree with those who said you should finish Tiburtus. Because he’s already leveled so far, finishing him will probably provide the most immediate utility to your team. Also, since you already have him over the last ascension choke point there’s really nothing stopping you (like a shortage of trap tools).
I’d then do Sabina if you have no dispeller on your roster (e.g,., Caedmon, Melendor, Sonya), as that skill is indispensable in a number of contexts.
But if you don’t need Sabina for the dispel then I’d shelve her for now since you already have Rigard for healing. If that’s the case I’d argue for Cyprian next. I expect that won’t be a popular choice, but I feel you will get a lot of mileage out of Cyprian in a number of contexts.
War: there’s always a team with massive AoE heroes, and you can knock out / heavily damage that team. Your alliance-mates will be very pleased.
I honestly think those who talk about Cyprian in defense and tankiness misuse him. He’s an offensive piece. The AI defense rarely has a dispeller (or, at least, a timely one), and won’t make slash or special attacks to dodge the riposte. That makes Cyprian very effective in raids.
This is especially true in raid tournaments that have certain rules (hint: it’s the one that’s going on right now).
Map: Cyprian can really help you out here, as foes hit harder and harder in Atlantis (even on the normal mode!). Similarly for situations like the later levels of the Springvale Event.
I have 3, I’m hoping for 3 more…
Ameonna took priority over Proteus 3. I prioritize Titan teams before War.
I’m also planning on leveling Rigard 2 before Proteus 3, as I really need more healers for War, especially another Rigard.
Since I don’t use mana and Wu is off color, it effectively gives two ways that at least some purple tiles can be buffed, depending on board charge rate.
Also, Wu’s buff is effectively +126% attack with the misses factored in. I’m completely fine with the difference between that and Ameonna’s +82% in exchange for her higher contribution to tile damage when not buffed, and her Ghost Form — especially in light of the fact that they won’t always even be active at the same time anyway.
Lots of good advice here; I agree with nearly all of it. I have Ameonna at 3^60, and I haven’t regretted it. Her best use is in a purple stack against yellow titans. My average titan damage is in the 25K neighborhood. Last week, I used Ameonna 3^60 in a purple stack with Tiburtus+7 and Sabina+7, and I set a new personal record at just north of 52K. So yeah, she’s good. Can be tricky to time her special so that there are immediate purple matches on the board in the turns after she fires.
It’s also nice that she can ghost in an alliance war and give you four free shots at the enemy without worrying about losing. That’s an ability I recently screwed up royally, but the fact is, it exists and shouldn’t be ignored.
There are a lot of great four-star purples, so prioritizing her can be hard, but don’t believe those that say she is garbage. She’s squishy, but her tile damage is boss. Definitely worth leveling sooner or later.
Thanks all for ur quick responses and advices