Before, During & After the Tournament: Share & Discuss Your Teams, Thoughts, Feedback, and Questions!
Some topics to start off with:
Click for some suggested discussion points
Do this week’s restrictions on hero/troop rarity and elements make your bench depth better or worse suited to this Raid Tournament than Regular Raids?
Are there heroes you’re likely to use for this Tournament that you normally don’t make use of anymore?
Are there heroes you plan to power level for this Tournament, or level before the next time a Tournament like this one rolls around?
Do Costumes affect your team selection at all?
What are you thinking about using for your Defense Team?
Are there heroes you expect to see on Enemy Defenses that you think you’ll have a harder time dealing with than usual because of the restrictions or special rule in this Tournament?
Which of your heroes will you be likely to use on your Attack Teams?
Will the restrictions or special rule of this Tournament change your usual approach to color stacking or team building?
Are there elements of this week’s Tournament that are unclear to you?
Do you have feedback on the Tournament matchmaking?
Click for suggestions on information to include in Defence Team Tracking
Which day of the Tournament is it?
How may times have you been attacked today, and in total?
What is your Defense Team’s win/loss record today, and in total?
What Defense Grade does your Defense Team have?
Which heroes make up your Defense Team?
What is the Team Power of your Defense Team?
What is your current Tournament Score and Ranking?
After the Tournament: Share Your Results & Rewards!
Log & Guide to Raid Tournaments
A Log of past Tournaments, and an overview of how Raid Tournaments work, including Special Rules and Restrictions, Attacking, Matchmaking, Defense Grade, Scoring, and Rewards.
Day 1 and already facing high TP teams. Went with my regular raid attack team of Onyx - Khonshu - Hannah - cVictor - Cristobal most of the time. First 3 matches were pretty straightforward with 6 Purple tiles within the first 2 moves.
Switched to a 4 Holy team of Matilda - cLeo - Devana - Eloise - Cristobal in the 4th match against this Dark heavy team.
Got just enough Yellow tiles to kill Set right before he fired. Slowly picked off the rest with Matilda’s poison and fiends since Cleopatra’s heal doesn’t work this tourney and she doesn’t cleanse.
Toughest match was the last one against this defense.
I already knew this is a game over from the start. I put up a random defense, cause my greens are awful defenders, nothing noteworthy to put in. Red is my best color for bloody battle tourneys and it’s forbidden, purple isn’t great color either, so I’m left with blue and yellow while blue is weak tile color against green so that’s about it.
O : 3:2, I know I created power shards (diamonds) in only 2 out of 5 attacks today, I know because of PoV daily quest. Boards were completely awful and uncooperative. both looses for 390 points as there were 2 enemies left alive when my team died, so I think I did the best with the poop I was getting for boards. Teams weren’t hardcore either, didn’t matter.
D : 0:6 (Alasie, Inari, Ludwig, Sobek, C Elk. I knew it would suck and Idc, I don’t think any other defense I’d create would do any better.
I’m out tomorrow so GL.
Good boards mostly on Day 2 led to only one loss. Faced Green tanks in 4 of the matches and continued using my 4 Purple team. The main worry in these 4 matches were cascades when I’m making my first 2 moves to match the 6 Purple tiles.
The one loss came against a minion heavy team with the middle 3 of M&M - Bastet - Liu Bei. Switched to a 4 Yellow + Khonshu attack and the opening board was full of Greens. Only managed to match 6 Yellow tiles and Bastet only died because of the water damage she got from Khonshu’s family bonus. Once M&M and Liu Bei put up their minions, it became a quick loss.
Defense finished Day 1 at 2-2 (B). One loss today and it’s down to C currently.
Def Score
2-2 (B)
2-3 (C)
Happy with the results so far, but Day 3 is usually the back breaker for me in 5* tournaments. Good luck everyone!
O : 8:2 (3:2, 5:0)
D : 3:8 (E) Wow, my def actially got some wins, it’s still E nevertheless.
I had a win against 4 slow def heroes with utterly ridiculous off-color. Skadi’s stack finished off everyone in the def in the right time as I had 1 hero alive and it was coincidentally Skadi, with around 100 HP.
Then I almost lost against a def with Frigg on left wing, I wanted her to fire so I can cleanse def down with CB Kiril, both my healers were ready to fire and I thought that they had ok HP too. After Frigg fired, 2 slash attacks right at Kiril and Sabina killed them… It was a stupid idea of mine indeed, there were probably a lot of green tiles making Frigg’s special a lot stronger and I didn’t think about it. But it’s still utterly ridiiculous indeed… Won with 3 heroes alive with around 100 Hp again.
Went 3-1-1 purplepurple-green-yellow, but opening board was full of red and blues with a red diamond ready to be made. Played it as best as I could but purples came way too late. Still managed to take out 2 heroes so not a total loss, just one of those FU boards that’s impossible to recover from.
Day 2 boards were much kinder, so managed to win all 5 matches for a nice change. Seems like 3-1-1 is the way going forward, with Krampus permanently part of the 1.
Basically built my defense around countering minions (and to a lesser extent, mono stacks since Jequn gives an ailment to each color except yellow) and glad to see it’s holding up well - cKad is still a very viable tank even 2+ years later!
So proud of myself - five attacks, five wins today! I know it´s just the board being kind to me, but hey, I´ll take it. Every week I try to get that beautiful
(Haha, I emoji-searched for medal, but typed it wrong, and then the appeared instead (droMEDAry_camel, it´s called)
Terrible today i went 2-3, i did get 2 kills in 2 and 1 kill in another, but the boards were quite seriously giving me mostly GREEN tiles, and I was using mono purple. you know if I switched to green it would have given me purple’s instead.
But even after that, in raids and titan it was also giving me a LOT of green tiles constantly. Very very strange how this seems to happen sometimes
Went 3-1-1 with c2Leo-Jequn-Jove-Onyx-Krampus. Opening board had exactly 5 yellow tiles, but was flooded with green tiles. And when I say flooded, I mean there there were 14 green tiles, and a diamond ready to be made. So matched the green diamond and popped it, then came a flood of purple tiles - the purples just kept matching into each other, to the point that Onyx went to x3 charge after the mega cascade!
cKad went off as expected, tried to match tiles under Grace and was able to stall for 2 turns, but then Quenell was going to fire, and I had no choice but to fire Onyx. RNG was very merciful today, and only Grace dodged. So the dodge was dispelled, and everyone except Grace got buff blocked. The yellow tiles finally came after that, and the defense quickly crumbled after the 1-2-3 punch from c2Leo, Jequn, and Jove. Onyx seriously singlehandedly turned this match from a 80% loss to a win, what a clutch champ!
Defense is sliding a bit but still holding an A so fingers crossed.
Good boards continuing on Day 3, leading to a 5-0 day. Things started well vs an Alfrike tank. Went 4 Yellows (Matilda - cLeo - Devana - Eloise) + Khonshu. First 2 moves gave me 6 yellow tiles and a cascade took out Alfrike and made a Yellow diamond. Very easy win.
The other 4 matches were all against Green tanks so went back to 4 Purple (Onyx - Khonshu - Hannah - cVictor) + Cristobal. Again, the biggest headache was unintended cascades that charged the opposing heroes just as mine were about the fire. A couple of matches where a couple of my heroes died and several had low HP, but none where I was in any danger of losing.
The toughest match was actually against a 3 Ninja defense of Topaz - Frigg - Jade - El Naddaha - Cobalt. The ninjas just kept dodging, but fortunately got Cristobal to 2nd charge and he almost took out all of them single-handedly.
Defense is still floating at 50% at 4-4 for a B. Still happy with the results so far since the defenses are far stronger than my attacking team.
O : 11-4 (3-2, 5-0, 3-2)
D : 6:12 (E,E) a short D rank before it most likely goes down to E.
well I’m dumbass, I realized I used healers almost every flag . The funny thing is, I won almost all flags, where I used healers, today first 2 flags I took 2 healers and won, then I changed my offensive team and lost 2 out of 3 flags today, meaning that I’m out of the tourney and I’m not continuing.
I have made another very dumb mistake on last flag, C Magni, Skadi and Sobek where ready to fire and I could have easily won, but nah I had to charge a minion summoner so I can do some stacks with Skadi, well I got big 0 for my stupidity. Seems like I couldn’t care less about this tourney anyway.