⚔ [02 Jun 2024] - 267th Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, No Red/ Fire

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Preparation Phase Begins Battle Phase Begins Rewards Distributed
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)

:no_pedestrians: This Week’s Restrictions & Special Rule

:fire: :leaves: :snowflake: :sun_with_face: :new_moon_with_face:
Elements Allowed
:superhero: :star2:
Hero Rarities Allowed
:person_fencing: :star2:
Troop Rarities Allowed
:snowflake: :leaves: :new_moon_with_face: :sun_with_face:
No Fire/ Red
:three: :star:
or lower
:two: :star:
or lower

:dizzy: Special Rule: Bloody Battle

Health Boost, Direct Healing, Heal Over Time, revival, and similar effects have no effect!

:timer_clock: History

=> Most Recent Occurrence of This Format: ⚔ [15 Oct 2023] - 234th Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, No Red/ Fire

=> Click Here for Log of Past Tournaments

:left_speech_bubble: Before, During & After the Tournament: Share & Discuss Your Teams, Thoughts, Feedback, and Questions!

:speaking_head: Some topics to start off with:

Click for some suggested discussion points
  • Do this week’s restrictions on hero/troop rarity and elements make your bench depth better or worse suited to this Raid Tournament than Regular Raids?
  • Are there heroes you’re likely to use for this Tournament that you normally don’t make use of anymore?
  • Are there heroes you plan to power level for this Tournament, or level before the next time a Tournament like this one rolls around?
  • Do Costumes affect your team selection at all?
  • What are you thinking about using for your Defense Team?
  • Are there heroes you expect to see on Enemy Defenses that you think you’ll have a harder time dealing with than usual because of the restrictions or special rule in this Tournament?
  • Which of your heroes will you be likely to use on your Attack Teams?
  • Will the restrictions or special rule of this Tournament change your usual approach to color stacking or team building?
  • Are there elements of this week’s Tournament that are unclear to you?
  • Do you have feedback on the Tournament matchmaking?

:clipboard: Defense Team Tracking

Hat tip to @wineybrit for originating this thread idea with the second Raid Tournament

Click for suggestions on information to include in Defence Team Tracking
  • Which day of the Tournament is it?
  • How may times have you been attacked today, and in total?
  • What is your Defense Team’s win/loss record today, and in total?
  • What Defense Grade does your Defense Team have?
  • Which heroes make up your Defense Team?
  • What is the Team Power of your Defense Team?
  • What is your current Tournament Score and Ranking?

:gem: After the Tournament: Share Your Results & Rewards!

:world_map: Log & Guide to Raid Tournaments

A Log of past Tournaments, and an overview of how Raid Tournaments work, including Special Rules and Restrictions, Attacking, Matchmaking, Defense Grade, Scoring, and Rewards.

=> Click Here for: :medal_sports: Raid Tournaments – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring, Restrictions, Special Rules, and Rewards

JekylandHyde XXV medal:


Zaragicola 's trio time to shine!

Where are Faiez and Noril? :thinking:

No heals for Faiez and Noril. And no battle longevity for stacks

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Who is Zaragicol? Twenty chatacters


Magic (Roxie in this context)

Game Well :art:


Is Zaragicola for O or D?

For attack, for defense I use just Zarolas

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First draft

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Is there a forum where people go talk about the tournaments? It’s crickets here


5 for 5 today… no attacks on my defense yet. Can’t figure out how that works. There must be a whole lot of players who sign up but don’t participate.

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Thanks, :feels stupid: lol
@Liam_K should make an appearance here soon i guess, you’ll have plenty of insightful feedback on the tourny

5-0 start this week. Used a 3 Green attack mainly with William + 2 Zarolas. Kvasir and his bees were needed to counter the Dawns and also to be meat shields. The last spot went to Joukahainen or Swan Maiden depending on if I need the dispel. Only switched once to 3 Yellows (Kvasir - Jaco - tGanJu) vs an Aqeela tank with a tBalthazar flank.

Boards were bad. Don’t think I got any match where I could charge a hero in 3 moves. Swan Maiden’s dodge helped survive and win at least 2 matches. Toughest match was against an Alessia tank. She just kept firing and cutting health. Won that with William left standing with his hp in the red zone.

William was fun to use. The Recruit Guard Mega Minion he starts with does 100+ damage per turn and the extra meat shield helps his survivability.

Hopefully he’ll be as good in defense. 1-0 there so far.

Good luck everyone!


As I don’t have anything good green except Zarola, I just put fresh emblemed Tree tank (I took free Wizard m-Emblems) with defensive troop.


Didn’t expect attacks on my defense today, but there is an “A”.

That’s crazy that this Tree has stats similar to older LB1 5*+20. With defensive maxed 2* troop (15 lvl) it’s stats are:


And it’s Bloody Battle, not Rush.


First day and first failure, but what to do if the tank (Goopy) fires twice (almost three times) before I charged any fast hero… :rofl:

However, the defensive team had a really strong start and is currently 4-0 :open_mouth:

Good luck everyone!


Well 3-2 today :woozy_face:
(These 2 are wins :man_facepalming:)
Defense currently unattacked


4-1 on Day 2. Used the same attack teams as yesterday - 3 Greens vs Green and Blue tanks, 3 Yellows vs Purple tanks.

Boards were better today and didn’t have trouble outside of the single loss. That came against a full Toon team. It was tBrienne at tank + 4 snipers in tValen, tGan Ju, tBalthazar, and tBane, but boy do they hit hard with her Fury buff. My Swan Maiden and Kvasir were killed just as their mana bars were full. That left William and the 2 Zarolas as sitting ducks. Zero points there.

Defense ended Day 1 at 3-1. No attacks so far today.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 5-0 3-1 A 3,154 900 4,054
2 9-1 3-1 A 6,590 6,590

Alt wasn’t as lucky. After a 5-0 start, 3 losses today. Bloody Battle is really unforgiving when it comes to bad boards.
Good luck everyone!


This hasn’t happened to me in ages, especially in a rare tournament. Out and completely frustrated on the second day (6-4).

I expect bad boards of course. I’ve had plenty of good ones to balance! But this was…unreal. Two days of close to nothing to work with. The wins were hard fought and by the narrowest of margins.I was even losing to teams with multiple healers in a BB week :thinking::woman_shrugging:t2: No motivation to buy back in since defense is at a E/D anyway.

Sorry for the negativity! But I think it’s important to share both sides and not just my 1% weeks. Will still be following along and cheering you all on.

Best of luck, all! :crossed_swords::fire:


Was dreading facing the Toons on Bloody Wednesday, but RNG decided to play nice today.

First board of the day was like this.

The others weren’t as terrific, but didn’t feel like I would lose in any of the matches. Even the last one that started with lots of Purple and Red tiles, the first move produced a cascade of Green tiles.

Defense has dropped to D so will need the attack to provide the points.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 5-0 3-1 A 3,154 900 4,054
2 9-1 4-7 D 6,590 400 6,990
3 14-1 4-9 D 10,139 10,139

Good luck everyone!


Much tougher matches today, but just managed to win them all. Continued with the same attack team of Swan Maiden - Zarola - William - Zarola - Kvasir. Swan Maiden’s dodge was a lifesaver on multiple occasions, allowing my wounded heroes to live an extra round to get their specials off. None of the wins were clean, including one where I had a single Zarola left in the red zone against 2 defenders, but the poison from Kvasir’s bees were just enough to kill them.

Defense reversed the downward trend to settle in C (8-11). After what happened last week, I’m not going to count my chickens before they’re hatched again. But an ok day tomorrow and no more falling defense scores will be enough for top 1%.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 5-0 3-1 A 3,154 900 4,054
2 9-1 4-7 D 6,590 400 6,990
3 14-1 8-10 C 10,139 500 10,639
4 19-1 8-11 C 13,793 13,793

Good luck to those still in the tournament!