⚔ [01 Jan, 2023] - 193th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, No Fire/ Red

O : 15-0
D : E-C-B

The offense is going well so far.
I’m using Furdinand despite the bloody battle, but in combination with 2 taunt heroes, he is a very high performer.
Sometimes my whole team is nearly dying by damage share, but if they don’t die, everything is fine.


Run of good boards continued into Day 4 so managed to win 4 despite facing 5200-5400+ teams. The one loss was because I got greedy :stuck_out_tongue:

It was against a c2Elkanen - c2Quintus - c2Domitia - c2Obakan - Penolite team. Usually I would go 4 Yellow + either Khonshu or Cristobal, but because the POV had a win raid with Holy team challenge, I opted to go mono. Things went well at first and I killed c2Domitia with tiles, but that charged c2Obakan. Made the mistake of firing my Eloise and Matilda into the riposte instead of using Devana’s dispel. Opted to use Devana to kill the left side of the defense, but failed. Probably could have still won it, but the board dried up and a cascade ended up charging up c2Quintus.

18-2 is a terrific result though and going into the last day without a buy back will not get any complaints from me after the disastrous past couple of tournaments. Defense is hanging on to B too so good chance of at least a top 5%.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 5-0 2-2 (B) 3780 650 4430
2 9-1 3-3 (B) 7635 650 8285
3 14-1 7-5 (B) 12105 650 12755
4 18-2 7-7 (B) 16219 16219

Day 4
O: 18-2
D: lost track, pretty sure it was over 50 attacks. 73% I think?

One loss to a… Gaillard tank?! (cFreya-Kai-Gaillard-Roz-Fortuna) Went with a green 3-stack, but greens showed after Gaillard and the both flanks (Kai and Roz) fired twice so way too late. Still managed to take out two so again not a total loss. Oh well. Defense solidly holding A.

Day 5
O: 22-3
D: 74.5% for now

Loss the last match of the day to a Ludwig tank (Tethys-Xandrella-Ludwig-Kullervo-El Nad). Again went with a yellow 3-stack. Opening board had every color BUT yellow :joy:, still managed to get Onyx to x1 charge so at least managed to dispel the taunt. But with Xandrella and Kullervo flanks there simply was no chance. But again, managed to take out two so not a total loss.

I could complain about bad boards, but this being the second time I finished a 5* tourney without having to buy back in, I think I’ll let it slide for now. Looking to forward to more tall boots and chainmail shirts tomorrow! Peace! :v:


O : 24-1

Lost to Jove tank.
I used a 3-1-1 team and Jove fired twice and C.Panther in flank fired once and lost.
It’s just a slightly worse board, and a hero who can kill all LB+20 5* heroes with one hand is very unstrategic and boring.


Perfect last day to finish at 23-2. Toughest match of the day was the 2nd one against this team

Feared Anne more than c2Domitia and went with my usual 4 Purple team. Got 2 lucky breaks that won the match despite an average board. Dropped 3 vertical Purple tiles on Anne but it just wasn’t enough to kill her (I really need to level up my Purple troops). There were no more Purple tiles and just as she was about to cannonball my team, Hannah’s thorn minion slashed her to death :rofl: Later in the match, the opposing Sobek was about to go off and a nice cascade dumped 3 Dark tiles on him, turning him into a leather wallet.

The rest of the matches were a breeze. Finished up against 2 Waterpipe tanks. Went with a 4 Green team of El Naddaha - Guan Yu - Liu Bei - Cristobal - Khonshu. There were so many Green tiles that Khonshu was just a spectator both times :sweat_smile:

Defense has held on to B all week. The blood brothers of Liu Bei and Guan Yu doing their job well. An easy top 1% for once

Good luck with your last attacks and with the loot tomorrow :crossed_fingers: :four_leaf_clover:


Final results:
O: 20-5 (5-0, 1-4, 4-1, 5-0, 5-0)
D: 8-3 A/A/A/A/A

Tuesday was a horrible day… after four defeats, I was wondering if there was any point in continuing this charade :confused:
Finally encouraged by the results of the defense (6-1), I decided to spend 75 gems. Of course I don’t regret this decision, because all the “bad boards” strangely accumulated on the second day :open_mouth:



Good loot tomorrow for everyone!!!


I was stuck on the 4th day with the “Should I buy back in?” question, and for me the answer was no. Despite that, my defense improved from an E to a B last night, and an A so far today. Which never happens! Oh well. Never say never, I guess.

Point total is easy to remember. I’m on an even 12,000 before the final defense calculation on Day 5. So, Top 25% now. And I wouldn’t be surprised if I got tall boots, chainmail shirts, and/or my favorite which seems to be battle manuals.

Offense = 13-4 (with a 5-0 Day 2, believe it or not, then not so hot)

Defense = 6-4 (really a surprise)

Of course, the first few days only was 0-1 on Defense. Then came all the rest of the attacks, which bumped me up. But no, still did not buy back into this 5* tournament.

Great stuff to those (many) of you who placed above me, way to go!

Actually thinking now I will just get my 50th warm cape instead of a battle manual. Good RNG on the loot for everyone, I hope! :slight_smile:


My loot is :ok:


Well, I just got potent leaves and a strong rope, instead of what I guessed earlier. At least I got all 3 of the aether draws. At 12,900 and Top 25%, I guess that is not too bad. 20 characters of glad I didn’t continue.

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Final resutls:

Rank: 142

First time breaking 22k final score in a 5* tourney so pretty happy about it.

Loot is meh, but at least I got a pair of fine gloves instead of tall boots so yay? :joy:


Final results
Attack : 23-2 (54545)
Defense : 12-9 (BBBBB)
Score : 21,323
Ranking : 465 (Top 1%)

Nice to be back in the top 1% after 2 dud tournaments. Bloody Battle seems to be my favourite 5* tournament type in attack. Having good boards helped of course against some of the crazier defenses. On the defense side, was B the whole week and almost finished A. All in all, a satisfying week without the need to buy back.

Loot was nothing exceptional except for the 100 emblems

See you all next week. A 3* tournament for a change and not a Rush :grin:


I forgot to use my flags tuesday (busy week for me)
Was out thursday
Def B with Obakan c2 as tank


Top 25%
O: 14-4
D: C 40%

Three of my attack losses were against dark tanks. Not sure how I managed to mess that up.


Defenses of the top 10 finishers


@Dudeious.Maximus Thanks!


Congrats on going 25-0

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Thanks! Been trying forever!