Which heroes are you working on?(why?)

Update. I’m waiting Atlantis Rise to give a boost in my feeders at TC2

:red_circle: Khufu is at 4/37. Way to go to 4/80

:green_circle: Toxicandra at 4/80. I’ve got The Hatter at CF1 and I’m workin on him (2/52 at the moment). I have the mats to take him to 4/80

:large_blue_circle: Tinsel at 3/70. Now Im working at Alasie and her costume

:yellow_circle: Joon and both costumes still at work

:purple_circle: Narcisa at 3/70. I started Grimble who’s at 2/37

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These are my current / next projects


What a difference a portal makes!! Here’s my updated list

Purple - C Jabberwocky Can’t wait to control the mana on those wing heroes.
Yellow - G Gazelle This was overall the hero is the game I wanted most. So it gave me 2 in 13 pulls!
Blue - Garyas A kind forum member says this one being a Bard can up mana in 4* tournaments.
Green - Zarel See above but for 3* tournaments.
Red - Sir Lancelot, for depth don’t really need him. Only feed him 1* reds.



Here are all my finished projects in last about 2/2.5 months.

Erebus and Wang waiting for LB after proper aether quests, they are worthy for me.
C Melia - I don’t plan to give her emblems and/or LB, not anytime soon at least.
C Rana stopped at +11 for offensive use only.
I also gave LB to Ingolf, after buff he is a worthy hero at least in rush format, but fun to use in general too.
C Wu Kong - also got his costume recently, but monk is my busy class, so no emblems for him probably ever, possibly in very far future, if I’ll still be around.
Xnolphod, offensive use only, I do flood in sorc emblems, but after nerf I don’t think he’s worth going further up to +20.

And almost finished projects.

Tarlak will not get emblems yet, busy monk class strikes again, but good for titan depth. Decided to give LB to Gato, as I lack fast 3* blues, only C Valen being the only fully finished one with emblems + LB, so should be good for mainly 3* bloody battle tourneys. Dante looks like a fun hero to use, mainly in 3* bloody battle tourneys as well.

After that I’m off to level these :

I also lack red healers, so I kept 2nd Hawkmoon, might level her for elemental quest, though I also want to fetch Grazul from fated summon, but I need 21 more pulls. I also got self-healing slayers Cillian/Aodhan, but Aodhan is still 1/1, so he might be next of the 4* projects I’ll level.

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Current projects, Gazelle for titans, Xenobia because the next mt will be green and Sanggrior because she’s a valkyrie :laughing::metal:

And I just pulled Crystalis too, so they’ll probably fits well together, they’ll have a family bonus too :sweat_smile:

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:red_circle: since Garnett won’t come at Soul Exchange, i put Khufu in a hold to take Ruby to 3/70. Currently at 3/18

:green_circle: The Hatter goes on. At 3/35 now

:large_blue_circle: I’m taking Alasie and custome to 2/60
And I’m saving material for Milena when I pick her in Soul Exchange

:yellow_circle: I’m gonna take the tiger up to 3/70

:purple_circle: Grimble is at 2/59. I’m gonna take him to 3/70

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after about 3 weeks, no new heroes but a lot of levelling progress.

:blue_heart: Krampus now maxed, and making good progress on is costume. then - Balur (have 12 scopes so he might see the light of ascension), so poor Thorne has to wait again.

:green_heart: LB Almur, LB Silvaria, and max+LB Mnesseus’ costume are done, now back to Orla. Then will finish Horghall. After that, I have 12 Tonics left so Elkanen might get lucky.

:yellow_heart: 1st Celidana is done… she impressed me so much during the last Ninja Tower, I am working on a 2nd Celidana! decided to spare her from Soul Exchange.

:heart: Mitsuko now, and after will do R&N.

:purple_heart: done LBing Nyx, then will finish Victor and his costume. original plan was 2nd Domitia and her costume (she’s already 4/ 70), then Ana-Belle, then Amethyst – but 23 days ago I had only 2 tabards, now I have 5, so I might bump Amethyst ahead of everyone except Victor-C!


I’m starting leveling immediately after soul exchange…

P- Charon
R- Roughian
Y- Onatel
G- Arco
B- Maybe gaillard… I have him at 3.70… so he’s a possibility… but honestly… I’d rather do bubbles if she is available.

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I finished Ahmose and Bera. Now on to Krampus and his costume . Freya after that . I am very happy with Fiana Zhou Yu and Maeve who were all non legendary levels. Nice add to my roster

Fianna and Maeve are very good. I use them for my 3* tournaments and I have no regrets

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Updated! Happy about my progress. Even happier that the game gave me a couple of new additions to my roster, so some things have been changed up and will obviously ask for any change-ups if anyone think someone else should take priority now.

  • Zagrog, Ptolemy, and Frosth are still current priority for their respective elements.
  • Gained Master Lepus, Xiaotu, and Evelyn within 2 days!
  • Maxed Justice and am now out of :sunny: Holy heroes and costumes to work on and would be happy to move onto an extra color/element to work on until the game decides to give me a Holy hero or costume to work on.
  • Maxed Cheshire Cat. Now battling between Arfanias and Kunchen on who should take the spot. Might pull both to 3/70 and ask again. Another healer or another sniper. Hmmm.

Greel and Fianna are also new additions but all 3* heroes will always be maxed regardless.


Working on getting Porthos to 3/70 now. Then move on to ascending Dark Lord and getting him to 4/80. I also finished the Greel side project and starting on Zarola.

I just finished gettign Ariel to 3//70 and Hel to 3/70, now I am getting Hel costume to 3/70.
I have no tomes to ascend anyone and I only have 4 Tabards for a purple anyway, but as soon as I get a tome, I am maxing Ariel.

I did Vivicias costume then instead of finishing Onatel, Ahmose or Anne I levelled Roughian and Nurgib who I pulled late last month.

Decided on R&N as I don’t have many red so happy to finally improve those options.

Leaning towards Ahmose next so Onatel stays at 3/70 for a bit longer.

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Hmm gonna have to dig my memory of what has been done & finished since last post…

All emblemed to 20 emblems. Sabina lb to 75, Alfrike lb’d to 85. cPanther (currently costume only) to 85. Para to 50. 2 Busters to 55/20 emblems. Anastasia to 75/19 emblems. Lianna costume to 80 + emblemed to 20. Skadi to 85/20. Toxicandra to 80, 15 emblems currently but will get to 18-19 upcoming days. Think that’s it, quite a lot progress this time.

Currently levelling:

:purple_circle: Got my 6th tabard from Morlovia, so finally it’s Louhi’s turn to be levelled. I like her priority dispell and the defense down. Will pair well with cPanther.


I did pull R&N, so I started levelling her right after I finished both Busters. Now at 3/66 so will be getting rings tomorrow (had HA10 today so it cost my hams) Very excited about using her, will help my reds a lot. What’s funny is I have now 24 rings, so that’s +9 from 1,5 months. I do have enough red heroes for all of them too :smiley:

:yellow_circle: I mentioned having HA10 day today, and it was a pleasant surprise, showed with Malosi. Being very fast and adding super important ailment, has good passive ability too and elemental link also is pretty good. Will be very good supporting role for me.

:large_blue_circle: Finally got Dawn, so will level her up before working on any 4*‘s or 5’*s. She’ll be used in 3 * tournaments. After her I think I’ll max Xiahou Dun who I also just recently got, finally. I have him on my alt-account and really been liking him.

:green_circle: Been thinking between Iku-Turso and c2 Elkanen, and have decided I’ll level Elka first. He has pretty similar skill as Iku-Turso, but hits all. Also has very good stats. Plus S1 superior emblems are neat.


Update: whew… Hyper: Aramis, Roughian&Nurghib, Viselus, Matrera, Laohu. ADG (alt): Hathor, Lu Bu, Ranvir, Alasie and costume, Ratatoskr.

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Blue has my longest list: first is Milena, then Azmia, then some limit breaking of 3s and 4s.
Green also has a decent list with Zarola, C2.Caedmon, and Viselus
Holy: Bogart then C.Kailani
Dark/Red: no one. All of the extras are going to Milena. I will eventually do some more limit breaking of red when I feel someone is more worthy of it, but right now Milena is higher priority.

Working on Milena right now. She will replace cFinley in my defensive setup. She can help with healing for my middle heroes cLotl, Ludwig and Kullervo and once they are charged then I can use her as extra damage dealer. Gives me more options

Kravekrush because I randomly got him with a single pull last tremors of the underwild. His ability seems useful agains certain rush teams.
Bertila because I got her from a retrain and even if she doesn’t seem good, I consider all HoTM interesting for their ability to share elemental links. She’s my third 2021 hero and my first green minion summoner.
Proteus because I only recently got him last Atlantis Rise despite playing this game since before S2 came out.
Gato for the same reason as above. If I don’t find use for him I’ll feed him after collecting the 3 diamonds from the museum.

After some time let’s update

:red_circle: Ruby is at 3/70 and I’m leveling Cupido until 3/70. Currently at 3/27.

:green_circle: The Hatter is at 4/64. Almost totally leveled

:large_blue_circle: I’ve got Milena and she’s already at 3/70. Just need one more warm cape to take start the last tier

:yellow_circle: Laohu is already at 3/65. Coming close to 3/70

:purple_circle: Grimble at 3/70. I’m taking Phtonus to that. Currently at 2/11