I am about a day from finishing Sabina and want to know who will get my purple feeders. I asked earlier this week about Sartana or Jabberwock and y’all felt jabberwock was the better choice. I drew Clarissa today and don’t know who you would choose out of those two. Or I could work on Proteus…finally got him today too. I still need 1 more tabard, but Morlovia is at the end of the month.
I have the following heroes fully leveled or at final ascent…
Rigard with costume, Tibertus, Sartana (3/70), Sabina, Chao, Joon (4/16), Wu Kong, Mist, Kiril, Richard (3-70), Grimm, Sonya with costume, Little John, Heimdall (4-55), Caedmon, Brynhild, Wilbur, Elena (3-70), Boldtusk, Scarlett, and just started working on Tyr (3-20).
Jabber is probably the better hero overall but Clarissa is more versatile. Since you have no others maxed yet, I would do Clarissa first. But I fully agree with @Guy that Proteus would probably be a better choice in the interim.
By the end of the month, I will have the final tabard needed to take to 4-80 at Morlovia. I have 3 rainbow teams of 3 star heroes and 3 rainbow teams of 4 star heroes. I took a 5 star rainbow team and took them to 3-70, but only Joon and Heimdall are the only ones that I took to the final ascention. I have 10 trap tools and will most definitely get another one at the end of the month in Morlovia. Just need to find 1 more trap tool to be able to do both. It is just a matter of which order to do them in.
Just remember that a maxed 4* is better than a 5* at 3/70 pretty much in all cases. So early on, it’s better to be patient and max your 4* before spending too much resources on 5*.
I agree. I don’t have the greatest bench and do plan on working on it. I have everything I need, except 1 tabard to raise up one rainbow team of 5’s. I will get the tabard in Morlovia at the end of the month. I am trying to build my best raid defense team. 2 of them are already on the final ascention (Joon is 4/24 and Heimdall is 4/57). Tyre is 3/29, Misandra is 2/26, and Jabberwock is just starting at 1/13).
Listen, don’t argue, just do Proteus. He’ll be up before you get near that last tabard and then you can concentrate on your chosen 5*. You can thank me later - and you will.
Just to warn you though, he is squishy. Give him as many emblems as you can spare (mine’s at 18) and a nice crit troop, or the highest HP troop if you don’t have the 4* ones yet.
If you want to make bosses and events easier, then definitely pick Proteus and do him (her?) next.
Proteus will serve you well for a very long time with so many different events, season missions, and everything in between.
Another vote for Proteus. Actually makes a great deal of difference, in most aspects of the game, more so then some of the 5*'s mentioned.
Just my opinion
Have fun.
I thought this thread was dead already … I finished up Proteus and like him a lot. I kinda feel bad because I’m benching Tiburtus with costume for him. Which 3 would you take into a raid. Jabberwock, Rigard with costume, Tiburtus with costume and Proteus. I usually colorstack 3…so someone sits on the bench.
Its all about opponent special skill. If all are maxed, I think will always bring Rigard and Jabb, and then switch between Tib and Proteus depending on enemies. I have to admit that my proteus don’t get out for raids so often, but he wins all challenge bosses almost by himself
Makes sense. Defense down then attack. I will probably want to have Tibs attack all rather than attack 3 so that the corners will get the defense down. Gotta make sure I get the costume right.