Which heroes are you working on?(why?)

hes not gonna get benefit from Kara’s attack buff aside from taunt

He doesn’t need it. He hits hard regardless and the family bonus is +20% attack, which is unaffected by the attack status resistance. Also bypasses defensive buffs and gains mana per buff bypassed.


I recently finished Onatel.
Then I started a couple of 3* but then pulled Liu Bei so I got him to 3/70 (no tome of tactics unfortunately).

Now I have gone back to the following 3*:

Buster (complete)
cMelia (almost - but her special is 3/8)
Edelaide (complete)

I have Hel and Hel Costume still at 1/1, but I have seen no point doing it because I literally have 0 Tabards, so it is not worth it yet, I am concentrating on those I CAN do.


I finished Ludwig, Erebus, Wang Yuanji and CB Rana, Morax still unleveled. In meantime I also pulled C Melia and finished her costume as well. I currently level Xnolphod, Tarlak and C Wu Kong. I plan to work on some more 3* soon, namely Zarel, Basil and Dante.

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After finishing of the 2x costumes of Domitia and Joon, I did some 3* like the new ninja, Basil, and Fianna. Earned a 5* aether from the recent tourney so I used it on Cao Cao.

Now I’m working on both Ariel and Emilio.

Scrapped all projects to focus on one for now. Why? cos why.


may last update was 3 months ago, and whew a lot has changed again…

:blue_heart: finished LBing Xiahou Dun and maxed Klearn… paused Thorne because Krampus and his costume came along! after finishing Krampus, will work on Balur instead (have 12 scopes so he might see the light of ascension), so poor Thorne has to wait again.

:green_heart: paused Horghall to work on Almur, then Orla. then paused Orla to LB Almur, LB Silvaria, and max+LB Mnesseus’ costume. After finishing all of these, I have 12 Tonics left so Elkanen might get lucky.

:yellow_heart: finished LBing Inari, now maxing Celidana.

:heart: Red came in a (mostly 3*) flood: Dante, Skrekok, Zhou Yu, Nashgar’s costume, and Buster. finished all, including LB on Buster, and now working on Nashgar-C. also LBed Rufus. and afte the 3*s are done, will work on my new Mitsuko (my Fated Summon prize)!

:purple_heart: LBing Nyx now, then will finish Victor and his costume (he’s already 4/50), then 2nd Domitia and her costume (she’s already 4/ 70), then Ana-Belle, then Amethyst – Amethyst is last cause I only have 2 Tabards now.

wow, I’ve gotten relatively lucky these past couple months!


Finished Morax so time to start Onatel who I picked from fated summons earlier this week.

I could do with another red hero but decided Onatel would work better with who I already have than Mitsuko or Tyr.

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The group currently being leveled…


This is my currently project


Long time no update:
Maxed Thorne, costumed Krampus, Morax, costumd Sif, Buster and Kvasir‘s costume lately.
The 5* for war depth and the upcomming blue Conquest of Elements.
Buster for MT and 3* events, Kvasirs‘s costume for 3* tournaments.
Actually I work on these:

Marjana will be the 2nd one, costume will be ascended next, Atomos is my only not maxed green 5* and I sit on 17 tonics. Cupcake because I need anty minion heroes, especially in 4* content.
Ariel and Zhuge are self explaning.

Happy gaming


Finished Ahmose and Fianna now Maeve . Bera and Steropes after that .

Here is the why…
Andalinda - She is beast and will pair well with my Frida. Hoping to get my 6th scope tonight!

Kalø - Looking to better my vf war defense

Zhang Fei - He’ll be an upgrade with my current entourage of snipers (Uraeus, c-Poseiden, Malosi). I’m intrigued about the defense reflect. Also looking forward to using him with Daiochan.

Sun Shangxiang - The dd with further decrease on hit looks amazing. Should be great for green titans.

Amethyst - Looks like a monster. Great damage and pesky fiends. What is not to like? And she is my first 5* ninja!

Happy gaming


Onatel is being paused at 3/70 as I got Eset yesterday so she’s getting priority.

Taking her with C Roc and C Leonidas is going to be fun.

Just pulled Ahmose so may well level him before finishing Onatel as I’m well stocked in yellow but only have Bertilla, C Kadilen, Ratatoskr, Lianna and Telluria in green.

Ahmose is pretty awesome . I also don’t have many greens besides Balbar Lianna and Elkanen. Went mixed seed and shield because he is slow so he can around for a hit .


Just finished Rayne, next one is Waddles followed by Eset

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:red_circle: Khufu is at 3/70. I will work again on him once I get the rings. So I’m taking Ruby to 3/70 for now. If I don’t get the rings yet, R&N is the next

:green_circle: Toxicandra is at 4/70. Closing to 4/80

:large_blue_circle: Tinsel is at 3/57. Some more days to get to 3/70

:yellow_circle: Zuri at 3/70. Started to level C2 Joon (all the costumes) so it’s gonna take a while

:purple_circle: Narcisa at 3/68. After 3/70 I’m gonna decide between Grimble or Peppermint

That’s all for now.

Eset is done and as I just pulled Anne I’m going to save my aethers for her instead.

Was going to do Ahmose but will instead do Vivica costume that I got from HA10 last week then it’s a choice between finishing Onatel, Ahmose or Anne.

Leaning towards Ahmose as my yellows are now getting way ahead of the other colours.

Eset ready here too now working on guardian jackal costume

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My favourite time of the month again! Update time! We’re definitely back on pace again, and thanks to CF1 (my favourite portal and my only real hard-pull portal), the lineup has changed :smiley:

5 Star Teams:
Team ‘Season 5’:
:purple_circle: Khepri - 5^80+20 → 5^85+20 Maxed :tada:

Team ‘Tanky’:
:green_circle: Guan Yu - 2^41 → 4^76
:yellow_circle: Ogima - 3^10 → 5^81+14
:large_blue_circle: (c) Rumpelstiltskin - 3^1 & 2^28 → ^4^76 & 4^80
:red_circle: (c) Black Knight - 2^45 & 2^1 → 4^69 & 4^80
:purple_circle: Hulda - 3^70 → 5^81+14
Notes: It’s very likey that with the 5 golden emblems that I have, everyone is going to get one in their +20 node here, even if I already have the 1,500 ready to go, i’ve got more of all these classes still to work on :slight_smile:

Team Long Term 1, 2, and 3
The next 3 teams are all ones that I would like to build out but are still subject to change:

1: Almost certainly next to level
:green_circle: Phileas Fogg - 3^70
:yellow_circle: (c) Guardian Gazelle - 1^1 & 1^1
:large_blue_circle: (c) Snow White - 1^1 & 1^1 - may get swapped with Hippo tho idk
:red_circle: Kravekrush - 2^60
:purple_circle: (c) Guardian Panther- 1^1 & 1^1
NOTE: Due to my sheer lack of barbarian emblems, it’s likely that Snow White will come first, because Kravekrush’s utility in the revival block is just too useful compared to the “plain” offensive output of Hippo.
I will also need some more 5* Holy aether’s to LB Gazelle, but otherwise I have everything I need for everyone here to go to 5^85+20!

2: Still want to work on them!
:green_circle: Lughaidh - 1^1
:yellow_circle: Caitlin - 1^1
:large_blue_circle: Guardian Hippo - 1^1
:red_circle: Octros - 1^1
:purple_circle: Narcisa - 1^1
NOTE: Emblem wise this team is (or will be) fine to level by the time that I end up getting around to them anyway. The only cause for a little concern might be Hippo, given that I have Ogima, BK, and Kravekrush to emblem first!
Based on current numbers alone, I won’t have tomes or blades for this team :frowning: but there’s still time

3: The most likely to get chopped and changed
:green_circle: (dupe) (c) Lady of the Lake - 1^1 & 1^1
:yellow_circle: Prof. Lidenbrock - 3^70
:large_blue_circle: (c) Skadi - 1^1 & 1^1
:red_circle: Red Hood - 1^1
:purple_circle: (c) Jabberwock - 1^1 & 1^1

Of course, the above is still absolutely subject to having emblems, having aethers, having all of those boundless materials that we just love to chase…!

That’s it for the time being! :wolf: