Which 4* red hero to ascend

If the case is Titan, then yes… TILE Damage it is, because we need as much damage as possible within limited time.
Here is some of guide: Titan Attack Fundamentals - (new player Titan guide)
TDLR titan teams for optimal result: +att allies, -def, -def elemental if we have, +attack buff that stack like Miki/Tarlak/Ranvir/Wu Kong/Gazelle, and the rest High Attack stat strong color againts Titan.

Here is example table:

We should use 4 SLOT as the primary support to make TILE Damage as high as possible, and the rest are STRONG color againts Titan. But +att is not as impact as -def.
So, like example,…
my Blue Titan Team are: Nordri - Grimm - Magni - Vela - Miki
I choose (Magni and Vela) instead of Kiril (which he have slot for +att), but Magni has great attack stat and Vela has critical chance element link.

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