If the case is Titan, then yes… TILE Damage it is, because we need as much damage as possible within limited time.
Here is some of guide: Titan Attack Fundamentals - (new player Titan guide)
TDLR titan teams for optimal result: +att allies, -def, -def elemental if we have, +attack buff that stack like Miki/Tarlak/Ranvir/Wu Kong/Gazelle, and the rest High Attack stat strong color againts Titan.
We should use 4 SLOT as the primary support to make TILE Damage as high as possible, and the rest are STRONG color againts Titan. But +att is not as impact as -def.
So, like example,…
my Blue Titan Team are: Nordri - Grimm - Magni - Vela - Miki
I choose (Magni and Vela) instead of Kiril (which he have slot for +att), but Magni has great attack stat and Vela has critical chance element link.
I use BT and wukong all the time and the three other spots I fill in with heroes of the opposite colour of the titan… is that wrong to do? I can do better, right?! Thanks again… Sorry for going off-topic, peeps
Yes,… BT and Wukong stack, and thats great… but also def down is more important, like Wilbur/Gormek/Grimm/Tiburtus/… etc. And better if those support is the strong color againts Titan… Plus the elemental defense debuff if we have it, that’s more better results.
So, you use a 3 star hero against a titan? You must have Nordri maxed on emblems, right?! I reckon you choose health and attack? yes, I have Nordri so that is why I ask… lol
And thanks again, @jinbatsu… you are the best, hehehe
Nope, I just use him if I have heavy items (like Tornado/Time Stop, mana, etc)… so that Titan can not hit even once. He is too weak and almost one shot from Titan 10*, sometimes one shot, I think no big different if I put him emblems.
So, if I don’t have heavy items, I switch use Kiril instead Nordri.
Yes wukong +att is stack with other normal +att buff like Boldtusk/Kiril.
Glad I came across this topic. Have two sumle and couldn’t get excited by him (wu kong infuriates me so avoided another chance to miss hero). Might give him a go now for the fun factor- I do have bt(c)+18 and wilbur+9 along with a maxed but unemblemed falcon!