Which 4* red hero to ascend

If the case is Titan, then yes… TILE Damage it is, because we need as much damage as possible within limited time.
Here is some of guide: Titan Attack Fundamentals - (new player Titan guide)
TDLR titan teams for optimal result: +att allies, -def, -def elemental if we have, +attack buff that stack like Miki/Tarlak/Ranvir/Wu Kong/Gazelle, and the rest High Attack stat strong color againts Titan.

Here is example table:

We should use 4 SLOT as the primary support to make TILE Damage as high as possible, and the rest are STRONG color againts Titan. But +att is not as impact as -def.
So, like example,…
my Blue Titan Team are: Nordri - Grimm - Magni - Vela - Miki
I choose (Magni and Vela) instead of Kiril (which he have slot for +att), but Magni has great attack stat and Vela has critical chance element link.

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I use BT and wukong all the time and the three other spots I fill in with heroes of the opposite colour of the titan… is that wrong to do? I can do better, right?! Thanks again… Sorry for going off-topic, peeps :slight_smile:

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Yes,… BT and Wukong stack, and thats great… but also def down is more important, like Wilbur/Gormek/Grimm/Tiburtus/… etc. And better if those support is the strong color againts Titan… Plus the elemental defense debuff if we have it, that’s more better results.


So, you use a 3 star hero against a titan? You must have Nordri maxed on emblems, right?! I reckon you choose health and attack? yes, I have Nordri so that is why I ask… lol

And thanks again, @jinbatsu… you are the best, hehehe

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But wukong does not stack attack buff, does he?!

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Nope, I just use him if I have heavy items (like Tornado/Time Stop, mana, etc)… so that Titan can not hit even once. He is too weak and almost one shot from Titan 10*, sometimes one shot, I think no big different if I put him emblems.
So, if I don’t have heavy items, I switch use Kiril instead Nordri.

Yes wukong +att is stack with other normal +att buff like Boldtusk/Kiril.

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Interesting discussion guys
I appreciate inputs but i did sumle and he is amazing
Titans heroes i will consider later .


Glad I came across this topic. Have two sumle and couldn’t get excited by him (wu kong infuriates me so avoided another chance to miss hero). Might give him a go now for the fun factor- I do have bt(c)+18 and wilbur+9 along with a maxed but unemblemed falcon!