Thread is to summarise & display the results of the Titan Loot Data Farming Project I have been running for the last 6 or so months
Preface Notes
So first off I’d like to preface:
- I am building on previous work done by @gregschen and @Revelate
- project has come about as a result of both personal curiosity & based on stuff that I have seen floating around.
- If you want to continue contributing data you may so so using the google form; no guarantees that it will be used/ the project results expanded but…
( ) - If you want to know more, hit me up on Line App. My ID is Guvnor81
Preliminary ResultsThread
Titan Loot & You - A Data Farming Project! ***PRELIMINARY RESULTS***
Project Aim
As before, the aim of the project is to pin down the apparent likelihood of getting various loot items from killing titans. These likelihoods are to be broken down into the Titan Loot Tier that you are awarded based on your performance.
Specific Loot to be Assessed
- Crafting Materials
- Ascension Materials
- Titan Parts (from Harpoons)
- Gems
- Trainers, Flasks & Summons Tokens
- Rare Titan Stuff (Bonus Roll, Atlantis/Valhalla Coins & Emblems)
I have not included Battle Items in this summary as there is a “none” roll which makes the “total possible” rolls hard to pin down… I will keep assessing this data & update later on.
Project Method
- Collect HEAPS of data
- Crunch the numbers based on loot tier
- Create summary tables
- Inform the community.
Data collection Tool
With the aid of a couple community members, I’ve built a Google Form to assist in entering the data (Link at the bottom). The key to the data collection is getting comprehensive data… the Good, Bad and down-right damned ugly!
The form takes about 60 seconds to fill in per titan. To save time, you can screenshot several titans loot and input the data at once!
Form Link:
I shall try to keep this as brief as possible & break it down into each category.
Each set of results is displayed on a PER ROLL basis. Each loot tier has a set number of rolls for each type of loot.

How do I know my Loot Tier? & How Many “rolls” (attempts) per tier?
Calculating the Loot Tier is actually quite straightforward & easy to do.
Click to view Loot Rolls per Tier
Loot Tier / Data Count
In total there was almost 4,200 data entries. as you can see, some of the data sets were quite small & hence limited in the application/ validity of the data. Specifically, I wouldn’t take toooo much stock in tiers XVII & XVIII; Tier II & III are also a concern.
Click to see the Tier Count & Distribution
Crafting Materials
This data set is really nice as it shows a clear trend in the likelihood of getting each star item.
… 1* crafting items starts off at 100% but then dies away.
… 2* items go up and then decay off somewhat at the higher tiers
… 3* & 4* crafting items both gradually rise (almost linearly)
Click to see the Likelihood of Crafting Materials per roll for each Loot Tier
Ascension Materials
Similarly to the Crafting Materials, there are some nice trends in the Ascension Materials likelihoods.
… 1* Ascension Materials start out as guaranteed before falling away
… 2* Ascension Materials rise from Tier II & peak at Tier IX (9). Then they fall away.
… 3* Farmable & Unfarmable materials both rise from Tier V (5) and keep rising.
… 4* Ascension Materials started appearing at Tier VIII (8) & got incrementally better.
Click to see the Likelihood of Ascension Materials per roll for each Loot Tier
Note - 3* rare materials = the unfarmable ones (gloves, hidden blades, compasses etc…)
Titan Parts!
I think personally I found this to be the most interesting data I gathered… There is no change in the Titan Parts likelihood from one tier to another… Quite interesting compared to all the other data which has substantial variation from one tier to another!
Click to see the Likelihood of Titan Parts per roll for each Loot Tier
A note on the Titan Parts per Loot Tier. This is for TIER 1 harpoons. Tier 2 adds +2 parts to the number shown & Tier 3 adds +3 more (5 more in total)
Another pretty clear graph showing a gradual increase and decay in the gems you receive for each loot tier. Things of note:
… By Tier V (5) you are guaranteed to get at least 1 gem.
… By tier VIII (8) you should get at least 3 gems
… By Tier X (10) you will be getting 5+ gems more often than not.
Click to see the likelihood of getting GEMS at each Loot Tier
NOTE: Gems have only a single roll
Summons Tokens
It appears that Summons Tokens have a rather low drop rate across the board. The numbers don’t really show a clear trend, even in the highest density Loot Tiers (IX to XIV or 9-14)… So make what you will of it
Click to see Likelihood of Summons Tokens at each Loot Tier
Similarly to the Summons Tokens, the drop rate seems really small & without any real trend… at least not one thats easily apparent… So again, make what you will of this data
Click to see Likelihood of Energy Refills (Flasks) at each Loot Tier
Trainer Heroes
YAY DATA there actually IS something to see here, however it’s not much of a “trend”…
… 1 & 2* Trainers start appearing at Loot Tier IV (4) & drop rates appear relatively stable for all tiers afterwards.
… There were no recorded 3* trainers below Loot Tier X (10), but that may be a result of the smaller sample sizes there.
Click to see Likelihood of Trainer Heroes at each Loot Tier
Loot Tickets
Nice little trend here showing that Loot Tickets start appearing from Loot Tier IV (4) onwards & increase at a relatively linear rate from one tier to the next.
Click to see Likelihood of getting Loot Tickets at each Loot Tier
Rare Titans
Even with all the data collected there wasn’t actually a HUGE number of rare titans included… Made the analysis quite difficult to do… So I’m just going to paste the summary & y’all can make of it what you will
In general, the higher the Loot Tier for Rare Titans correlated to getting better loot (Emblems, Atlantis/Valhalla Coins & Bonus Item)
Click to view Likelihood of BONUS ROLL (4* Ascension Item) for each loot tier on Rare Titans
Click to view Likelihood of Emblems for each Loot Tier on Rare Titans
Click to view Likelihood of Atlantis/Valhalla coins for each Loot Tier on Rare Titans
Future Works
At current there are not any plans to continue this project further. I may personally add data to it BUT I think it has given some pretty good results & insights
The only thing that may get added yet is some data on Battle Items… But not for a little while yet
Previous Works:
- Titans: Grades, Loot Tiers, and You
- Titan Loot & You - A Data Farming Project! ***PRELIMINARY RESULTS***
A copy of the data & results in excel spreadsheet form can be found here: