đŸ§Ș The Beta Beat (V70) - Dragonspire -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

Dragons won’t effect raids and competitive quests for weeks as a bait to make the community feel safe and invest time and maybe money into the dragons then zynga and the whales will decide it is time to string the things up,because the whales won’t feel satisfied if they don’t dominate everything in the game and they will put dragons in everything.
Zynga and the whales are the biggest enemy to this community.


Welcome to Dragonspire topic is adjusted with V70 changes:

Area completion rewards are added to Map Areas:

Chances for Dragon loot VIP Benefits are added:

Dragon Rider / Assist Dragon limitations are added:


The second Beta build for V70 is here:

  • 6 new Legendary + 1 new Epic Ninja hero
  • 3 new Woodland Faun hero + new passive
  • Special skill change for October HotM: Zidane
  • 2 new Halloween heroes, Alucard costume + Quest update.
  • QoL Museum gem collection improvement:
    • added a filter that would show only heroes for which the gem reward is claimable. In addition, in the view with all the owned heroes displayed, the autoscroll will now scroll down to the first hero with rewards available.

Wow wow wow, a quality of life improvement?? I’m frankly stunned, but very happy to see it. Maybe we could get roster QoL improvements next


Sorry for the delay:

Topic for the new Ninja heroes:

Woodland Faun heroes:

October HotM Update:

I will do the Morlivia heroes + costume later.


Take your time. No hurry. You are a volunteer. Thank you for rushing stuff out.


Alucard costume:

New Morlovia heroes:


They should fix the game before pushing more stuff in it.

Thanks to your hard work @PlayForFun , :+1: my message is obviously directed to whoever makes decisions at SGG/Zynga/TT, not you.


Would be great, but they’re not going to heed your advice. My vote would be to put in Dragons, get them working and stable, and then take off for at least a quarter to give it time to settle in. Work on something else. Work on QoL. But stop the “progression” nonsense.

They wont. Their income wouldn’t meet expectations.

They should have named Chester, Bruce, to pair up with Wayne.

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I wish they would put the name of the hero in the empty square instead of just a big ??? so it’s easier to see which heroes are not in your roster. Since they do not populate in any logical way I can discern a box with nothing in it is of no value to me. Even with a name they can still create a way to exclude it from the Heroes in Museum count. It would also be nice to be able to click the icon at the start of each section and get just that element/star level count too. My 2 cents.


My favorite time of the year!

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Thx, I have fixed this typo.

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Return to Morlovia event topic:


The 3rd Beta build is here.

  • New Dragons added for testing

    • 10x Epic
    • 4x Rare
  • Loot tickets

    • Now enabled in Dragonspire
  • Timesaver VIP

    • Now enabled in Dragonspire
    • 2x play speed can be enabled after clearing area 1 stage 3
    • Loot tickets can be used for clearing quest stages if they have been cleared once before
  • Music

    • Music added for Dragonspire
  • Welcome to Dragonspire pass

    • Mission adjustments
  • Dragon Spirit Bonus

    • Balance changes
  • Map & Quest stages

    • Enemy changes
    • Balance adjustments
  • Idle loot changes

    • Rewards adjustments

Based on this it seems Dragonspire will most likely arrive in V70.
The game’s init screen is now also shows the Dragonspire.


Topics for the new Dragons:

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(Not) Looking forward to seeing this live :face_vomiting:


Thank you for the work you put into all the topics and information. It is very much appreciated.

Now onto the bad part
anticipated v70 dragons release



Hope they “get it right” when ever they get it out. Not interested in a month of patches.

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I’m kinda shocked considering I figured they’d retire this Event and change is theme to make room for those Harvest Heroes

Though, if they want me to spend my EHTs in this event, we need more than an Alucard costume and/or more additional lackluster Legendary heroes that don’t do crap. I’ve still not leveled my Lucinda because the game keeps giving me far more superior dark Legendaries. Even for defense down, Kunchen at least has two other things that are more valuable at his speed than she.