A pretty decent turn out on this folks. The TMUG BETA GRADING is still live. There will be an internal release of the grades with a grading board in the lobby as well a public display of the tiered graders who have put in some time to move toward assisting the player’s community which I hugely appreciate. I wanted to mention a handful of you here being I know you hang out here in the forum. So congratulations in particular for making it into the Tiered high levels of contribution.
Nice! and thank you. I’ve nixed the heavy attack multiplies based on the shortcomings of the Model when it comes to their type (discovered with @Wormwood early on) So even though Miki and Ranvir got over 10 graders that have them full in different Alliances - its a no go.
A lot of rework and changing will be needed for me to enter the space officially with the Users Group, but this was a great initial showing by the TMUG members. I’ve had several groups now with various discussions from automation to completely changing the playing field and things to where its a classification or tiered system.
I will mention that I have connected with @Anchor and he is soon to be releasing grades sounding like 3-5*'s complete (with Epics and Legends arleady completed). Based on how much Anchor has changed things (I overheard grades based on positioning as well) I’ll be starting up the import Engine on the Hero Utility for Anchor/7DD again - which I more than happy to do! I really didn’t want to be in the grading space TBH however I get asked to be constantly (not because I’m the primo hero guy - just I suspect I get ■■■■ done lol).
Anyway, thanks guys! Will likely be some more posts here. Again the Grading at TMUG will have 2 boards and they both will be REAL-TIME so adjusting as does the market… (IN BETA - not sure where it will end up I have a lot of other things I’m working on).
I’ve wrapped up my final review for this checkpoint. Everything is in place.
There are 54 participating players with maxed heroes they have graded thus far.
Following is the player tier breakdown:
Those who have participate in grading you can check your tier among the other graders on the Titan Mafia site at: [GS Participant Tiers]
Once you login to the site as you would normally, you will have direct access to the summary page for the heroes meeting the minimum requirements to be made public within the TM Lobby. The link is titled: [GuiLDScore BETA Status]
Following is a preview of both topics covered above:
Checked the mail & would respond there but it only gives me a select number of responses
I’m just on vacation at the moment and am trying out a theory that someone put forward on the Forum regarding the “Alliance Shuffle” to get better materials.
I will be back in Groot Vol 2 by the end of February. Don’t really have a registered home address until then… Currently am in an alliance called G.F.Y