Anchor's Hero Grading Table

These two table were made out of Anchor’s Hero Grading. It shows overall grades of 4* 5* heros. If you look at the original sheet, there are also grades of facing titan, offence, deffence, tournament,. This information is very useful to me. Do you agree with the grading?

PS. The tables were updated on June 13 according to Anchor’s new grading.


I think Atmos after the rebalance is now at least a B rating. And Domitia costume is B to A-. IMO

Have you used Razor’s Hero Utility? It helps with rating all of the heros.

Atomos became A. Anchor has updated his grade, yet I didn’t notice it and update the table.

Yes. I use as well. The information is very useful.

These gradings make no sense. I’m sorry how could you possibly rate Santa A and Kong C?

I didn’t even bother looking at the rest of it.

Plus it’s a game of synergies between hereos so it’s very misleading to give any grades.


The full rating table by @Anchor anchor shows grades across many different aspects of the game. This is just the very simplest representation and is only ever recommended as a broad guide


I’ll share some personal experiences:

Starting to have more and more 5*, I found myself using less and less Kiril and Grimm+18 - unless I need to stack color. I would reconsider them to be A-. Grimm defense is too low to survive, Kiril does alot of things nicely - but no single thing really good. I like a specific alternatives when I need it.
I use the other "A"s quite a lot with no signs of becoming not useful anytime soon.

I don’t have the following heroes, but from raids - here are some thougts:

  • Darke fong - not fully convinced he is better than Joon costume / Rabbit / Poseidon. He is surely good, just not very clear if he is really a step up.

  • Santa - should he be A-? he is a firm tank, but is he really a all-around hero?

I do have Ariel, and would re-consider Whether Ariel should be A+. I find her very useful, in many situations: As useful as Telluria or SeShat I do have, more useful than Clarrisa, Lianna, Magni - I also have.

Probably these are not clear cuts - just thoughts to share.


I appreciate the anchor grades and check the spreadsheet often for updates.

One thing I’ll say that the raters seem to really overvalue fast snipers IMO, as if that is the only way to play. Personally, I have more success with more powerful yet slower heroes that synergize with my other heroes.

That being said, I love the resource and really appreciate all the work that they do for it.


That’s not my guide. That’s old outdated information. Kong has new updated grades. I’d reference only


Also Margaret is not C anymore.

When @anchor grades heroes in his live stream he often classifies heroes as for example “A- fringe B+”. But these nuances are not shown on the spreadsheet (would be nice actually to have them). So a B hero could be just slightly not good enough to get an A grade while another one would have got a C grade if he just were slightly worse.

Overall I think anchor’s guide is a good orientation, though I don’t agree on every single grade.

@christie If your table was up to date, it would have been a nice overview.

need to fix this thread so that it is in line with Anchor’s up to date grades.


Check the red and blue 5*s. Already added three new grades B-,B+ and A- for the overall grades

I’ve already started this but I’ve been massively busy with the new content coming out.


I emphatically disagree with Anzogh. He should immediately be changed to a D. As in Don’t waste your time or what a Dump or he’s Dorrible. Great work on this by the way. It’s amazing what you guys do here. Thanks for the fantastic effort.

I have 3 of the A+ heroes BK, Alice and Kingston and i would rate Ariel to A+ also, since i do think of her my best hero out of all the heroes that i have. Because of Ariel i can charge Alice and Kingston etc…with 6 tiles, and she’s not a bad option in defence either.

But yeah as far as guidelines go this chart is pretty good, but shouldn’t been taken too seriously.


Thank you for this information. I didn’t notice Anchor has changed some grades and started to use A- B+…I will update the table in few days.

I am completely baffled by what exactly Anchor sees in Atomos that makes him an “A”, apparently making him equal with the likes of Alby, Liana, Evelyn, and MoNo.

I have him at 1/1 and he’s a borderline B- for me even after the buff, he just doesn’t do anything particularly well. Not enough damage unless you intentionally charge up the other team (dangerous and frankly stupid), only revives himself and it can be dispelled. His speed being changed to average from slow simply means he’s no long utter trash, but that’s really not saying much.


Yet Wilbur/ Bt / Falcon / kong / anzogh is probably the most devastating combo of this game

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They did it quite recently. In fact Green, Yellow and Purple 5* were not revised yet, if you look for the dates of entries. Means though that Vela was revised and she still keeps A+, meaning that nerf did not make her useless like some say.

I don’t agree with some ratings (Sif) but it’s good to see what hero should be good to ascend first.

The tables were updated on June 13 according to Anchor’s new grading. Please refer to the beginning of this topic. Thank you for your reminding.