🍡 Riddles of Wonderland: Shrubbear – Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Shrubbear missing Bauchan

A slow flank, except in Rush Attack, might not fire before the center is destroyed by tiles.

Shrubbear and Bauchan ( together they fight crime)

So Healer, Bauchan, Shrubbear would make a good center and flanks since Bauchan helps with mana generation.

But this depends on the resistant color ( see notes ). Often the resistant color decides which center, and flanks, make the Top 1000 defense teams.

Tournaments are … confusing

That does not necessarily mean he is a good defense hero, that does means he is over powered for his Team power ( insert Elo rant here).

If he is 3*+20, attacked 300 times in battle day 3, and A rated, then I would believe ( insert defense points rant here ).


We will just have to agree to disagree.


Click for notes

More defense hits

Resistant color

Elemental shields