This seems to be a really great place with great info that i wish i would have found it just a bit sooner. I have stopped the bleeding but could use a bit of help on which 3 stars go together the best and which to prioritize from a leveling perspective. Thx in advance!
Welcome to the forum. There are a lot of experienced players who are willing to advise you. There are also some great threads for newer (and seasoned) players. This is an excellent one to start with
This is also a great thread. Check out all the threads in the players guide category, too
I think at the beginning it’s best to level a rainbow team. Your best options here are:
Yellow: Guardian Jackal and Wu Kong. Start with Guardian, since he’s better in almost anything. Wu is really good against titans. Don’t bother with Owl for now. 5* are hard to level and Owl is one of the lower tier 5* .
Purple: I think Balthazar or Cyprian are your best option here. I don’t like Cyprian, but if he’s your only purple 4* you could at least bring him to 3/60. He can be your tank in a defense team
Red: Scarlett is pretty good. Anzogh is better if you already have some reds trained, so I would wait before leveling him
Blue: Grimm. Strong against titans and your best choice here for offense.
Green: Melendor. A powerful healer and dispeler
Wow…! … wait, seeing from the hero max caps, you are around player level 7-9.
And you have a bunch of very good heroes. (no Ranfled, no Prisca, no Greymane)…
For *3 in order but seperate by color:
Green: Brianne, Belith
Blue: Valen, Gunnar
Red: Hawkmoon, Azar
Yellow: Bane, Gan Ju, Kailani
Purple: Balthazar, Tyrum
For *4:
Green: Melendor
Blue: Grimm, Boril
Red: Gormek, Scarlett, Kelile
Yellow: Wu Kong, G.Jackal
Purple: Cyprian
Thats only my opinion, great roster you have… two Anzogh thats great, keep both, do not forget to lock those heroes.
You can start priority to *4 leveling to 3.60 and slowly maxing *3 (for event and also worth for war, as you need 30 heroes).
PS.: you have to many to do to leveling up those, good luck.
Very good advice here @jinbatsu. Thanks for saving me the time to type out a big response.
You have now 30/35 heroes, so only room for 5 feeding heroes, you need extra space for those too. In my opinion.
Others say that if you feed one-by-one, you have better chance To boost skill. Other say 10 same color To maximize odds To get better percentage To raise special skill.
Nice roster indeed. But I little need To root for Cyprian and Wu Kong, they have saved me a lot, allthough the were my firdt 4* heroes and have get To play yet with Others.
That’s a great point. To the OP, I suggest investing some of your gems to increase your roster space. One of tge best and cheapest things to use your gems on. It will save a lot of resourses in the long run.
I’d recommend that you work on the 4* heroes first, with the caveat of feeding any duplicate 3* heroes you get to the one you’ve locked. That will get you the best chance of getting increases on those heroes.
Most 4* heroes will get their specials maxed by the time they level max, but 3* won’t. So you may find yourself needing to feed after the level cap maxes out.
I’d also highly recommend getting more space via spending gems, and leveling up. I find I want about as much free space as you have total room - I am currently carrying 33 spots for feeders, and that excludes high level trainer heroes. I tend to work on feeding on color, often 10 at once, however.
Amazingly, the only 3* hero you have I’d recommend not working on is Kailani. I am guessing you flushed your 2* heroes after recently doing pulls.
Thanks for the responses. I made the mistake of buying gems before I even knew how the game worked. I ate,among others, several Renfields and Graymanes. I will get some more space ASAP but I am still unsure if I should focus on 3 stars or 4. Also for the life of me I cant find the @FraVit93 - 3 Star Hero post. Thanks again!
Additionally where do I purchase more roster space at. I feel like an idiot for asking but I can’t find it in game nor on the internet.
It’s in the shop under resources
Here we go
Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good! Renfeld, Graymane, and Prisca are some of the worst 3-stars in the game. Don’t worry about eating them. Worry about it if you end up leveling them!
To your original question, I’m a fan of having a solid 3-star team before working on your 4-stars. Part of that is, as F2P, it was necessary for me, but with a good 3-star team, you can always compete in rare tier challenge events (which happen monthly) and 3-star raid tournaments (like the current one) to get loot. And loot is almost always a good thing. If you’re in an alliance, it’s also a quicker way to build your bench for war. It will take you a LONG time to get 30 4-star heroes for a bench. Finally, building a 3-star bench first gives you the chance to pull a few more 4-stars in the meantime and maybe make a better decision who to level for that team.
Eventually, I’d even recommend getting a double rainbow of 3-stars so you can always sub out the reflected color in challenge events for another hero of the strong color. But with your limited hero capacity, one rainbow team of 3’s and one rainbow team of 4’s should probably be your priority now.
So, in terms of who to prioritize for your first rainbow 3-star team, I like:
- Valen (almost consensus best 3-star blue in the game)
- Bane
- Tyrum
- Hawkmoon
- Brienne
My choices for a 4-star rainbow, based on your current heroes, would be:
- Guardian Jackal
- Grimm (love me some Grimm)
- Melendor
- Cyprian (although this is one where you might pull a better option in the meantime; hope for Rigard)
- Gormek (but a case to be made for Scarlett)
I will probably get a lot of flack for taking Gormek over Scarlett, but if you go with those I listed above, you’ve got a lot of “squishy” (easy to kill) heroes, and Scarlett is another one. Gormek, on the other hand, has a ton of HP, and he can serve as your raid team tank (middle position). Cyprian would also be a good tank at your level, though, so there is that. You could run Gormek on Cyp’s flank. Just so much squishy with Scarlett. Anyway, as I say, you might pull better options while leveling your 3-stars if you go that route.
Don’t hesitate to come back here often and check progress. I wish I had when I was where you are. I am not, and never will be, one of those with lots of top heroes who can help you figure out how to stay in the diamond tier on raids, but I like to think I can help newer players develop their teams early, so if you ever want me to take a look-see at something, just @ mention me.
yes, you were wise and started a new topic for your “troubles”, my post, were in a big topic:
Like you see, my roster isn’t quite good as yours and you get in trouble in ascension materials, so I suggest, you can choose, wether you start to leveling 3 or 4 stars, but 4 stars only to 3/60, then you need rare ascension materials to last tier. My opinion, first 3* because its quicker.
Its cheaper and faster to raise 3* to 3/50 (maxed out) than 4* to 3/60 (waiting ascension materials to last tier)
I think you have found the post which gave you as much recruits, wooden swords and pack pacs to get feeding material to you heroes?
Thanks for all the knowledge, I SS’d it for easy retreival. I did expand my hero capacity and ascended Valen so while I didn’t start best foot forward I am currently on the right track anyway.
Does the Level affect the loot table? For example do rare drops happen more often at higher levels?
@Noble_Weasel I rolled some more hero’s and I was wondering if you could take a look? Any advice regarding talent best practices would also be appreciated. Also at what point does it make sense to try to get into an active Alliance? Thanks in advance

I mean this as nicely as possible, but my best advice is to stop pulling for big heroes and level what you’ve got. You’ve got a ton of choices here, but you need to make wise use of rare ascension materials. Time to settle down and decide who fits your play style best.
Again, I’d advise getting at least one rainbow three-star team (maybe two) maxed. I know you have some good four- and five-star options, but a solid three-star rainbow team or two a) will let you complete rare tier challenge events; b) will be helpful in some raid tournaments; c) builds your bench for alliance war; d) gives you quick diversity for class quests, e) gives you color stacking possibilities, especially against titans, and f) is cheaper and faster to build than a rainbow four-star team. These reasons will be relevant to you for a long time, even after you start working on four- and five-stars. While play style is important, there is some commonly accepted wisdom about the best three-stars (and the worst). I’d suggest the following for your first/second rainbow three-star team:
- Valen/Gato or Ulmer (play style choice; eventually, I’d probably do all three)
- Bane (done)/Melia (these are pretty clear cut
- Balthazar/Tyrum, Chochin, or Gill-ra (can’t advise here, as I only have Tyrum. Be aware that Gill-ra is the only three star cleanser, but his/her/its special does no direct damage, so again, play style. Might do three or all four of these, as they all bring something to the table)
- Brienne/Belith or Mnesseus (again, probably all three eventually, but Belith is a better healer than Hawkmoon and should take priority)
- Hawkmoon (done)/Namahage or Wabbit (again, play style choice. Most people like Wabbit, but I prefer Namahage personally. Wouldn’t hurt to do both and see what you think)
When you get to four-stars, you start to get into player priorities. Want to hold onto cups from raids? Kashrek is a tank that will serve you well for a long time. But his tile damage is weak, and he only heals three, so Melendor might be your preference, since he hits harder, heals all, and dispels. Rigard is the only four-star cleanser, and among several excellent four-star purple choices, I’d recommend he take priority. For red, lots of folks like Wilbur for titans, offensive raids, and world levels, but not for your defense team, so if cups are your priority, someone like Boldtusk or Gormek might make more sense. In blue, Grimm is a glass cannon (but what a cannon!) while Kiril is a nice healer/buffer. I would either do Gormek and Kiril or Grimm and Boldtusk, but not Kiril and Boldtusk or Gormek and Grimm, because those would be redundant. You see how so much of this has to be dictated by play style and who you want to use together?
That’s why I’d suggest you finish your first rainbow 3-star team and probably go ahead and build a second one. That will give you the time and experience to figure out what is important to you. Then, come back with those priorities in-hand and I and others can advise you better. Since your question about alliances implies that you aren’t part of one or aren’t part of an active one, you don’t even know how much you value titan damage or war depth yet, so join an alliance ASAP to get a feel for those. Hope this helps.
@Noble_Weasel is right. Stop summoning! You have enough heroes to keep you busy for a year already.
- Build 2 or 3 3* teams and get used to using them. Learn how the specials work together and how to time and target them. Then do the same thing with 4* teams. Then, and only then, start working on 5* heroes.
- Get into a good, active teaching alliance as soon as you can. Not only will that open up opportunities for war and titan loot, it will also give you access to people who can help you get the most out of your heroes.
Here’s a link to a thread with lots of teaching alliances:
Since everybody was so helpful I thought a quick update was in order. I finished my second 3* rainbow team and TC level 12 is under construction. I am in an Alliance but sometimes we struggle to drop 5 star titans which is fine since I don’t meet the requirements for the higher level Alliances anyway. Currently I am trying to decide if I want to level up a third rainbow team while I continue to gather ascention materials or pull the trigger on the 4*s and hope the missing mats fall in my lap.
Update to the update - Joined Guardians Academy