Hi All
Some of you (@IvyTheTerrible, @Fravit93, @kerridoc, @rohn, @scarecrow ) may recall from an older thread that I have been making plans for Kingston for ages - to the extent of holding off the final ascension of a 3/70 Lianna until I see if I get Kingston in October.
I have 21 EHT’s and 1400 Atlantis coins - so 35 chances for Kingston in either the Halloween event or October Atlantis!
I wasn’t going to do a September Atlantis pull - but I caved and did a ten pull with gems - and out popped Alberich!
So now I have Lianna at 3/70, Alberich at 1/1 and the possibility of Kingston in October - and 7 Tonics.
My current defence is Seshat - Zimkitha - Aegir - Mitsuko - Joon , and my plan was to to replace Joon with either a) Kingston if I get him, or b) Lianna if I don’t. But now I have Alberich to consider too.
So my questions:
- Who is the better replacement for Joon? - Kingston/Liannna or Alberich? Would that team with Alberich be too defensive.
- If I do go and max Alberich, is there then any point in going for Kingston, as I won’t have the tonics. Maybe better to wait and save the EHT’s for Christmas and a chance at Grimble (though I have plenty of purples).
- Or is there an entirely new defensive lineup that I should be considering?
Any advice appreciated. My full roster is below (shows all 5*, and the 4* that I have maxed or am working on. I also have most other 4* at 1/1)
Thanks everyone!