Hello everyone,
I finally got a hand on the last ascension materials I needed. I can start thinking about a whole new defensive setup.
Here are my candidate heroes :
Red : Mitsuko (4/30 atm, I got emblems for her)
Blue : Aegir (4 emblems) and Richard (1 emblem)
Green : Evelyn (4 emblems) and 6 tonics to choose between LOTL and Lianna
Yellow : Justice (1 emblem) and Vivica (3/60 atm and 6 darts waiting)
Purple : Quintus (6 emblems, probably will be removed for Mitsuko)
I’m thinking
Option 1 : Evelyn/Aegir/Mitsuko/Richard/Lianna (palindrome defense, to provoke a blue stack, punished by Mitsuko with a bad board)
Option 2 : Evelyn/Mitsuko/Aegir/LOTL/Quintus (more natural placements for Mits and Aegir and its rainbow. But I dislike the 2 slow heroes)
Option 3 : dunno…
Thanks for your help to help me choose who to ascend : LOTL or Lianna and Vivica or Leonidas (beurk…)
Option 2 :
If you’re doing any summons this month i would hold tonics to see if u get kingston as he is the obvious 1up to lianna
If u dont get him then i would probly max lianna before the lady of the lake tho both worth maxing. I would put alby or mn ahead of lady of the lake but u have neither and would still max lianna first prior to either anyways i believe
Lianna+eve will help u a ton on offense. Lianna is the best tc20 green in all areas. Lady of the lake is good but stat wise i feel she’s more useable on offense at 3/70 than lianna at 3/70 which is typical when lookin at healers vs damagers as healers heals don’t typically ramp up with higher levels and they have solid durability at 4/80 so still useable durability at 3/70.
I haven’t had a chance to look at team setups above but will try to come back to it after work
Thanks Rigs.
I’ll do a 10 pull for halloween yeah. I don’t really see Kingston’s +1 over Lianna, but why not ?
I’d rather pull Neith as I lack a good yellow hero.
I really hope that LOTL is a great hero, but she doesn’t look to be made for defense.
She’s not a good defensive hero in my opinion, but an awesome offensive hero, definitely worth maxing as @Rigs said but I would do one of the other options before her.
Despite all your good advices, I chose to ascend LOTL.
She won’t probably end in my defense team, but she’s a game changer in attack. Usually, if I manage to kill the tank, I have time to ghost some tiles and get her going. Then it’s usually game over for the opposing team. She steals their mana, giving me time to charge my hitters and sceal the deal.
As for my defense team, I favor this set-up : Evelyn/Mitsuko/Aegir/Vivica/Quintus, although my right side is slow. I need my TC20s to finally deliver Sartana…