Lianna or Alberich

I have enough for 1. Who goes?
All of my fully ascended hero’s:


Alberich without a doubt :slight_smile:

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I am battling the same decision. Except throw Evelyn in there to make the choice a little tougher. They are all great heroes! Alby can bring a lot to your defense team, Lianna falls a little short in defense in my opinion. Lianna seems a bit better choice if you need to boost your offense more than your defense. I have 4 maxed green 4* so Evelyn could boost my color stacking for war and raids. None of mine are leveled, so my only useful experience with them has been fighting them in raids and war, and they are all awesome in their own way. I have Ariel on my defense team now so I am leaning towards Evelyn or Lianna to go first, even though I’ve been dreaming of having Alby on defense forever!

Alberich works on both sides, not just defense

His mana gains and rolling heals are what puts him over MN in my opinion

I went lianna then alby, no regrets(got lianna few months before alby)

But wouldnt have regretted the other way either

Think if i was on titans 10* and lower, I’d go alby lianna evelyn

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Twenty Thanks, @Rigs

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I took eve and lianna to 3/70, took eve to 4/80 because she made my other greens better including lianna.

Lianna 3/70 is similar to caedmon, hits a little harder but less defense. When I raid, I’ve been taking caedmon with eve, lianna as my third green if I do 3 stack.

I was fortunate, got alby just before I started lianna. Asked around and no doubt alby before lianna.
In fact I’ll give emblems to alby, eve already class 3.

Once alby is maxed, he will replace Eve on defense but don’t regret giving emblems to Eve because of titans.

Agree with @Rigs, the mana boost is amazing.
Took a 2/50 alby in raid just for fun with kage and Victor. Didn’t even play a purple stack and they both charged up, noice!!