Kingston – New October 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): Thoughts & Discussion

Yay - for those of you following my search for Kingston - it finally worked.
After the failure with my 10 pull in Pirates a couple of weeks ago, I now had 1800 Atlantis coins saved, so 18 attempts.
And , after 11 disappointing 3* and a couple of duplicate 4*, finally on the 12th pull Rigard appeared with KINGSTON in tow! Rejoice!

I will save the remaining 600 Atlantis coins for next month for a chance at Neith

So I don’t now have to invoke the 3rd stage of my plan for Kingston which was using my 27 EHTs in the Morlovia seasonal event.

Next decision is whether I do start using the EHTs at the Morlova seasonal event in November for a chance at Neith, or whether I save them all for Christmas Event and a chance for Santa/Mother North (I already have Buddy) and Grimble?