Hi guys just finishing leveling Evelyn, have been using her with Caedmon and she is great, now can level a 5* green and got Kadilen and Elkanen so I ask which of these 2 will be better to pair with Evelyn? As single hitter have Sartana and Marjana, as multi hitter have Vela. Thanks in advance for any advice
I’d go with kadilen personally and if you get the costume even better yet
I’m similar. There are other threads that compare these two, but often have a third so I didn’t merge.
The obvious question though is what do you need. Elkanen, especially emblemed and costumed, can make a decent tank.
That said, I find Kadilen superior in most regards.
It boils down to what you need the most. But in my honest opinion Kadilen in costume is way better.
That said, Elkanen with emblems can be used in a tank position and does pack a punch.
Whichever hero you choose good luck
Both are good, but Kadilen’s is more of a team player in that she has the defense buff, hence she pairs better with Evelyn. Elkanen’s special overlaps with Evelyn’s and his self-healing helps make him sturdy, but does little for the rest of the team. Ergo, go with Kadilen.
I assume that you’ll replace Caedmon with Kadilen (or Elkanen)? I also assume this is for offense?
If you plan to use one of these two on defense, it would be good to know the rest of your lineup.
Good luck
Dammit, stop confusing me guys! I have both with their costumes and am still uncertain which would be best in my def team. I do need a tank…
My cElk is closest to being finished as I got him first, but having asked these same sort of questions here and on reddit the slight consensus is that cKad would be a better tank.
(I do have more emblems I could give Kad so that maybe swings it her way…)
Not to jump in and steal the OP’s thread.
It seems like they are close enough that there’s no clear winner.
Hi @Bwang, if you are looking for a tank, and your only options are Kaliden with costume or Elkanen with costume, I think that there are a couple of ways to answer: 1. I think neither is ideally suited as a tank, but Kaliden may have a slight edge, though it’s close.
Anchor gives them both a B as a tank. So, they’re close.
- It doesn’t matter. Level the one you would most want to use on offense, too.
Your Defense Team Is Good Enough
Are your tank restrictions such because your alliance coordinates with green tanks? If not, are you sure you don’t have a better tank candidate lurking somewhere on your roster?
In my honest opinion, costume Kadilen with emblems would make the best tank on a defence team. Good luck
Thanks guys.
We did have coordinated green tanks for a while, and will probably go back to that strategy.
I also have Atomos who anchor gives an A grade to, but from other advice people are recommending me cKad ahead of him.
Yes - ‘your defence team is good enough’ - is an excellent thread and point! I am still looking for a def team that keeps me in diamond or close enough. I’d say I open 85% of my raid chests in diamond but I obviously want that to be 100%.
My only other legendary green is a maxed Ratatoskr. But I am using a Boldtusk (with costume bonus) in my defence so two healers seems like overkill (or overheal rather…)
My other defence stalwarts are Seshat, Magni, and a soon to be finished Clarissa. My grand plan was Seshat-Boldtusk-Green Tank-Magni-Clarissa.
Other red options are Khagan or cElena - neither ideal for defence (perhaps a highly emblemed cElena could work but Magni and Boldtusk also want those fighter emblems).
My only holy legendary option is Malosi, great on attack but maybe not for def.
Interesting. Atomos is a good tank, and better, IMO, than Kaliden and Elkanen.
I love Seshat. Boldtusk is good and Magni is good, too,
Hi Ric thanks for your advice and as a tank I’m using at the moment Rigard with 20 emblems but also have Boldtusk and Wilbur and also leveling Rafaelle that probably will use him as a tank once he’s fully leveled but it will take a while because of mats, at the moment my defence team is Boldtusk, Vela, Rigard, Evelyn and Wu Kong from left to right, so who would you replace from this line up to put Kadilen on this defense team? Thanks for your advice
I do think you should change your current defense. It’s too passive, IMO, with two healers and Wu Kong who does not hit.
I like all of these heroes, but not together.
I like Rigard as a tank. Who is your next-best yellow after Wu? Who’s your next-best red? Who’s your next-best purple?
I am in favor of a rainbow defense, so I would be reluctant to put both Evelyn and Kadien in the same defense.
You could go Evelyn - Vela - Rigard - YELLOW - Marjana
You could also go Evelyn - Vela - Boltusk - YELLOW - Marjana
It will be interesting to see the rest of your roster.
Hi Ric thank you very much for your advice, have posted my best heroes here so if possible please tell me what you think it would make the best defence and offensive teams, thanks in advance
2nd line is the heroes that I’m leveling at the moment, using each colour in each hero so they take a long time, if you see other hero that is better to level before this 5, please let me know too, thanks Tony
I personally would swap Li Xiu for Wu for now (Leo when maxed) and use Marjana instead of BT. I agree two healers is too passive for defense, and I never fear seeing Wu as an opponent.
I like using Kadilen on offense. My Elk is still 1-1 waiting his turn.
Long term, I think I would go with Evelyn - Vela - Jean-François - Leonidas - Sartana
You could use Li Xiu until Leonidas is leveled up.
While you’re working on Jean-Françios you could go with:
Evelyn - Vela - Rigard - Li Xiu - Marjana
To the OP: Elkanen will pair much better with Evelyn than Kadilen, so if that’s what your basing the majority of your decision on (from the sounds of it, at least), max Elkanen.
However, for anyone with both (including with costumes), I’d personally go Kadilen. C. Elkanen makes a solid tank, but ultimately, Kadilen has more versatility.
Without costumes, I’d choose either Kadilen for more support and/or for defensive flank, or Elkanen for more offensive power (especially with an Eve or Almur to pair with) and/or defensive tank
Thanks for your advice
I would go with Kaliden. She can be a powerful tank with her special skill. I would level her costume for the stat boost, but keep her classic defense skill. She is very difficult to kill off. Elkhanen has a good skill, but only helps himself. I recently stripped his emblems for Vivica and Mist.