How to hit max damage on the titan

I need guidance on how to cause maximum damage on the tiran. I see players talking about Crystals but I dnt understand them. I want to knw which colours to stack together for a higher damage. Currently I team wu kong plus 4 same colours and at times i do well and at times I let my alliance down. So I want to master it well. .

This is my team.

You are supposed to stack like you have been doing.

For example with Green titans, I use Tyr, Wilbur, Flacon, Boldustk, and Ranvir.

Falcon and Wilbur lower defense, while Boldustk and Ranvir both increase my damage output for tiles. This works well because I am stacking the color that is strong against green titans, aka Red.

You want to stack a ā€œstrong colorā€ against titans with heroes who either increase your attack, or lower the defense of the titan you are fighting.

Red is strong vs green, green is strong vs blue, blue is strong vs red.

Purple and Yellow are strong against each other, and are weak to themselves. So purple will do less damage to purple.

Hope this helps. I would also recommend arrows, axes, and mana pots to fuel your specials and keep the team alive.


There is a guide-thread about it on the forum. You can search it. I might do it and add the link later.

Bottomline is:

Attack buffer (Wu for example), Defense Debuffer, Elemental Defense Debuffer (if available), Healer + High tile damage dealer in the right colour.
Best would be to have all or at least four of the heroes in the right colour.

Also, regular attack buffers (cRigard, Boldtusk) stack with Wu!

against yellow: cRigard, Tibs, Kunchen, Cyprian, Wu
against purple: Kunchen, Chao, Hu, Li, Wu
against red: Kunchen, Kiril, Sonya, Agwe, Wu
against green: BT, Gormek, Kelile, Colen, Wu (switch Colen with Scarlett as soon she is maxed)
against blue: Kunchen, Mel, LJ, Caed, Wu

These are my suggestions. Actually you really donā€™t have many different options regarding your maxed heroes.

Once you get Wilbur max him Asap. If you donā€™t have a defense debuffer in the right colour, I would always use him instead. He gives you good protection with his spirit link.

And if you are lucky enough this teltoc: Jackal, Falcon, Panther are amazing at titans.
On Avalon you have the chance to get King Arthur and S3 has Almur as a green elemental debuffer.

Playstyle: Try to stun the titan, unless you can make a diamond or set off a cascade. Items I use most of the time: turtle banner, minor mana, healing potions, small green potions if needed. sometimes medium mana potions. the bigger items i save for rare titans


Wu is going to be helpful most of the time. I would continue doing 4-1 (Wu + the four colors that are strongest against the titan). Only exception for Wu is when youā€™re fighting a titan that reflects yellow damage (your Wu will probably die before being useful).

Obviously when stacking, you are largely at the mercy of the tiles.

Letā€™s say youā€™re going against a green titan. Iā€™d go Wu + 4 reds for sure. Wu with BT, Gormek, Kelile, and Colen should be a fairly strong combo. Though in that case, you really want to maximize use of your red tiles.

For best results, BRING MANA POTS

If you get a good starting board with lots of red tiles, use mana pots to charge up and activate Wu before using the red tiles. Try to look for any opportunity to match up 5+ red tiles in a single chain to produce a shard (AKA "diamond), that way you can unleash all of your reds on your board against the titan.

If you get a mediocre starting board with a few red tiles but spread far apart from each otherā€¦ if you have tornadoes or hurricanes and can afford to use one? Go ahead and charge and activate Wu with your mana pots first, then use the tornado/hurricane to remix the board and hope that the tiles move closer together for more opportunities for red matches.

If you have a bad starting boardā€¦ very few red tiles? Just stun the titan with other colors (particularly yellows if you can). This will keep the titan from being able to strike you, while also clearing bad tiles off your board while you wait for good ones to replace them. Donā€™t waste mana pots on Wu until you have enough red tiles up to do some significant damage.

Itā€™s still entirely possible that your boards will be really bad, and there will be times where your Wu will miss most of his attacks, and you will end up with a lower score regardless of how hard you try. There are a few attack booster heroes that might be better than Wu (Tarlak, Miki, Ranvir to name a few)ā€¦

and like @diesdas says, attack boosts can oftentimes stack even with Wu (BT is great vs. green titans)ā€¦ defense debuffs help as well (Gormek, Wilbur also great vs. greens especially)ā€¦ even if you didnā€™t have Wu (or actually especially if you donā€™t have a Wu-like hero, definitely want to focus on stacking + attack for your team coupled with - defense for your enemy)ā€¦

heavy color stacking is almost always the best course of action for most titans, even though that comes with a degree of riskā€¦ not every single hit is going to be a home run, sometimes the boards simply do not deliver. The point is to make the absolute most of the ones that do. You can get 3 mediocre scores running a full rainbow team, or you can get 2 awesome scores and 1 mediocre score using Wu + color stacks. Majority of the time in my experience, the Wu + stacking is going to give you the highest overall total score.

EXAMPLE: Letā€™s say youā€™re hitting a green titan. You have Wu-Gormek-BT-Kelile-Colen on your team.

Match up 5 reds to create a shard, wait until you have a number of red tiles on your board and all of your special skills are fully charged.

Use your specials in this order:
Boldtusk, then Gormek, then (edit: probably Colen before Kelile, because Iā€™m not sure if DoT stacks), then Wu, then activate that red shard on your board.

Of course, there are factors, such as titan level, how many of Wuā€™s hits actually hit, or whateverā€¦ but on average, a hit like that should net you well over 10k (potentially upwards of 50k or more?) damage.

And thatā€™s just one hit. If you can pull that off twice, or if that hit is followed by a major chain comboā€¦ just sit back and enjoy.


I seriously had wilber. But I used him to max another hero. I didnā€™t see him important. I Pray i get him back

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By him, you mean Wilbur? Oh no! :open_mouth:

That is one hero that you should not get rid of, even if you have a roster full of maxed 5*s and HotMs, Wilbur is still useful.

I also hope you get him back.

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Which one are you talking about? Jackal? You wonā€™t make that mistake again, i bet :laughing:

He is all i was pulling for this event. I got a second panther and kong this morning with 11 pullsā€¦ Still no jackal

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Against titans def debuff is the most important, followed by atk buff.

Iā€™d do:
vs red: Kiril, Tiburtus, Sonja, ??, Wu
vs blue: Kiril, Tiburtus, Melendor, LJ, Wu
vs green: BT, Gormek, Elena, Colen, Wu
vs yellow: BT, Tibs, Kunchen, Sabina, ??
vs purple: BT, Gormek, Chao, LiXiu/HuTao, Wu

I think Tiburtusā€™ average speed debuff is better than Kunchen, but I donā€™t have Kuchen, so I canā€™t compare

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You got some good advice in here. Generally you want to stack 4 strong color + a useful hero in another color. You can go 5 of one color, but that can be tough, as you may lack the general option you want:

Attack Buff(s): they come in +attack, and then things like +crit, and the Wu-style miss chance with damage increase, among others. If you donā€™t have the vanilla version, Bear Banners will do that.

Defense Debuff (general):
Thatā€™s what you get from Gormek, Grimm, etc. Also from Harpoons.

Defense Debuff (elemental):
Guardians Jackal, Falcon, and Panther have this along with some other heroes.

Such is the nature of Wu Kong, and similar heroes, like Ranvir.

One more point: Iā€™d Iā€™d recommend that you simply NEVER feed your only copy of a 4* or 5*, especially one that isnā€™t available from TC20.


Hereā€™s a good starting point:

At the bottom of the the first post are several links to other titan hit threads.





U have really bean helpful @diesdas And everyone who replied


I wouldnā€™t use agwe against red Titan, he has increased defense boost against Nature not fire. Better bet is Nordri for the defense down against Ice

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I just went with what his roster provides. But I agree, he isnā€™t a good hero overall. (What an irony he maxed him but fed Wilburā€¦ well, we all learn by mistakes :wink: ) But I think his tile damage is a bit higher than Kirils, so I chose him over a 2nd Kiril. But indeed, if @Kingjal128 has Nordri and the titans are not too high, I would use him instead and give him emblems.

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Agwe isnā€™t great, no. But he was my first 4* blue. And heā€™s at least useful for autofarming low level provinces. :man_shrugging:

When you donā€™t have all the heroes, you have to make the best of what youā€™ve got.


Agreed, I have agwe at 3/60, he was my first Atlantis special so I canā€™t get rid of him even though I rarely use him


I dnt have a big playr profile but I once did a high hit by chance bse bse I stacked the right colours. But now I knw which colours and players against which titan. Here we go. Thanks alot. @diesdas :+1: :muscle:

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Why giving awge beef, cleric hitter use him for trails does me good.

Yeah best to stack against titan dont have a wu tarlak or miki I go mono or maybe 4-1 ariel as a heal mana boost but always bring arrows turtle small green pot 4th is what ever

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Agwe doesnā€™t cause a big damage but I like him though. I always use him in alliance wars

Not the greatest yeah, I basically leveled him for trails as cleric not many have offence move Iā€™ll bring to war too if need some extra blue. I leveled a skittles for trails as well for same reason. emblems are needed plus they ainā€™t that bad.

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