Should I ascend my hero and costume together or separately?

I drew Gullinbursti with costume yesterday, I wondered should I ascend them in unison or separately, I tend to try and ascend them in unison wherever possible?

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Use your yellow feeders on costume, and other colors on original version. You will probably finish both at the same time with this feeding strategy :slight_smile:


I usually do it the opposite way as the costume cannot be higher than the originall player.

My prioritization with costumes often depends on the near term goal.

If you will only use them if they have emblems, then the costume side just slows you down as you can only apply emblems after base version is fixed. If you’re willing to use at say 4/70, I would level normal up to 4/1, and then get the costume up to 4/70 while leaving the base version at 4/1.

If I got the costume, I’d probably level the base version all of the way up and then level the costume up.


I always max the regular hero then the costume. I can only imagine doing it differently if I had to use the costume version unmaxed, which can be the case for people with small rosters. But that’s not something I would ever do.


If you’re willing to use the costume without emblems for a while (for instance, c Ariel for me for the overheal), getting the costume to max is much faster and also grants the full costume bonus to both the costume and the base hero while still leveling.