šŸ¦øā€ā™‚ļø Goseck - 5* Dark / Purple from Sanctuary of Gargoyles

New Sanctuary of Gargoyles Hero is released: Goseck

This thread is for discussing strategy related to Goseck, as well as your thoughts on him.


Rarity Element Class Mana Speed
Level Attack Defense Health

4/85 888 863 1571
4/90 1016 988 1798
Origin Family
Sanctuary of Gargoyles Gargoyle
Image Aether Power Description
regen Regen At the start of each battle, this Hero regenerates 420 health over 6 turns.
In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
:hourglass: Ability: Gargoyleā€™s Stoneskin
Every time this Gargoyle casts a Special Skil, their Stoneskin hardens. The next 5 times they receive damage, it is dropped to 1. This effect canā€™t be dispelled.
:dizzy: Special Skill: Revengefull Smite
  • Deals 350% damage to all enemies.
  • The less HP the caster has, the more damage they deal up to 700%.

All-in-one still under construction. Card image to be added when available.

:hugs: Family Bonus

Heroes become stronger when teamed with other unique Heroes of the same family.

Gargoyle family
Bonus for 1 / 2 / 3 Heroes:

Immune to Poison damage / Immune to Poison and Burn damage / Immune to Poison and Burn and Water damage

:balance_scale: Balance Changes

June 2022

Jun 2023 (Big Balance Update)

:test_tube: Changes from Beta

There appear to be no changes to Goseck from last-seen Beta stats, skill, and design.

Beta Information: šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on New Sanctuary of Gargoyles Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v48]

:thought_balloon: What do you think of Goseck ?

This thread is for thoughts and discussion on Goseck.

Based on preferences Forum members have expressed, please try to stick mainly to Goseck and not wander off topic too much to other heroes.

Some Popular Questions for Discussion

  • Is Goseck worth summoning for?

  • Would you use Goseck on Defense? Offense? War? Quests/Events? Titans?

  • Which heroes on your Roster best pair with Goseck ?

  • What heroes would you take when facing Goseck as an opponent?

  • Would you give Goseck Barbarian Emblems? Which Talent Grid path will you choose?

  • What do you think of special?

  • What do you think of Goseckā€™s character design?

  • If you Summoned Goseck and would like to post your results, please include some thoughts on why you Summoned Goseck, and whether/how you plan to make use of them.*

*NOTE: Summon Results posted without any commentary/feedback at all should be flagged as Off Topic and removed, based on preferences expressed by the Forum community. Please include some comments about what you think of Goseck when posting Summon Results. In addition to opinions about Goseck, you are also encouraged to include how many Summons it took before receiving Goseck (or how many Summons youā€™ve done without receiving Goseck), so other players are presented with realistic experiences of the rarity of Legendary Event Hero.

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:
Or: How many summons are needed to get a Legendary Challenge Event Hero?

Itā€™s important to remember that Challenge Event Heroes have EXTREMELY low summoning odds. No amount of summoning will guarantee a Challenge Event Hero.

On average, in a 10-pull, you have a 1.65% chance of summoning Goseck.

But that statistic can lead our minds astray in exactly how our odds play out as we continue summoning.

Some useful insights:

  • 15 times out of 100, youā€™ll get Goseck by pull 100 (26,000 gems)
  • 56 times out of 100, youā€™ll get Goseck by pull 500 (130,000 gems)
  • 95 times out of 100, youā€™ll get Goseck by pull 1,796 (467,200 gems)
  • 99 times out of 100, youā€™ll get Goseck by pull 2,761 (717,900 gems)

Putting that in Perspective

  • 85 out of every 100 people wonā€™t get Goseck by the 100th pull

  • If 1 Million players each spent $259.97 (US) to summon :one::zero::zero: times, 846,364 of those players wouldnā€™t get Goseck

  • 5 out of every 100 people wonā€™t get Goseck by the 1800th pull

  • If 1 Million players each spent $4,671.53 US to summon :one::eight::zero::zero: times, 49,663 of those players wouldnā€™t get Goseck

More Insights & Reading

I highly recommend reading these three threads for more information and context on summoning odds:

If youā€™ve read them a million times before, you may consider reading them again before deciding on your budget for summoning. A little time spent deciding on how much money you want to risk on summoning goes a long way to avoiding disappointment, frustration, and regret later. :slight_smile:

:thinking: Wondering About Your Personal Situation?

Feel free to discuss your team and roster here, and ask for advice from other Forum members.

If youā€™d like more extensive advice on sorting out your particular roster, I recommend creating a new thread in Gameplay Help & Tactics, and posting screenshots of your hero roster, along with your questions.

:link: Related Threads You May Be Interested In


Feedback Poll - Goseck (post release)

:question: Is Goseck worth Summoning For?

  • Yes, absolutely
  • Only if youā€™re P2P
  • Yes, but only when featured.
  • Not really
  • Not at all

0 voters

:question: How many copies of Goseck would be useful to keep & Level?

Note - this is roster space dependent & isnā€™t the same for everyone!

  • Zero
  • Just one
  • 2
  • 3
  • All of them

0 voters

:question: Goseckā€™s Primary Purpose is dealing damage.

:question: What do you think of Goseck compared to other Heroes?

  • Over Powered (OP)
  • Little stronger than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Little Weaker than Most
  • Completely Broken (Under Powered)

0 voters

:question: How does Goseckā€™s Special Skill and Intended Purpose match Goseckā€™s Base Stats?

Note this means her Class, Attack, Defence & HP Stat

  • Perfectly
  • Better than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Worse than Most
  • Terribly

0 voters

:question: Is Goseck worth giving Barbarian Emblems to?

  • Yes absolutely
  • Depends on who else you got
  • Hmmmm, not sure yet
  • No I donā€™t think so
  • Noā€¦ Not at all.

0 voters

:question: In Defence, where do you think Goseck is best used?

  • Left Wing
  • Left Flank
  • Tank
  • Right Flank
  • Right Wing
  • Not on defence at all.

0 voters

:question: How do you think Goseck is best used?

  • PvP Raids/ War attack
  • Normal Defence
  • War Defence
  • Titans
  • Farming
  • Tournaments
  • Event Teams

0 voters

Choose up to 3 options

:question: What do you think is Goseck worth Limit Breaking ?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

:question: If you would emblem Goseck then which Emblem Path would you select ?

  • Sword path
    (Selecing Attack talent nodes when possible)
  • Shield path
    (Selecing Health and Shield talent nodes when possible)

0 voters

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Of the 5* Gargoyles, this one i wouldnā€™t mind getting. Imagine this one with Costume Panther.


goseck will be a very interesting tank as we can mainly see purple tanks in war and he will be a beast in VF


ā€¦or even with Khonshu.

Is Goseck still pretty good even after being changed to Barbarian class and his damage reduced? Just wondering because I know his maximum damage is 650% but itā€™s not like you will be firing at 1hp very often since he canā€™t revive any more.

Hi! Iā€™m not at home, so my options are limited but still, I think it is a ā€˜must seeā€™ category, so I had to upload. Enjoy! :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing, itā€™s a good reminder that you donā€™t need Panther as he pairs super well with Sergei too. Itā€™s just a funny strategy of having to get him on low health for his maximum effectiveness :joy:

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My only problem with this hero is the barbarian. Too many purple barbarian. And im tired of the class change to barbarian, if anything, I think paladin would compliment his use. He should of stayed at a fighter and that bonus damaged reduced even more.


Already found a bug. He should be immune against poison on his own, but apparently he is not yet. :smiley:

@PlayForFun who should we tag? Thanks!


yep. Thatā€™s a confirmed bug. Goseck should have been able to resist it. Think the staff should be notified.

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I think itā€™s a visual issue.
At 6:15 in the video you posted, you can see that the gargoyle mark passive effect has appeared and has not been damaged by poison.
(Motega has taken 93 damage from poison, but Goseck hasnā€™t.)

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Crazy to see a hero with almost 1300 ATK :hushed:

And they nerfed Azmia :joy::joy:


I think this is working as exected. (According to what I saw in Beta earlier)

The family bonus says that the hero is immunte to Poison damage but not the ailment itself.

So the hero can recieve the ailment, but when the damage is applied, then the hero will resist the damage.

It was worked like this in Beta.

There are passives which says ā€œthis hero is resist status ailments that does posion damageā€ (or something like that)
These heroes can not receive the ailments itself.

Before the current Beta I would have said that it is doesnā€™t matter, but in the current Beta we have received a Kalevala hero, which does more damage if the target has got a status ailment.


Which talent path did you go?

I have no idea how but I got him with as little as 14 pulls.

He is the ultimate missing link to my Overlord Team; was using Xnolphod + Ludwig + Alfrike but didnā€™t really have any good hero to place next to Ludwig except Alfrike. Now this guy will enjoy the spot. Also planning to tank with him after I limit break him; those 4 instances of immunity to damage is SICK. Especially in VF environment. Probably even more broken than Alfrike - weā€™ll see.


I pulled him on my alt account. He looks great. Really happy to get him at least on alt.

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Thereā€™s also the case with that purple knight (rayne?) , that spreads her poison from the target . If it resists damage not the status , the poison will still spread thru gargoyles , not entirely nullifying half her special if Iā€™m right?

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Yes, I think the Aiment will spread to the Gargolyes too, and spread to their neightbor, but the damage will not be received by them.

Thanks, guys, probably youā€™re right! Iā€™ve got limited options, just as I mentioned. I am more than happy to
be able to pull and upload this short video. Heā€™ll definitely play a big role in my roster and upcoming tests are on the way. It was just such a pleasant feeling to see those puny 2000 - 2200 amounts of dmg. And ! he didnā€™t even have 1 hp! :wink: