Gems . Keep them? Atlantis vs Guardians

Hello . I have around 1.5k of gems right now.
If i purchase Atlantis coin offers i think i Will be able to do a X10 pull.

There is a duality here .
Its true i dont have any atlantis Hero. And there are good ones that im missing like wilbur or proteus.
But thats true too that January comes and with it guardians and that event has some important heroes of the Game .

I dont know what to do .

With only coins i can do a 3 pull this time


If it were me I’d do Atlantis for at least the chance of Proteus and Wilbur.


There is the ascension mat chest thing too.
With coins and a X10 pull i Will be opening 2 chest.

If i can get proteus i Will be very pleased . Plus the oportunity to get kageburado too a great dark 5*

On guardians hands im particularly looking forward getting jackal or falcon

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As @princess1 said. Besides, there are awesome featured 5*.


Even some of the 3 stars from Atlantis are worth getting, in my opinion.


@Scarecrow @princess1

And the odds are much better in Atlantis i believe right ?
Events dont have the best summoning odds


I would do guardians if it was me

In guardians, you’re hopin for 2 4* heroes, jackal&falcon, any 5* would be icing on the cake

You can summon atlantis heroes any month, guardians only every 6 months

You can farm more atlantis coins in atlantis rising and do atlantis summons that way

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ atlantis coin is easier than farming event coins to me

Do you have either coin type in stock now?


+1 for Atlantis 1st, also have bonus 1 AM each 10x pull. Proteus and Wilbur are savety playstyle.


I have same dilemma. I am F2P , but i have all Atlantis 4* and Kage & Misandra (all maxed already).
But I don’t have any Event Heros. I could summon 10X from Atlantis or Guardian. What’s your opinion ?

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Is It kind of irrelevant Focus on hotm ?
This month Hero seems to me , in my opinion, really really bad .
On the other hand Next month hero seems more usable


This month’s hotm is a little turd in a punchbowl

Next month hotm is much better


If you dont have jackal or falcon, then well you saw my recommendation above


Btw Guardians is pretty much the only event you’ll see me choose over Atlantis


Yes. I don’t have either. As you mentioned next month’s HOTM seems better. Which i already have full AM for a blue 5*. It seems Guardion is better for me.


Much as I hate to agree with @Rigs I think he makes sense (I can’t believe I actually said that out loud). Guardians comes up twice a year, Atlantis every month.

I wasn’t planning on pulling for Atlantis either as I’m saving my gems for Guardians.


Hi. I have 220 coins stored.
I have 106 loot tickets
And 6 we flask to farm.
And i recently started with hard Mode . Im doing first province . And besides poison one im doing well

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Then yea i would either spend the coins in this atlantis or continue stocking for next atlantis(probably next to be honest)

Next months atlantis featured past hotm and january hotm are better than this month’s too if u wanted to keep stockin up

Natalya onatel grimble = december
Kunchen zeline vela = January

Not sayin you have a good chance at any of the 3 in either month but if you’re goin to take a gamble, might as well take the one with the best possible rewards


I plan on keep pulling in Atlantis until I get Wilbur (already got 3 Proteus).

After I get Wilbur I will redirect my gems to Guardian.


Get enough gems for the 30x summon. It’s totally okay to purchase gems. You don’t have to swear on the bible that your’e F2P😂 You can always be a
“pay once in a while” 2P


I cant spend that money Bro .
Ty anyways