So I’m facing a dilemma with my cleric emblems. I took Rigard all the way to +20, because he’s Rigard and he’s awesome. But now, I’m not sure what to do with my cleric emblems. My choices are:
- Give my cleric emblems to Boril.
Boril has been tanking for me in raids and war, and he holds up OK. I currently have him teamed with Melendor +18, Domitia 4^76, Boldtusk +14, and Poseidon +2. I could emblem him to make him a sturdier tank, but going with a defense path undermines riposte; I fear it will just turn him into a benign meat shield. On the other hand, his attack is a joke, so going with an attack path on emblems doesn’t seem right either. And I am currently maxing (as in, have brought to final ascension) Thorne and Onatel, either of whom could probably make a good tank (except I don’t love having two yellows on defense). So maybe Boril’s days at tank are numbered, and if so, it’s even more critical that I don’t nerf his riposte.
- Wait and give emblems to Vivica.
My only other 4- or 5-star cleric is Vivica. I like healers, so I’m quite excited about Vivica. She is currently at 3^40, but after giving my darts to Onatel, Vivica will probably be sitting there for a while. Once I finish Onatel, I’ll take Vivica to 3^70, but then I have to have another 6 darts, which will take forever. So I’d have quite a pile of cleric emblems gathering dust if I wait for Vivica.
- Wait for something better.
This is kind of the default stance. I’m F2P, so looking at the clerics I could reasonably expect to draw at some point, the list is pretty short: Elkanen, and maybe Hansel. I would love Elk, as green is the only color where I don’t have a legendary. I am currently running 2 TC 20s constantly, and I have been pretty pleased with the rate of 5-stars dropping, but who knows when or if Elk will actually drop.
I would like to do some pulls to try and get Hansel, and with the new challenge coins, maybe I have a shot at him. But the first priority for challenge coins will be to try and get Falcon and/or Jackal, so again, the emblems could be sitting for a while.
Probably not worth mentioning, but I am saving EHTs for Christmas. The chances of pulling Ma North are ridiculously low, but if I did, this whole discussion becomes moot!
Anyone have thoughts?