🧪 Early information on the May 2024 HOTM -- Bo & Runt [Part of The Beta Beat V66]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the May 2024 HOTM, Bo & Runt

All Information from Beta is Subject to Change!

Don’t get attached

Details from beta, especially brand-new beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual hero release.

It’s incredibly common that heroes are changed during beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of skills to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to stats to be made.

Bo & Runt Beta Info & Stats (Extremely Likely to Change)

Fancy name: Leaders of the Pack

Gender: Male (with a dog)
Power: 944

Attack: 1021
Defense: 887
HP: 1528

Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Class: Ranger
Family: Legends 2024
Aether Power: Attack Up

Innate Resistance: Resist Minion Removal
This character has innate resistance against Minion removal

Innate Ability: Mana on Minion Summon
When a Minion is summoned to an ally, this character gains 5% mana. This effect can activate only once per turn

Mana Speed: Average

Special Skill: Command the Pack

  • Deals 400% damage to the target.
  • Deals additional 25% damage for each Minion owned by the allies, up to 600% damage in total.
  • Summons a Loyal Hound Minion for the caster with 35% HP and 35% attack inherited from the caster.
  • When summoned the Loyal Hound Minion give +40% attack for tis owner as long as the owner has Loyal Hound Minions. This effect can’t be dispelled.
  • Element Link gives all Nature allies +5% dodge chance for 3 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled.

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:

Or: How many summons are needed to get a HOTM?

Special thanks to @Garanwyn for assistance on summoning odds and proofreading for this section.

It’s important to remember that HOTM have very low summoning odds. No amount of summoning will guarantee a HOTM.

On average, in a 10-pull, you have a 12.3% chance of summoning the HOTM.

But that statistic can lead our minds astray in exactly how our odds play out as we continue summoning.

Some useful insights:

  • 73 times out of 100, you’ll get a HOTM by pull 100
  • 95 times out of 100, you’ll get a HOTM by pull 229
  • 99 times out of 100, you’ll get a HOTM by pull 352

Putting that in Perspective

  • 27 out of every 100 people won’t get the HOTM by the 100th pull

  • If 1 Million players each summoned 100 times, 270,000 of those players wouldn’t get the HOTM

  • 5 out of every 100 people won’t get the HOTM by the 229th pull

  • If 1 Million players each summoned 229 times, 50,000 of those players wouldn’t get the HOTM

More Insights & Reading

I highly recommend reading these two threads for more information and context on summoning odds:

If you’ve read them a million times before, you may consider reading them again before deciding on your budget for summoning. A little time spent deciding on how much money you want to risk on summoning goes a long way to avoiding disappointment, frustration, and regret later. :slight_smile:

For a full list of items currently in beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see the master beta-beat thread:


Woww now a green Pengi who make Leadria more useful as they well synergize

Wondering who is Bo ? Dog or the guy ? :thinking:

Edit: hmmm maybe not quite Pengi as minions just boost the attack


Green Pengi ? It deals damage to one enemy based on how much minions the allies have, and not deals X attacks.

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Thanks PFF, I realized that and just edit the comment :grin:

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That’s quite a lot :smiley:


This is fine… But this hero is too … Selfish. His one… Okay… One big minion for himself alone… One attack up buff for himself alone… The only thing he shares is a5% Dodge.

Can we get a good hotm? One that even people with good rosters will want?

Can I have just the good boy and ditch the weird looking dude?

I actually hope I get them; I already have R&N, M&M and B&F, I’m slowly building a team of heroes and their pets. I think the only one I’m missing is the circus one… something and fluffy? Are there any other?


I don’t understand the total damage calculation. If we have 5 heroes who have a maximum of 3 minions each, and they increase their attack by 25%, would it be like this 400 + 3525=775%? Am I right with the calculation? that would be a brutal sniper then.

Well, it’s capped at 600%.

As I understand, if there is one minion in your team, damage increases to 425%; 2 minions, 450%; 5 minions, 525%;…

So you need 8 minions in your team to max the damage.


You need 8 minions on your team to get to 600%… It is capped.

Honestly… Get rid of the cap. Then i would be willing to take this fella.

thanks for the explanation. So there is a limit that is set at 600%, regardless if there are more than those 8 minions that are allowed for that maximum attack. ok, everything is clear. It’s a shame that he can’t realize his full potential, that would be interesting (toon Sartan is ready to leave the house :slight_smile: )

I know this will land in deaf ears, but maybe restore the health of all the minions presently alive.

Maybe have spreading minions like with lasalle, but with minions.

Come on sg… Throw us a bone of someone who can be decent.

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@PlayForFun could you recheck the hero card? As there is a leak card of him and his speed is average, not fast as you post :slight_smile:


Your are right, he is just Average.

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Can we just have a better looking dude/dudette?


I know people like ithar and I like neema… but man… the last GOOD hotm was roughian. This is nothing more than soul exchange fodder for me.


Uthragan is used quite a lot in mid tier, in fact I’m seeing more uthragan than R&N


You are right. I pulled 2 uths… but I haven’t even considered leveling him. So add uth to the list.

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Uthragan at tank, and with a starting mediocre board, can be very punishing. I used to think he(?) was nothing special, but after being crushed more than once i decided to keep him and actually levelling him (of course talking about mid-tier players)


Sounds like a good hero!
The R&N True Rival