🧪 Early Information on Round 3 of Astral Elves Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v66]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on Round 2 of Astral Elves heroes

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Astral Elves Heroes

*There are a total of three (3) new heroes added to Beta for testing.

*The names of the new heroes are:

  • Legendary: Melodymuse, Starlass, Voidstar

Astral Elves Family:

Heroes become stronger when teamed with other unique Heroes of the same family.

Bonus for 1 / 2 Heroes:

  • 50% / 70% chance to dispel a random dispellable effect buff from an enemy who deals Special Skilll damage to this character.

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Melodymuse - Astral Elf Poet
  • Starlass - Astral Elf Arbalist
  • Voidstar - Astral Elf Great Knight

Melodymuse -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Melodymuse – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 1030

Attack: 1048
Defense: 1062
HP: 1724

Class: Cleric
Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow)

Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Astral Elves
Aether Power: Fiend Resist

Passive: Resist Blind
This character has innate resistance against status ailments that affect accuracy. Doesn’t apply to status effects from allies.

Passive: Share Received Damage
20% of damage received by this charater is shared with other allies.

Special Skill: Moonlight Crescendo

  • Boosts health of all allies by 550. Boosted health can exceed max HP.
  • All allies are immune to new status ailments for 4 turns.

Starlass -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Starlass – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 1030

Attack: 1027
Defense: 1091
HP: 1720

Class: Ranger
Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Mana Speed: Slow
Family: Astral Elves
Aether Power: Damage Reduction

Passive: Resist Blind
This character has innate resistance against status ailments that affect accuracy. Doesn’t apply to status effects from allies.

Passive: Share Received Damage
20% of damage received by this charater is shared with other allies.

Special Skill: Power Wave

  • Deals 440% damage to all enemies
  • Automatically does 421 damage to the hit enemy and consumes 50% mana from hit enemy every time when the hit enemy’s mana gets full for 3 tuns.

Voidstar -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Voidstar – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 1030

Attack: 1095
Defense: 999
HP: 1730

Class: Paladin
Element: :new_moon_with_face: Dark (Purple)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Astral Elves
Aether Power: Defense Up

Passive: Resist Blind
This character has innate resistance against status ailments that affect accuracy. Doesn’t apply to status effects from allies.

Passive: Share Received Damage
20% of damage received by this charater is shared with other allies.

Special Skill: Paradogon of Constellations

  • Deals 620% damage to the target
  • Heals all allies for 40% of the damage dealt.
  • All allies get +64% defense against Holy for 4 turns.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • March 7, 2024 – added for first look testing.

:link: Related Threads


You mean mana here, right?

These heroes’ special remind me of a lot of old heroes, but they have better stats.


Correct, I have fixed this.

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Starlass will overtake Alfrike in rush war, trust me

I would not be surprised if Starlass will be changed to higher damage but hit 3. More like C2 Quintus

Sha Wujing’s brother from the stars is also nice

Who is this :frog:
Sha Wujin needs no brothers or sisters XD

[quote=“erik1, post:6, topic:343397”]
Not even a frog prince? :thinking:

Melodymuse is a better Hathor in Holy I see :rofl: at least Hathor has her passives going for her!

I didn’t want to wake him up now he’s mad see:



More low effort, uninspired OP cashgrabs. What’s new

Ikr, literally a yellow Hathor in here. Also, another freaking cleric healer


So we’ve basically got a new Hathor, Sha Wujing and hit-all c2Quintus :yawning_face:


Why is this portal that has new currency getting just repackaged heroes from the past? With goblins, it’s understandable because they have a new mechanic, in fact two new mechanics introduced, but this? With 0.5% chances just to get a new better Hathor?


Sha Wujin without the dodge

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Did these heroes get their alternate names yet? Thanks.

No Starlass in the portal today! Boo!

In other portals… Grilka and Sha Wujin will inevitably be paired up and they’ll be rolling heads and raising hell together.