đŸ§Ș Early Information on ROUND 2 Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

Sorry not titan but a red tank.

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Telli looks good and more event now, howeverI think for vela they should keep the more damage to fire heros but add the percentage increase like, 30% more damage to fire heros. This way they can adjust that value to be suit “adjustments” for future heros. They should also put this for all heros (past and future) that have similiar effects as well.

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Agree. But I think than MN is a best 5* healer in game, closely followed by Alberich (and third is Ariel, Telly is fourth on par with Delilah).

I too, but v2 beta is not so much worse, because she is still viable both as tank and as healer.

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No nerf was needed in the first place, remove her -mana Gen, and buff her other skills if you must. But make her great at something instead of being okay at everything.

Minions-weaker than Freya’s

-HoT weaker than costume rigard

Damage nearly non existent.

If you’re going to nerf any part of her original card then remove it and buff what remains.

Then compensate players for this headache.


She is good now.

Yes, but Freya’s purpose is ONLY minions. Now her minions is more like Delilah’s, which is acceptable.

Her HoT is actually 28% heal, and it is on par with BT and Kiril, she is pretty good at heal anyway now. Slightly less than average Delilah, but has a mana slow to compensate.


There are too many topics and polls created everywhere. But I would like to point SG staff and mods to this poll results here => Nerfing Telluria (Mar 2020 HOTM) ---> POLL IN POST #2; [Staff Comment Post #1445 & #4422]

People have already expressed their opinion here in the poll above. SG staff has to understand that just because someone don’t post here doesn’t mean they accept the so called balances. FYI @Petri

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I don’t want the game to introduce any more heroes that people only want for defense. People attack in this game playing against AI.

It’s okay that event and seasonal heroes exist that are for defense. You see them work playing against them in an event, then you can try to have them too. Some event/seasonal heroes are thus made for defense for use in the event. But we have enough already!

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Version 2 for Telluria looks good to me. No complaints. However, I doubt that the majority of people are going to be happy that Vela looses all extra damage against fire


The beta V2 seems okay for both Telly and Vela,

and I think this should allay all concerns; hopefully exhaustive testing would be done before reintroduction.


Btw for every other hero that ‘does extra damage to element x’ that extra damage was around 35-40%. For Vela it’s freaking 70%. That is in both the direct hit and further in the DoT.

So no, they do not compare that easy to all the other folks you mentioned.

Beside, 2/3 of those heroes you mentioned were in fact nerfed after release, and look, the game did not end, even though people spent moneys on version which was then taken away from them.

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The extra damage against reds help against Fire titans and that’s what they are considering taking away.

She is still less than they advertised originally, this is still a bait and switch, this is still wrong.

Frey’s also reduces mana when she dies, makes other minions hit harder and buffs defense. All while at fast.

Average speed costume rigard: buffs attack, removed all negative effects, heals more than telluria.

They can adjust telluria so she does a few things great, or leave her as is.

Any change form the originally released hero needs to be compensated though. This “adjustment” is still too much.

Vela should not be nerfed either.

Needing broth of these heroes is not fair to players who summoned for them as they were orgininally presented!


It’s not really that noticable on offense, you get extra damage towards one hero but that hero still needs “finished off”
 on defense I’m seeing Vela put up 1k worth of damage to each hero in a mono stack at fast, that’s a bit insane and I understand why it’s been toned back. I still think she’ll have value as a defender as is, just not a
 if she fires and I bring red, I’m dead unless I have mits, zim or grazul charged
 kind of stuff. Wearing my conspiracy theory hat, I also think they didn’t expect Vela to make Finley less needed and I think they’d like the most desirable blue defender to be more difficult to get, but
 thats based off of nothing.

I have mentioned in previous thread that if she doesn’t see any additional damage to red brought back, I wouldn’ mind seeing a small uptick in total dot or initial damage.

I don’t agree on this overtime damage is same. i.e. damage+overtime damage of grave maker v/s nature is almost same as damage+overtime damage of vela v/s fire

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The extra damaga against red does not kill or do 10k damage on a titan. The reason why they remove it is so players can stack red heroes against Telluria. Currently Vela kills all red heroes by herself.

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Not entirely true. She does a significant amount of damage but not kill them immediately. If your heros are dead you are using either a 4 star or a 5 star at 3-70. This is similar to damage gravemaker does on nature.

Hello, yes i saw the discussions, so that means I’m not allowed my opinion on this matter ?
Why is SG silencing me on this topic? Like you say 8000 posts, so why is 8001 going to make any difference?

I have spent a lot of money on this game, and i find it annoying that i have been building my defence team around a player that SG are now going to change.


Returning the HoT to Telluria is probably something that everyone in beta wanted, and I am glad they listened to the testers. About Vela, I am still not sure though.

Btw, for those who are intrested, these were my beta feedback on the first adjusted versions of Telluria and Vela:

Telluria feedback

Click here

First of all, I would like to thank SG for considering this much needed balance change. I am a F2P player and luckily I also have a maxed and emblemed Telluria. My testing was solely based on fighting the new version of Telluria using a very average roster of 4/5 stars, who are widely available to the majority of the player base. Keeping in mind that only 0.2% of the player base has a highly developed roster consisting of all the special Telluria counters, and compared to my previous experience of facing him, imho this balance change is very well done. Here’s why I think so:

Mana debuff:

The -24% debuff is still potent, yet not as dangerous as the -34% debuff. In fact, one of the biggest differences in the new version is that a costumed Rigard with level 29 mana troop (or level 23 mana troop + 2% class node) can still charge with 9 tiles, if 6 tiles were fired before the Telluria debuff. This itself is gamechanging as this helps attackers to strategize their moves and still able to counter the debuff with enough board manipulation skills. Even a fast cleanser hero like Zimkitha can now fire off in 8 tiles, if 3 tiles were fired before Telluria debuff. Both scenarios were not possible in the previous version and in line with the Alasie’s mana debuff.

Minion HP:

Telluria already has a base defense and health stat of 832 and 1425, and a +20 Telluria with the shield path has a defense and health of 991 and 1539. With a level 30 crit troop and 20% hidden boost for defense team, these numbers are further inflated to 1486 and 1677, respectively. With the new 13% HP inherited by the minion, it gets an HP of 218. This is still a significant number. A GM+20 with level 30 mana troop does 207 burn damage per turn, so even with the new minion HP it is still comparable to one turn of GM’s DoT, which is usually what a minion should be able to do at the least.

HP Regen:

This is also good change, which makes her great and not OP. One of the main reasons which made Telluria such a frustrating tank was that in case the attacker starts with an unfavourable board, Telluria will surely fire once and slow down the attacking team for 3 turns and then heals a significant amount of HP (411 over 3 turns) on all allies. Once these 3 turns are over, it is almost like going back to square one with the defense team back at full health, while the attack team takes significant damage through slash attacks and flank heroes firing in case of cascades due to removing bad tiles to work the board. This made it almost impossible for a comeback scenario. But with the new HP regen (243 over 3 turns, or 81 per turn) it will be mitigated to some extent (especially in field aid and arrow barrage wars). Plus the new HoT is well in line with other heroes who also have a secondary healing to all, like Tarlak (also 81 HP per turn).

All in all, these are some excellent changes. Previously, it was almost impossible for a player with average roster to win against a GM/Telluria/Vela combo with a bad starting board. But, I now feel that at least the attacker has a better chance for a comeback. Which is exactly what a good game should be based on - board skills and strategy making; and not on pure luck or spending habits. The changes still make her one of the best tanks in the game, and in line with all the other great tanks like Kunchen, Guin, Heimdall, Ursena, etc. (I did 25 raids against 4600+ Telluria in beta, and won only 13 of them, which is still around 50%)

Thank you for listening. :slight_smile:

Vela feedback

Click here

Imho, the new balance change is a little bit overdone. From this post, it is very clear that you guys had decided to introduce green tanks in the game to shift the meta, and Vela was strategically released in Jan as a flank hero to the said green tanks. But, in my opinion she proved to be a little too OP (mostly due to her extra damage to fire). So before I go into further analysis I would like to compare her current live version with some other 5 star heroes who does “extra damage” against certain elements.

Click here for full chart
Name, Element, Extra damage Mana speed # of targets Damage Stat At +20 Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
Athena, :snowflake:, +40% Average 3 2635 Deals 305% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies The target and nearby enemies get -41% defense N/A
Clarissa,:new_moon_with_face:, +40%/+32% Very fast 3 1119 Deals 135% damage to the target and nearby enemies The target and nearby enemies receive 224 Poison damage over 2 turns N/A
Gravemaker, :fire:, +25% Very fast 3 1131 Deals 135% damage to the target and nearby enemies The target and nearby enemies receive 298 damage over 2 turns N/A
Hel, :new_moon_with_face:, +40% Average 3 2768 Deals 315% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies The target and nearby enemies can’t gain mana for 3 turns N/A
Ursena, :new_moon_with_face:, +40% Average 5 1114-2228 Deals 130% damage to all enemies Deals 260% damage if the target has more than 50% health remaining All allies reflect all status effects and 115% from enemies’ Holy Special Skills
Zeline, :leaves:, +40% Fast 5 1285 Deals 143% damage to all enemies All enemies get -34% attack for 4 turns Dispels buffs from all enemies
Vela, :snowflake:, +70% Fast 5 1260 Deals 150% damage to all enemies All enemies receive 208 Water damage over 4 turns All Fire enemies get -54% attack for 4 turns

Here, damage stat = Max attack stat at +20 emblem multiplied by the percent damage

As we can see from the chart, in terms of speed and damage she is most comparable to Zeline, but her extra damage is way out of the line. Both heroes have three parts to their special. In fact, Vela’s hit is a tad bit weaker. So based on this analysis my suggestion for a more well balanced hero is as follows:

My personal suggestion:

  • Skill 1: Deals 155% damage to all enemies (thus making her a little bit stronger than Zeline)
  • Skill 2: Can remain the same
  • Skill 3: All Fire enemies get -44% attack (comparable to Athena & Zeline)
  • Extra Damage against :fire:: Reduce it to something around 25-40% from the current 70%

I feel that these changes will still make her a fantastic flank to green tanks without being too OP.

Thank you for listening :slight_smile:

Please remember, that these are my own personal opinions based on my own gameplay experience. It does not need to match with someone else’s and I am totally aware and respectful of that fact. :slight_smile:


When Telluria came, that was my moment. After playing for a year, I finally held one very top-tier 5*. I have carefully planned and saved for months & months, and finally, I succeeded. She’s my only top 5*.

And that’s why this wounds me:

What I really want is for Telluria to stay as a top 5* that doesn’t crush BK, Ursena, & Guinevere, but can still compete with them without Vela’s help. I don’t have Vela. If Telluria will need Vela as a crutch and is only an A+ 5* in a GTV combo, then I will no longer have a permanent, irreplaceable tank. That’s going to hurt.

The end result I would love to see is the Telluria nerf as it stands, except her minions get 16% of Telly’s HP instead of 13%.

And Vela–I’m not too familiar with her, but after what I’ve heard, I think it’d be nice if she can retain a little of her anti-red damage or have her DoT vs. everybody increased to compensate. I like the synergy idea, but I don’t want either of them to depend on the other to be top-tier.

Much much better. Minions nerfed a tad more than I’d like but I can live with that for sake of balance

Unlikely to be any real argument for (anything more than nominal) compensation IMHO if released in this form as v close to original @Dan7 @Rigs