đŸ§Ș Early Information on ROUND 2 Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

Exactly my proposal. Reduce her -54% attack for fire heros and keep her extra damage against fire for vela. That would be more inline with Zeline or GraveMaker.

For telluria I propose while you reduce her minon hp its fair enough to increase minon attack as that would not make much impact give her base attack is so less. Keep her HOT the same and -24% mana look fine imo.

Not all heroes are meant for offence. For example Guin. She is a good tank but for offence mostly useless. You can not have everything in one hero. There are so many heroes who are useless in defence or offence. Also I never heard someone crying over Tarlak’s heal and most people use him in offence.

That poll was at 63% for quite a while. Wasn’t it higher initially? And over time was trending the other direction.

That’s the thing about saturation. It bothers some people right away. And over time
 after constant exposure
 more and more people start noticing that maybe the amazing card they have is actually causing a problem

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I really hope they don’t nerf Vela. Just because players use a Telluria tank and a Vela flank doesn’t mean that she should be nerfed. This whole Vela being nerfed of her power against titans annoys me.


It’s frustrating that just because Telluria is OP that they would nerf the best flank for her. I don’t have Telluria, so I’m getting screwed on this Vela nerf.


I agree if they are gonna remove this critical attribute from Vela then they need to nerf Zeline, nerf GraveMaker and Athena who ever do extra damage to their counterparts.

My suggestion is that they should not mess with her property “Extra damage against Fire” for Vela


Tarlak is mostly a titan hero) Yes, people can use him on offence, but not AS HEALER.

I wrote my opinions on Guin earlier. For me she is last in my leveling list (Only Justice, Musashi and maybe Leonidas will be leveled later).

But Telluria WAS versatile, and cripple versatility is always a bad thing.


Whoa, someone who actually has strats and shares how possible or easy it is to beat tell defense with a mix of s1 and/ s2 heroes etc. A miracle!

But no lets just cry we don’t have x heros or lackluster hotm roster etc.

Tell with nerf adjustments is still a viable tank, and still will be used. But nerfing heroes just cause of synergy is bad business model. I have a bad feeling they will look at other combos and start “rebalancing” those too


Same-ish :confused: I have Telluria but no Vela, and I think Telluria by herself will settle just below the top tanks by herself because they fear the Telly/Vela synergy so much.

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Now when the complaints start to drop, keep in mind that you are all portrayed here, then we will see if you still like to cut the players’ money at the cost of satisfying your alter ego.

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I like v2 nerf, yes. For me it is acceptable. I like balance and versatility. I do not like both overnerf and OP.

It is not easy, but definitely possible without Vela with fast heroes even from S1/costumes. She is beatable. But she is OP now, and v2 nerf is good for me.

I think her value against titans is more about the +10% crit and -54% attack inflicted on Red. You can have the extra damage against fire as far as titans go. Wasn’t that big of a deal in that scenario anyway IMO.

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Reduce the amount of extra damage don’t take it away outright. If you do, it will drastically effect her usefulness. As of now she’s great on defense and attacking red heroes. If you’re going to take away her extra damage to red you need to increase her damage to all enemies, or her damage over time. Otherwise she will become a mid level 5 star hero at best. She will become a war reserve, or just another hero to fill a slot on a blue mono team. Please, don’t kill Vela!!! She’s made this game much more interesting wether u have her or not. FYI. I take her out with Mitsuko all the time. Never have I thought she unfairly balanced. If she’s unbalanced Gravemaker is too. Take away is extra damage. Take away Ursenas. Nerf them all while you’re at it! Thank you! And I hope u come to your senses.


@Petri please consider this proposal. This is what is called the right balance which is give something while you take something. If you are reducing minon HP for telluria, you should seriously consider increasing minion attack. Keep her HOT the same. And her mana debuff needs a cut and 24% looks good start.

For Vela instead of removing extra damage against fire, reduce/remove her -54% attack against fire. Her extra damage against fire is crucial for her use against Titan.


^^^Prty much what I was about to say

dont touch Vela
 By your logic, heroes like grave or ursena also should be nerfed.


Do not agree. Attack debuff is more cruical for Titan, it helps a lot for survival, For example, unemblemed Nordri can survive a 10* hit with Vela’s attack debuff.

But +25-+30 extra damage should returned, I guess.


Yes and Zeline and Athena as well

Current beta Telluria now better than Gregorion. But not a summon to brag about. Anyone looking for a green attacker would be much happier to catch North. (You might say that should be the case anyway, but then release her that way!) Anyone who absolutely had to have a green tank (why?) would see it another way. Would still rather see her minion health restored if the tradeoff is dumping the mana ailment down to 16%. But it’s understandable if people think she loses too much of her flavor that way. Anyway, I think she’s not broken even if minion health is restored from here.

Sigh about Vela. Flattening out Vela’s damage not cool. #VelaIsJustice


Wait what? I’m all for returning some fire bonus damage back to Vela but the extra damage against a red titan is almost nothing. You know the bonus is just for her special, not tile damage, yea?

The benefit for extra fire damage is primarily on defense, moderate on offense, and almost nothing for titans