🧪 Early Information on "Carnival of Gods" Challenge Event [Part of The Beta Beat V59]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the updated “Carnival of Gods” Challenge Event

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

New Masked God Heroes

A Update challenge event arrived with new heroes besides the already released Fortuna and Jove…

For more information on see here: 🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Masked God Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v59]

:superhero: Masked Gods in Challenge Event

As with the Gargoyles, Challenge Festival 1-2 heroes, the Masked God heroes have a bonus when they are used in the Carnival of Gods challenge event.


  • Heroes of the Masked God family bypass the Elemental Barriers, and have increased attack, defense, and health (+20%) in this Challenge Event’s stages

Some Notes:

  • This bonus ONLY applies to Masked God Family Heroes IN the Carnival of Gods Event.
  • It is NOT limited to Unique heroes only… Any and all Masked God heroes gain the bonus stat boost.

:dizzy: Special Gameplay


  • Masked Minions summoned by the enemies do not give these undispellable effects.
  • Maximum minion HP is 1000 for the enemies.
  • In the game it seems these undispellable effects go away if you kill the Minions summoned at the start of each wave event if the enemies still have Masked Minions summoned by their special skill before these starting minions are alive.

:game_die: Summoning Odds

As with all other challenge events, the Carnival of Gods comes with it’s own Summon Portal. See below for information regarding the appearance rates.

Rare Classic Hero: 53.1%
Epic Classic Hero: 19.8%
Legendary Classic Hero: 1.2%

Rare Trainer Hero: 10.0%.
Epic Trainer Hero: 1.0%.

Rare Event Hero: 7.9%
Epic Event Hero: 5.7%
Legendary Event Hero: 0.3% (non featured)
Legendary Featured Event Hero 1.0%

Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

Featured heroes:

  • Aradia, Jana, Fortuna

:moneybag: Challenge Coins

The “Carnival of Hod” makes use of the existing Challenge Event Coins currency for summoning. It also features the Suspicious Chest’s as a rare & random monster which drops 1x Challenge Coin as bonus loot.


10 of them is needed for a Summon or 300 Gems.
10x Pull cost is 2600 Gems.

:open_book: Event Rules

:zap: Event Info – Stages, Bosses, and WE Costs

Duration Reflect Colour Stages
4 days Ice 10 per difficulty

Note: Info is beta so may change…

The Carnival of God follows the the usual set-up for Challenge Events with 3 difficulty tiers (Rare, Epic & Legendary).
There are 10 Stages for each tier.

Stage # World Energy
( R/E/L)
Waves Monsters Boss
1 2 / 3 / 4 3 Blue & Green Alessia (G) & 2 Blue Mobs
2 2 / 3 / 4 3 Purple & Green Fosco (I) & 2 Purple Mobs
3 3 / 4 / 5 3 Purple & Green Aradia (R), Carmenta (R) , Cel (B)
4 3 / 4 / 5 3 Blue & Green Februus (G), Jana (Y), Umbria (P)
5 4 / 5 / 6 3 Purple & Blue Fortuna (B), Jove (Y) , Alessia (N)
6 4 / 5 / 6 3 Blue & Green Jove (Y), Aradia (R), Februus (G)
7 5 / 6 / 7 3 Purple & Gren Carmenta (R), Fortuna (B), Jana (Y)
8 5 / 6 / 7 3 Blue & Green Umbria (P), Cel (B), Fosco (I)
9 6 / 7 / 8 3 Purple & Blue Aradia (R), Februus (G), Umria (P)
10 6 / 7 / 8 3 Blue & Green Jana (Y), Cel (B), Carmenta (R)

Boss / Enemy stats:

Special thanks to @birksg for creating the charts.

:money_mouth_face: Rewards

Masked Gods has the similar tier based reward system like any other challenge event.

Rare rewards
Tier Hero Avatar Flasks Tokens Ascension Materials Other materials Battle items Emblems
1 Fosco Alessia 1x Titan
1x Raid
1x EHT
1x ETT
x Summon Token
10x Challenge Event Coin
1x Royal Tabard
2x Tome of Tactics
1x Orb of Magic
1x Trap Tools
1x Hidden Blade
1x Compass
1x Sturdy Shield
10x Strong Rope
10x Rugged Clothes
10x Dragon Bone
10x Hardwood Lumber
10x Metail Ora
10x Large Boon
10x Timestop
10x Dragon Banner
10x Axe attack
10x Antidotes
2 -
- - 1x Titan
1x Raid
1x EHT
1x ETT
x Summon Token
5x Challenge Event Coin
1x Royal Tabard
1x Tome of Tactics
1x Orb of Magic
1x Trap Tools
1x Hidden Blade
10x Rugged Clothes
10x Leather Armor
10x Dragon Bone
10x Hardwood Lumber
10x Metail Ora
10x Large Boon
10x Timestop
10x Dragon Banner
10x Axe attack
10x Antidotes
11 -
- - 1x Titan
1x Raid
1x EHT
1x ETT
x Summon Token
2x Challenge Event Coin
1x Royal Tabard
1x Orb of Magic
10x Rugged Clothes
10x Leather Armor
10x Dragon Bone
10x Hardwood Lumber
10x Metail Ora
10x Large Boon
10x Timestop
10x Dragon Banner
10x Axe attack
10x Antidotes
1001 -
- - 1x Titan
1x Raid
1x EHT
1x ETT
x Summon Token
10x Rugged Clothes
10x Leather Armor
10x Hardwood Lumber
10x Metail Ora
10x Large Boon
10x Dragon Banner
10x Axe attack
10x Antidotes
10001 -
- - 1X WE
1x Raid
1x ETT
x Summon Token
10x Rugged Clothes
10x Leather Armor
10x Metail Ora
10x Large Boon
10x Axe attack
10x Antidotes
100001 -
- - 1X WE 1x Summon Token 10x Rugged Clothes 10x Large Bone 10x Antidotes -
500001 or lower - - - 1x Summon Token - - - -
Tier Completion Reward - - 1x WE 3x Challenge Event Coins 1x Orb of Magic - 1x Revive Scroll 25x Cleric
25x Ranger

Epic rewards
Tier Hero Avatar Flasks Tokens Ascension Materials Other materials Battle items Emblems
1 Aradia Fortuna
2x Titan
2x WE
2x Raid
2x EHT
2x ETT
1x Summon Token
20x Challenge Event Coins
1x Posion Darts
1x Royal Tabard
1x Mystic Rings
1x Tome of Tactics
1x Mysterious Tonice
3x Warm Cape
2x Hidden Blade
20x Shapening Stone
20x Training Manual
20x Orachulum Nugget
20x Midnight Roots
20x Potent Leaves
20x Clean Clothes
20x Super Mana Potion
20x Revive Scroll
20x Turtle Banner
20x Minor Mana Potion
2 -
- Fosco 2x Titan
2x WE
2x Raid
2x EHT
2x ETT
1x Summon Token
10x Challenge Event Coins
1x Posion Darts
1x Royal Tabard
1x Mystic Rings
3x Warm Cape
1x Hidden Blade
20x Shapening Stone
20x Training Manual
20x Orachulum Nugget
20x Midnight Roots
20x Potent Leaves
20x Clean Clothes
20x Super Mana Potion
20x Revive Scroll
20x Turtle Banner
20x Minor Mana Potion
11 -
- - 2x Titan
2x WE
2x Raid
2x EHT
2x ETT
1x Summon Token
3x Challenge Event Coins
1x Posion Darts
2x Warm Cape
1x Hidden Blade
20x Shapening Stone
20x Training Manual
20x Orachulum Nugget
20x Midnight Roots
20x Potent Leaves
20x Clean Clothes
20x Super Mana Potion
20x Revive Scroll
20x Turtle Banner
20x Minor Mana Potion
501 -
- - 2x Titan
2x WE
2x Raid
2x EHT
2x ETT
1x Summon Token
1x Warm Cape
20x Shapening Stone
20x Training Manual
20x Midnight Roots
20x Potent Leaves
20x Clean Clothes
20x Revive Scroll
20x Turtle Banner
20x Minor Mana Potion
5001 -
- - 2x WE
2x Raid
2x ETT
1x Summon Token
20x Shapening Stone
20x Training Manual
20x Potent Leaves
20x Clean Clothes
20x Turtle Banner
20x Minor Mana Potion
50001 -
- - 2x WE 1x Summon Token 20x Training Manual 20x Clean Clothes 20x Minor Mana Potion -
250001 or Lower - - - 1x Summon Token - - - -
Tier Completion Reward - - 2x WE 5x Challenge Event Coins 1x Sturdy Shield
1x Compass
- 1x Revive Scroll 50x Cleric
50x Monk

Legendary rewards
Tier Hero Avatar Flasks Tokens Ascension Materials Other materials Battle items Emblems
1 Jana Jove
3x Titan
3x WE
3x Raid
3x EHT
3x ETT
1x Summon Token
30x Challenge Event Coins
2x Damascus Blade
2x Royal Tabard
1x Tome of Tactics1x Mystic Rings
1x Farsight Telescope
1x Warm Cape
2x Compass
2x Fine Gloves
1x Trap Tools
1x Sturdy Shield
30x Arcane Scripts
30x Advanturer’s Kit
30x Meteor Fragments
30x Fine Steel
30x Sunspire Feathers
30x String Rope
30x Dragon Attack
30x Bear Banner
30x Super Antidotes
30x Minor Healing Poition
2 -
- Cel
3x Titan
3x WE
3x Raid
3x EHT
3x ETT
1x Summon Token
15x Challenge Event Coins
2x Damascus Blade
1x Royal Tabard
1x Tome of Tactics
1x Warm Cape
2x Compass
2x Fine Gloves
1x Trap Tools
1x Sturdy Shield
30x Arcane Scripts
30x Advanturer’s Kit
30x Meteor Fragments
30x Fine Steel
30x Sunspire Feathers
30x String Rope
30x Dragon Attack
30x Bear Banner
30x Super Antidotes
30x Minor Healing Poition
11 -
- Februus 3x Titan
3x WE
3x Raid
3x EHT
3x ETT
1x Summon Token
5x Challenge Event Coins
1x Damascus Blade
1x Warm Cape
2x Compass
2x Fine Gloves
1x Trap Tools
1x Sturdy Shield
30x Arcane Scripts
30x Advanturer’s Kit
30x Meteor Fragments
30x Fine Steel
30x Sunspire Feathers
30x String Rope
30x Dragon Attack
30x Bear Banner
30x Super Antidotes
30x Minor Healing Poition
101 -
- - 3x Titan
3x WE
3x Raid
3x EHT
3x ETT
1x Summon Token
1x Warm Cape
1x Compass
1x Fine Gloves
1x Trap Tools
30x Arcane Scripts
30x Advanturer’s Kit
30x Fine Steel
30x Sunspire Feathers
30x String Rope
30x Bear Banner
30x Super Antidotes
30x Minor Healing Poition
1001 -
- - 3x WE
3x Raid
3x ETT
1x Summon Token
1x Warm Cape
30x Arcane Scripts
30x Advanturer’s Kit
30x Sunspire Feathers
30x String Rope
30x Bear Banner
30x Minor Healing Poition
10001 -
- - 3x WE 1x Summon Token 30x Advanturer’s Kit 30x String Rope 30x Minor Healing Poition -
100001 or Lower - - - 1x Summon Token - - - -
Tier Completion Reward - - 3x WE 7x Challenge Event Coins 1x Trap Tools
1x Orb of Magic
1x Hidden Blade
- 1x Revive Scroll 150x Barbarian
150x Wizard

:link: Related Threads


Hellooo Minion removers, Minion Inhibitors and Minion-activated Passives.

Rare: Kvasir

Epic: Gormek

Legendary: So many choices


is there really no other 3 or 4* ?

Kvasir is a 3* Bera. Can’t think of any other besides those single target minion removers: newer heroes.

4* has Capt Diamond but it’s reflect Blue. Think there are some newer 4* that remove too. But I think they remove either target or at best 3.

Zynga just wants players to spend money.

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I don’t think it’s an updated event since it’s the first time that it is coming around :grimacing:
Same issue in the thread’s title :wink:

Bad copy/pasted pasta. :rofl:

Gobbler - 4* green from S2

CoD is an event hero, so there’s a small chance he won’t be reflected (he’s not at both festivals)


He is not reflected there because he IS a Festival hero. He will definitely be reflected in the Carnival of Gods.


These are part of the family with Fortuna & Jove so I am anticipating great things

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is carnival of gods an alliance quest? ie does it need a certain amount of points to unlock first the epic and after the legendary stages? (I remember having met this gameplay mechanism somewhere but can’t say what it was anymore…)

You should read the title of this very thread again and you will get the answer to your first question :grimacing: It will imply (one way or another) the answer to your second question.

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Is Zorro featured in this masked event?

Zorro? I can only assume you mean CristĂłbal :rofl:
Sadly he’s from the Tower of Magic event - so probably not. :cry:
(But it would be fun it he was. :sunglasses: )

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He is not masked god but masked avenger so I expect to see him in new alliance quest, the one coming after musketeers. Him, Phantom and Tarzan…and prince Valiant

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Does anybody think it’ll be worth doing a summon right now with these odds or just continue to use coins at the challenge festivals

For me it’s a feeling thing…so difficult to say for someone else. I would say continue to use the earned tokens and go with how you feel…if your a newer player and looking to fill out your roster there’s other more viable options such as Solstice or Black Friday portals.
Good luck whichever path you choose!

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Agree, and for some reason too often that feeling ia right :joy:


I bought the POV and POG, and because of it I will have 2,600 gems for when this arrives on Thursday.

I have 44 coins already, plus I will get another 15 from completing the event, so that is a nice 59, plus hopefully, I should get at least 1 chest from farming. This means I will do 6 free summons, then do my 10 pulls (unless I am super lucky and get someone good from my free ones). I can’t wait too long and horde my gems, I need to pull somewhere :rofl:

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Closing as the event is now live.
You can discuss the event here: