🧪 Early Information on Hero Museum [Part of The Beta Beat v55]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the new Hero Museum Building.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:clipboard: Overview

The first version of Hero Museum has come to Beta.


Hero Museum is a just actually a new entrance on the Stronghold at the marked area, which unlocks above Stronghold Level 5.

You do not need to build or upgrade it. It will be available if you reached that Stronghold level.

Notification about it’s availablity:

Rewards for maxing a hero;

  • 1* Heroes award 1 Gem
  • 2* Heroes award 2 Gems
  • 3* Heroes and Costumes award 3 Gems
  • 4* Heroes and Costumes award 4 5 Gems
  • 5* Heroes and Costumes award 5 10 Gems

Additional notes:

  • Heroes and Costumes only need to reach max level and max Special Skill level to be added to the collection; Emblems and Aethers are not necessary
  • Collection starts from the moment the Museum opens — Heroes and Costumes you may have obtained and fully leveled at some point in the past, but do not currently possess, are not counted

The heroes are grouped in the Museum by Rarity and Element.
The heroes what you do not have shown as ???.
The heroes you have not have maxed are greyed out, and if you click on them, then an information tooltip is shown about the leveling progress of the hero:

  • Ascession: X / 3 or 4
  • Level: Y / 50 or 70 or 80
  • Special Level: Z / 8

The hero cards can be opened if you click on a fully leveled hero.

There are two Tabs in the Museum: Heroes and Stories

  • What I mentioned above are on the Heroes tab.
  • On the Stories tab you can re-read the storyline of all seasons.

The stories are grouped by seasons, and ordered by their appearance.

In-Game Tooltip:

Release date

According to the Sneak Peek the Museum building will be go live on March 2nd.

:link: Existing Threads Related to Hero Museum

For a full list of items currently in Beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see:


Do you want to say that it was worth keeping every unique hero and their costumea and what’s more - maxing all of them? :astonished:
So finally I’ll get something for maxing Greymane and his costume? I don’t count him as a useful hero, more like a roster spot taker, lol. :joy:


oh, so we get gems for maxing a hero? that’s a nice perk!

and it also serves as a way to “check” which heroes are still to be levelled.

Sounds like a nice feature!

(yay! I get gems for maxing Vlad and Vollermork lol!)


Is it separately or together? For a maxed 3* hero and their costume will I get 3 or 6 gems?
Does every copy count?


… even better, I’m gonna get gems for maxing Horghall (no costume), Justice (no costume), Azlar (no costume), Klaern… :joy: :joy: :joy:


Hey, I maxed Reuben! :laughing:


As I expected, Zynga is not generous.

They actually insist on heroes to be maxed to get those tiny gem rewards.

Veteran players won’t max 1/2* just to get those 1 or 2 gems.


Very nice addition, although the gem mount should change. I can get more gems from a Collect Gems II Quest than from a maxed 5* hero.


I’m assuming that once a Hero is maxed (and thus the rewards collected in the Museum) that Hero can still be fed away, right?
Now I just need to do some maths, on how many food I’m loosing if I Max dawa and the use her as a feeder.

And I’m just assuming that the rewards are only once, kinda like gems we get from missions. So in the example above, I’ll be able to pick my 3 gems from dawa only once, and not for every future dawas I’d max

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Separatly. So 6 gems in total (or more if there is a secondary costume too).

My rooster with 221 unique heroes have earned me 833 gems.


That one will be useful for the very first time in his entire life! 3 gems is sure worth more than this hero :smiley: I am very happy I made such a good deal maxing this silly thing and hanging on to it for absolutely no reason lol.


Yes. Should be once.

Can’t see Zynga being generous to award repeat bonuses.

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Ok free gem is nice, but i will not level up my bosswolf for 5 gems. I prefer watch MV 5x for gems.


so maxed heroes we have do not count for gems rewards


My other games gave me 100-200 gems per new hero summoned. No need to level them.

I hoarded those gems to do 10x pulls.

Zynga’s generosity continues to astound me.


On a more serious note: What the heck is the point of this? Is there any function of this thing in the game at all?

I mean I am not going to complain about a handful of free diamonds for sure, but ???

I get the idea from SG side to incentivize collecting heroes (and therefore spending money on portals and resources on maxing them). But eh, I am honestly puzzled they think this is worth investing development time on… They really must think the OCD collectors are worth it… very interesting.


Yes, you get it only once. :slight_smile:


Maybe the whales can compete on who is more closer to having all heroes as there is an unique hero counter / all available heroes.


Lucky for you there are plenty of Dawas out there hiding behind other names :wink: “cough” Budawa “cough”


I have:
3* - 6 not maxed, 78 maxed + 22 costumes = 100 * 3 = 300 gems
4* - 4 not maxed, 61 maxed + 15 costumes = 76 * 4 = 304 gems
5* - 15 not maxed, 21 maxed + 4 costumes = 25 * 5 = 125 gems
Total: 729 gems.

I remember that many people asked for a “Pokedex”, so here it is - Hero Museum, there’s no point in complaining about free gems and a catalogue of all heroes. Also many people asked if they can re-read storylines, so now they can. I like it. :+1: