Hero Museum - Discussion

:thinking: What is Hero Museum?

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Hero Museum is a just actually a new entrance on the Stronghold (as it can be seen on the screenshot above), which unlocks above Stronghold Level 5.

You do not need to build or upgrade it. It will be available if you reached that Stronghold level.

Heroes Tab

Your maxed heroes / costumes (no limit breaking on embleming is needed) at the time of the museum’s activation (2023-03-02T07:00:00Z) and every other hero / costume maxed later will be added to the museum, and you can collect gem rewards for each maxed heroes.

The gem rewards are based on the Hero rarity:

  • 1* Heroes award 1 Gem
  • 2* Heroes award 2 Gems
  • 3* Heroes and Costumes award 3 Gems
  • 4* Heroes and Costumes award 5 Gems
  • 5* Heroes and Costumes award 10 Gems

If you have a notification icon at the Museum building (like on the screenshot above), then you can collect some gems.

Those heroes / costumes are marked with a notification icon, where you can collect gems like you can see on this screenshot:

The heroes in the Museum can be used for leveling so the Museum does not lock the usage of them.
It just give you the abilty the view the hero cards at maxed state without limit breaking or emblems even if you no longer have them, or they are emblemed and/or limit broken.

The heroes / costumes which are not maxed are grayed out, and if you click on them, then you can see the progress of it’s leveling:


You can also see how much heroes / costumes were maxed for you from the total available heroes / costumes.

Stories Tab

You can rewatch the storyline dialogs on the tab for Season 1-5 here.

In-Game Tooltip

List of heroes in the Museum:

:test_tube: Beta Information / Anouncements


Nice free 1300 gems for me.
Ater collecting it, i cant find any use for this new building.
Stronghold upgrade pls.


There isn’t any way to collect the gems all at once, I think? I can’t find anything… so I guess I’ll just click click click…


What was the criteria of grey heroes? Ones you had before? It would be a little more useful if all heroes were grey instead of question marks as it makes it easier to track who you are missing. Out of curiosity, what is the order that is used for the heroes? It seems kind of random.


Everyone!!! Please take a moment to admire the beautiful scrollbar that the museum got in both tabs. And now let’s have a prayer so SGG find the way to redemption (to implement) by adding the scrollbar to the hero roster view in the next update. Thank you for listening to me.

And on the other hand, would love to have sorting options in the museum (release date, family/origin…). Seems random as said in the previous post.


1036 gems from 196 heroes for me, I still have a few that I didn’t upgrade that I can do to get a few more.
That was super tedious having to click on each individual image to collect the gems though, but I can understand why, so they can’t be accused of not giving enough.


So we get a few diams for 3 pulls and then what? Big deal. They could have just give these diams to everyone for each hero we have without making a ‘‘museum’’.


This is really cool! I’m enjoying the stories most…it’s been so long I had forgotten S1 even had a backstory… :sweat_smile:


The 2 posts above are a classic example of people seeing a half full or half empty glass. I’m happy with the museum, stories are great to watch again, gems are welcome and since I’m too lazy for updating heroplan I have a good overview in museum. Only thing is that if it’s really 6th anniversary then something special like an avatar, pin etc would be nice :fox_face:


Thanks for the Museum and free gems! Nice for some of us, for others useless, ok…but I really can’t understand those who get something for free and still have to blame about.


I will be great if there is a collect-all-gems button :smile:.


That (though I guess we’ll only have this many clicks to do once, and they expect us to collect every time we finish a hero from now on), and also tabs for the different seasons stories, rather than having to scroll down to, say, season 5. Seems half-assed


I already love it! I discovered that I already own Wu Kong’s costume! Completely ignored so far! :rofl:


hahaha there are a couple i forgot about too, Gaedirus or however you spell his name + his costume, I need to do both.
Also need to get Nashgar and do him + costume again and a few others that I still have but there specials are only at 6/8 for example


I got hundreds free gems so far! Pointless!? :thinking:


I have totally f2p mates in alliance, takes a year at least to get that amount of gems without paying. Might not be too thrilling to those having tons of gems of course. It is something new imo, sure it can always get better but I have a positive approach and I’m happy about that, let’s see if they add new museum features over time, a good start for sure. What I really want is that I can choose a hero (Toto of course :smile:) that is guarding the museum doors, that would be cool to have one standing in front of it that one can choose from those already in museum :thinking::crazy_face:


Same, 1036 gems for 196 heroes, and from that I got a nice 5* from the 3 Kingdoms (Zhang Fei), so definitely not pointless to me


My biggest takeaway is that all my legendary heroes stuck at 3x70 and 8/8 special skill have a completion rate of 69%. I am content with this information.


Well, that’s not true. :slightly_smiling_face: F2P can even get 1000 gems in a month if they are active and play alot.