đŸ§Ș Early Information on Hero Museum [Part of The Beta Beat v55]

According to rewards above, i ll get approximately 800 gems for 4+ years of playing. Not that bad, and i was not hoping this kind of “extra” from game. So im all good :slight_smile:


This is the best part of this new feature, in my opinion! :tada:
Sometime ago I was wandering what was in the storyline of the first season.


From what I’m understanding this feature is not for what you write.
Basically it’s more like “I have those two heroes from season 2, Proteus wich I still use and gobbler wich I used in the past and now it’s collecting dust. Now I can have a small bonus (4 gems) before feeding him to mighty El Naddaha”.

This is more like a small gift to f2p. Whales don’t care as they drop significant amount of money every week, and few hundreds gems are barely noticeable.
C2p may have a nice gem boost, and probably they’ll save something like 5-10€ if they have enough gems.
F2p will have the bigger benefit (if they collected heroes), significantly increasing the gem Valance if like examples above a 4+ roster is worth about 800+ gems.


This is a great addition!

First, the free gems are always welcome. I don’t understand people who say “we should have gotten more gems”, “other games give more gems” “i am not happy”. I am happy! I am a collector, so this will give me over 1000 free gems! This is greatly appreciated, and I don’t understand comments who are not happy about this :man_shrugging:

Secondly; Nice with a library that, as I understand it, will show and overview of all heroes and what you have and don’t have. I expect you to be able to press the ??? also to see what the hero is?
That would be great

Very nice addition!


Good feature
those gems could be used to buy heroes cap

But at certain high levels of the SH can we have some space in the museum to keep some unused maxed old heroes? Even if it’s temporary for 1
month(s)?..and considering the toiling to get to those SH levels, it should be gem free

Thinking the shark dude and his likes will fit perfectly to reside in the museum away from my roster!


As someone else noted, this feature is highly familiar from another game. And they gave you more gems. But the best part about it was the “pokedex” style. You could see and read the other heroes you dont have. Sounds like you dont get to know anything about heroes you dont have and thus, making it less useful than it seems at first. I know personally, there are so many heroes now and they have been coming so fast, i no longer know what they all do just by looking at the character anymore. If i could use this as an encyclopedia of heroes, that i could look up easier, that would be a lot better.


1000 gems. How? They will give u 5 gems for maxing 5 star hero.

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I have 83 leveled 5* and 17 costumes. 78 4* and 22 costumes. 88 leveled 3* with 20 costumes.

That gives me 1224 gems

Biggest free haul ever

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is it possible to level the same hero to max level over and over again to get the gems?


I feel like the complaints are like “nice, but It could be really better. REALLY better”.

Let’s Say you pull a “useless” 4* like danzaburo or sangrior. You need to use lot of food/Feeder to get 8 gems (if you’re lazy you can just watch MV for 2 Days for about the same amount).
Giving the same amount of gems just to own the Hero would have been way better.

I didn’t count my heroes, I guess I’d be in 700-800 gems zone
 Thank you, but could have been better.


They have this feature in similar games, GL comes to mind. You only need to obtain the hero, not level it for rewards there. Pretty pitiful that SG is wanting you to max the hero for such small reward. Why not be innovative, offer the current amount for obtaining a hero and an added bonus for maxing them? It’s an OK feature. Long term players will get an initial reward, but it’s pretty much a dead feature after that
unless you have the personality of a collector, maybe they are betting on that?


Maybe they want to push the sales of food crates and roster space.


There’s always an angle, such is business. Sadly I have ate a few of my maxed heroes, sorry Sumitomo, but no regrets! I WILL NOT level him again. Haha. The roster space is worth more than a couple of gems. It’s costs me 550 gems for 5 extra spaces
.so what’s the benefit other than a check mark to say I’ve done it?

5 gems for a 5* really?
Yeah yeah i get it pals. Something is better than nothing.
But 5 gems for a 5* really :grinning:


Could have been better, but could also have been nothing.
They are not obligated to give us free gems for “work” we did over a long time.
Nobody will max a hero just for this reward, but personally I enjoy maxing heroes, also those that I will not use.

As I said, I am a collector. Over time I want a maxed version of all 3* and 4* heroes, and all of my 5* at 3/70. I think its a fun part of the game.
Only the ones I use will get emblems, but for the 3* and 4* its a good place to put the overabundance of 1* feeders. Don’t use those at 5*s after I get into third ascension (gets to ham-expensive)


One thing you quickly learn about this forum is that there is a LOT of complaining going on, what ever the game developers do.

Oh no, the (free) gem rewards are to low. Greedy devs!

If they had given 100 gems pr. 5* I am certain that to had been getting some negativity
Oh no, they are just pampering the whales and making impossible for everybody else!

I find it better to just be happy when I get something free


5 gems for max Lvl 5 stars.
You know how cheap they are when they did that XD

If they do this Kind of Museum, kinda treat it like an Album.

And for each 5 star supposed to be 50-100 gems
4 25-50
And so on

Cause it’s only one time you can collect that.
Then after that, you can just start to lvl up new 5 star Heroes to collect another 100 gems. Cause i think it’s still bit worthy consider the Ascension Material and Times to fully lvl up a new 5 Stars Heroes.

So why not giving +/- 2500-5000 gems for ONCE IN A LIFETIME to those who have played for years lvling up 25-50 5 Star Heroes?
Just consider it as a token of appreciation for those who have played years and years lvling their Hero from scratch. (You know how long to lvling up a 5 star Heroes before??)
Remember before we only have 1 or maybe just 2 Training Camps. And we took ages to lvl up 5 stars Heros.

And also a motivation for New Players to lvl up their Heroes to get 100 Gems.

And i have played a game who gave 5 gems for reward by full lvling a Hero.
But with 300 gems for 6 pulls.

Now compare to this? Lol
I can imagine how poor the reward is.

Oh hey
 you have played for a year / two.
Here 75 / 100 gems to continue your gameplay if you lose to your Hard Stage S5 / Aether Quest / Emblem Quest or to Continue your Tournament.

Thank you for your CONSIDERATION


Of course not, it’s more like a cost-benefit ratio.
Isn’t a complicated issue, and I’m too lazy to explain/arguing here.
You said you have 90ish maxed 5*, you clearly spended some money. I really Hope you won’t regret.

I think most are just voicing their opinion about a new feature. New buildings and features are rare, so when one comes out I think many are hopeful for something great and exciting (Hero Academy, Alchemy, etc.). This feature seems to have a short term benefit for long term players (lots of gems at the beginning for your maxed heroes), but then it fizzles out. I like the feature, but wish the devs would focus on something more innovative or interesting. MV will give you more gems in a few months than this will for a lifetime of playing.


In before the duck people start complaining that it makes ducks harder to hunt.

And I’d recommend a geometric progression on the rewards
 1,2,4,8,16 rather than 1,2,3,4,5.