Defensive Mana - Troops/Differences/Turn- Based Mana Calculations and it's Discovery

After we found the refined formula and the mana modifiers basically everything worked out as expected.

Mana bars and mana gains on defense:

  • the mana bar depends on the mana speed and the hero stars
  • at the end of each turn each hero gets 100 MP
  • mana modifiers and mana bonuses and debuffs get added and subtracted, respectively
  • mages, styx and tide heroes: the mana modifier applies as soon as as the respective mana bar is reached
  • mana is only gained as whole numbers, and gets rounded down

1* hero = 1
2* hero = 1.04
3* hero = 1.081 = floor(1.04 x 1.04; 3)
4* hero = 1.124 = floor( floor(1.04 x 1.04; 3) x 1.04; 3)
5* hero = 1.168 = floor( floor( floor(1.04 x 1.04; 3) x 1.04; 3) x 1.04; 3)

The resulting mana bars for heroes on defense are then:

base value 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* mana modifier
factor - 1 1.04 1.081 1.124 1.168
very fast 650 702 730 759
fast 800 800 832 864 899 934
average 1000 1000 1040 1081 1124 1168
slow 1200 1297 1348 1401
very slow 1350 1459 1517 1576
slayer 1100 1189 1236 1284
Charge 1 490 529 550 572
Charge 2 490 529 550 572
Charge 3 490 529 550 572
Magic 1 550 594 618 642
Magic 2 550 594 618 642 -22%
Styx 1 600 648 674 700
Styx 2 600 648 674 700 +100%
Styx 3 600 648 674 700 +100%
Tides fast 800 864 899 934
Tides average 800 864 899 934 -25%

Example calculation for the “average” charge of a tide hero on defense with

  • 4% mana generation bonus from class,
  • 15% mana generation bonus from troops and
  • (1) +24% mana generation bonus from special skill
  • (2) -64% mana generation bonus from special skill

for the 100 MP at the end of the turn:
case (1): mana at end of turn = 100 MP x (1 + 0.04 + 0.15 + 0.24 - 0.25) = 118 MP
case (2): mana at end of turn = 100 MP x (1 + 0.04 + 0.15 - 0.64 - 0.25) = 30 MP

Mana on defense from tiles:

  • each tile gets treated separately for the calculation
  • tile mana gets rounded (75 x 0.9 = 67.5 = rounded up)
  • tiles give mana as follows

combo 1 = 75 MP = 75 MP x 100% (and rounded) (verified)
combo 2 = 68 MP = 75 MP x 90% (and rounded) (verified)
combo 3 = 60 MP = 75 MP x 80% (and rounded)
combo 4 = 53 MP = 75 MP x 70% (and rounded)
combo 5 = 45 MP = 75 MP x 60% (and rounded)
combo 6 = 38 MP = 75 MP x 50% (and rounded)
combo 7 = 30 MP = 75 MP x 40% (and rounded)
combo 8 = 23 MP = 75 MP x 30% (and rounded)
combo 9 = 15 MP = 75 MP x 20% (and rounded)
combo 10 = 8 MP = 75 MP x 10% (and rounded)
combo 11 and higher = 8 MP = 75 MP x 10% (and rounded) (approximately correct)


  • offense: mana from minor mana potions gets rounded up, if it wouldn’t result in a whole number. For example, for mages and ninjas with 0% mana generation bonus the 25% minor mana potions give slightly more mana because of rounding
    mages: 25% of 550 MP = 137.5 MP = 138 MP (rounded up)
    ninjas: 25% of 490 MP = 122.5 MP = 123 MP (rounded up)
  • offense: mana steal % apply to the defense’s mana bar. That means for all fully charged fast 5* target that R&N’s 50% mana steal take 93 MP for each hero = 934 x 50% / 5 heroes
  • mana steal: the stolen mana gets rounded down