We now know from our investigation here that each hero on the raid defense team gets 100 mana points (=MP) at the end of each turn.
The mana bar of a fast 5* on defense requires 934 MP.
In the video Marjana shows at 01:37 that Fulvia’s special gave her a -6% mana debuff, so Fulvia’s special wasn’t maxed yet.
If the 6% cut refers to the full mana bar it removes 56 MP.
At the end of the turn Marjana would gain 100 MP and then lose 56 MP, which should be easy to see, but the mana cut was tiny.
On the other hand, if the mana cut was 6% of the actual mana, then it would have been much less and harder too see.
When Marjana fired her special she had Meresankh’s -14% mana generation, which went on for 2 more turns. Then Fulvia fired. (272 MP = 100 x (1 - 0.14) x 2 + 100)
If the 6% cut refers to the actual mana, then this would cut 16 MP from the 272 MP - which would be a tiny difference and the mana cut was tiny.
=> This strongly supports that Fulvia’s mana cut is for the actual mana
The wording for Luna is slightly different:
Luna: “Each Moon Beam reduces the mana of the hit enemy by 5%”
Fulvia: “reduces the mana of the target and neraby enemies by -10% at the end of the turn”
=> Maybe the “-10” makes it refer to the actual mana, while “5%” refers to the total mana bar?
Can you do me a favour and check, if Fulvia follows the MR Strike damage formula, that I found for Featherino and Olbec at 1-1 here?:
damage = base damage / 1000 x (attack - defense) + base damage (round down)
(with: base damage = 50% x max damage)
For a Fulvia with maxed special (= max damage = 1240) that would turn into
damage = 620 / 1000 x (attack - defense) + 620 (round down)
During battle simply check
- base attack of Fulvia (this includes the troop bonus)
- indicated max damage for Fulvia’s Moonrise Strike - I assume that it is 1240 for a maxed special
- base defense for the target(s) (includes troop bonus)
- actual damage of the Moonrise Strike to the target(s)
The 393 damage against Milady de Winter (with her 1275 base defense during battle) would point to a base attack value during battle of approx. 909.
Your screenshot shows Fulvia with 805 attack at 3-39. With +13% from troops she would have 909 attack during battle. Did she have +13% attack from her troops during that battle?