Cinisia – 5* Nature / Green - July 2023 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

New HOTM Released for July 2023: Cinisia

This thread is for discussing strategy related to Cinisia, as well as your thoughts on Cinisia.


Rarity Element Class Mana Speed
Level Attack Defense Health

4/85 952 785 1445
4/90 1089 899 1653
Origin Family
Hero of the Month Legends 2023
Image Aether Power Description
attack-up Attack Up At the start of each battle, this Hero gets +20% attack for 6 turns.
In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
:hourglass: Ability: Increased Attack Per Non-Nature Enemy
At the start of the battle, this character’s attack is increased by 5% for enemy that is not of Nature element. In battles with multiple waves, this effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
:no_entry_sign: Resist: Resistance: Resist Attack Ailments
This character has innate resistance against status ailments that affect attack.
:dizzy: Special Skill: Fury of Ash
  • Deals 270% damage to all enemies.
  • All enemies get -60% decrease of any healing received for 3 turns
  • All enemies receive 414 Bleed damage over 2 turns. Against Ice characters, this status effect becomes uncleansable and lasts 2 turns longer.
  • Element Link gives +10% mana generation for all Nature allies for 4 turns. This effect cannot be dispelled.

All-in-one still under construction. Card image to be added when available.

:hugs: Legends 2023 Family Bonus

Heroes become stronger when teamed with other unique Heroes in the same Family.

Legends 2023 Family
Bonus for 1 / 2 / 3 Heroes:

  • +10% / +15% / +20% defense.

Bonus for 2+ heroes:

  • Elemental Link affects all allies.

:balance_scale: Balance Changes

July 2024

:test_tube: Changes from Beta

  • Attack is increased to 883 from 873.
  • Defense is increased to 729 from 718.
  • Health is increased to 1341 from 1312.
  • Damage is increased to 240% from 235%.
  • Bleed damage is increased to 300 from 252.
  • Elemental link mana generation is increased to 10% from 4%.

Beta Information: 🧪 Early information on the July 2023 HOTM -- Cinisia [Part of The Beta Beat V57]

:thought_balloon: What do you think of Cinisia ?

This thread is for thoughts and discussion on Cinisia.

Based on preferences Forum members have expressed, please try to stick mainly to Cinisia and not wander off topic too much to other heroes.

Some Popular Questions for Discussion

  • Is Cinisia worth summoning for?

  • Would you use Cinisia on Defense? Offense? War? Quests/Events? Titans?

  • Which heroes on your Roster best pair with Cinisia ?

  • What heroes would you take when facing Cinisia as an opponent?

  • Would you give Cinisia Wizard Emblems? Which Talent Grid path will you choose?

  • What do you think of special?

  • What do you think of Cinisia’s character design?

  • If you Summoned Cinisia and would like to post your results, please include some thoughts on why you Summoned Cinisia, and whether/how you plan to make use of them.*

*NOTE: Summon Results posted without any commentary/feedback at all should be flagged as Off Topic and removed, based on preferences expressed by the Forum community. Please include some comments about what you think of Cinisia when posting Summon Results. In addition to opinions about Cinisia, you are also encouraged to include how many Summons it took before receiving Cinisia (or how many Summons you’ve done without receiving Cinisia), so other players are presented with realistic experiences of the rarity of Legendary Event Hero.

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:

More Insights & Reading

I highly recommend reading these three threads for more information and context on summoning odds:

If you’ve read them a million times before, you may consider reading them again before deciding on your budget for summoning. A little time spent deciding on how much money you want to risk on summoning goes a long way to avoiding disappointment, frustration, and regret later. :slight_smile:

:thinking: Wondering About Your Personal Situation?

Feel free to discuss your team and roster here, and ask for advice from other Forum members.

If you’d like more extensive advice on sorting out your particular roster, I recommend creating a new thread in Gameplay Help & Tactics, and posting screenshots of your hero roster, along with your questions.

:link: Related Threads You May Be Interested In


Feedback Poll - Cinisia (post release)

:question: Is Cinisia worth Summoning For?

  • Yes, absolutely
  • Only if you’re P2P
  • Yes, but only when featured.
  • Not really
  • Not at all

0 voters

:question: How many copies of Cinisia would be useful to keep & Level?

Note - this is roster space dependent & isn’t the same for everyone!

  • Zero
  • Just one
  • 2
  • 3
  • All of them

0 voters

:question: What do you think Cinisia’s Primary Purpose is?

  • Damage Dealer (Immediate)
  • Healing Debuffer
  • Damage Dealer (Over Time)

0 voters

:question: What do you think of Cinisia compared to other Heroes?

  • Over Powered (OP)
  • Little stronger than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Little Weaker than Most
  • Completely Broken (Under Powered)

0 voters

:question: How does Cinisia’s Special Skill and Intended Purpose match Cinisia’s Base Stats?

Note this means Cinisia’s Class, Attack, Defence & HP Stat

  • Perfectly
  • Better than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Worse than Most
  • Terribly

0 voters

:question: Is Cinisia worth giving Wizard Emblems to?

  • Yes absolutely
  • Depends on who else you got
  • Hmmmm, not sure yet
  • No I don’t think so
  • No… Not at all.

0 voters

:question: In Defence, where do you think Cinisia is best used?

  • Left Wing
  • Left Flank
  • Tank
  • Right Flank
  • Right Wing
  • Not on defence at all.

0 voters

:question: How do you think Cinisia is best used?

  • PvP Raids/ War attack
  • Normal Defence
  • War Defence
  • Titans
  • Farming
  • Tournaments
  • Event Teams

0 voters

Choose up to 3 options

:question: What do you think is Cinisia worth Limit Breaking ?

  • Yes, but only once
  • Yes, twice
  • No

0 voters

:question: If you would emblem Cinisia then which Emblem Path would you select ?

  • Sword path
    (Selecting Attack talent nodes when possible)
  • Shield path
    (Selecting Health and Shield talent nodes when possible)

0 voters

:question: What do you think about the artwork ?

  • Amazing
  • Refreshingly new
  • It’s ok
  • It could be better
  • Very bad

0 voters


I kinda like this one being a hotm which I haven’t ascended in like 2 years and I don’t think I ever again will

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Looks like her skill was buffed a bit on release. Pretty decent HOTM.


The uncleansable bleed against blue and her element link make her a really nice Hotm imho. Damage up with passive is also a strong bonus and after 2023 the family bonus kicks in. I will push her to 3.70 if I manage to get her in time and then it‘s her or Mr. Väin :slight_smile:

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Yeah, her skill was buffed a little bit. A good HOTM imo (after Roughian & Nurgib), but now I’m short of wizard emblems :sweat_smile:


I like her art, looks gorgeous. And she has a decent ability.
I’d appreciate getting her.
Have the tonics, but I’m short on wizard blems

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In my mind with my poor green stack, she will perfectly fit in with Maat and Telonius. Her passive attack up is good. 150 Bleed to all per turn with Telonius poison and 50% increase to DOT will make they a good couple for me.


I wanted her badly to pair with Telonius
But damn RNG… 6 covenant, 3 magic and 10 EHT… but to no avail

Don’t forget the heal cut. That would make your dots extra effective

Amazing artwork. We need more of this style and less of the anime childish ones (e.g Matilda, Valentine’s Heroes, Beach Party Heroes).

Skill set is also nice.


This! :+1: :+1: :+1:

A lot of heroes from new events don’t belong to this game IMHO because they simply don’t look like heroes in the true sense of the term.


Yes, She will feature against teams that dont have Aramis on defense. She can be used effectively against the mad overheal meta.

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The hero cards is updated with the changes.
Polls are now enabled.

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Here are my thoughts on the July HOTM!


For those who couldn’t get a green knight or costume elf dude. No revive, but damage wise similar.

easier to obtain than costume 2 elkanen

Hmm, I don’t know who I would replace in my attack teams in favor of this hero. She is decent, but not the sort of monster one would need to fight the likes of Aramis, Jove or Hathor. Maybe she can shine in a mono green with Grace + Guan Yu.

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I wrote a post on my blog about Cinisia for those interested:

Thank you!


I did like her in beta. She’ll be useful for sure.

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