Hi Rhonus What great 5-stars you have already, congratulations!
I started playing 1 and a half year ago. My own experience is, that my base wouldn´t have been able to feed those 5-stars yet, when I was where you are in game right now. They cost a fortune to level up, and as you have discovered, ascension materials for them are hard to come by until later in game.
What I did was focus on three stars, first and foremost. I raised enough heroes so that I had six teams for War with my Alliance (Which I absolutely recommend changing, if the one you are in is so inactive) Having a variety of heroes to choose from also helps a lot when putting together your defense in tournaments, and it helps you overcome challenge events too.
For now, I´d level up (I just focused on the 3-stars for now, they will keep you busy for a while)
Dark: Tyrum + Costume, Balthazar, Renfeld + Costume (I would not spend more on An-Windr, he is so underwhelming)
Holy: Bane, Poppy
Ice: Helo, Gato, Gunnar
Nature: Muggy, Berden, Mnesseus, Belith, Carver
Fire: Nashgar + Costume, Rudolph, Hawkmoon
I always choose fast heroes first, slow heroes later, as these rarely charge before it´s game over, unless it´s Rush War/Tournament. Treevil is superb though, I heard, so he could be a great asset as well early on, and you´re already working on him.
I would start with the above and then see, if you have summoned anything new, once you are done.
If not, then I would move forward to level some of the slow heroes left in your 3-star collection,
If you are eager to level 4-stars though, then the first I would recommend to max right away is Hansel. His mana control is a game changer (Renfeld´s costume is too, in challenge events, for example)
Hansel helped me reach stages and challenges in game, I would never have been able to, without him. I felt very fortunate to summon him early in game. And he is still on my green mono team to this day.
That´s about it for now - I hope this helps. You have a great selection and I understand why you might be eager to level those amazing strong 5-star heroes! All in good time. Have fun