Analysis: Value of chests and items


I strongly disagree.

Some heroes are good, some suck, most are just okay.

But some are really really good. Many people level 2x to 6x copies ( looking at you purple 4* Rigard )

Even with 5* heroes, with emblems, on some of my families accounts, Rigard 4*+18, Melendor 4*+18, 1x to 2x Grimm 4*+18, Wu Kong 4*+18, Boldtusk 4*+18, Proteus 4*+18, Tiburtus 4*+18, Sabina 4*+18, Scarlett 4*+18, Cyprian 4*+18, Kiril 4*+18, Boril 4*+18, are insanely powerful heroes.

Emblems was the best thing Devs did for all players, F2P to P2P.

“The hero you have is better than the hero you do not have”- F2P wisdom.

Beta beat

This does not include some good 3* / 4* heroes showing up in Beat Beat Season 3 heroes.

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