What a surprise for Atlantis !
I have only 18 loot tickets …
What a surprise for Atlantis !
I have only 18 loot tickets …
Perhaps this is somehow linked to Path of Valor? Obviously by this point we’ve seen two (or was it three?) of the daily tasks linked to Atlantis, so I’m guessing that at least one of today’s will also be.
Speaking of which…I should earn the 100 Atlantis coins today!
Edit: also, I love that I was not the only one whose first thought was “calendar page”!
I think it has something to do with challenges today or tomorrow… Or they split it in 2 … Was 3 days and because of masquerade they shortened it by one day so I’m thinking they could do 4 days but split…
They forgot the “2” in the date of 27 Feb…
It is 9:30 AM in Helsinki. That’s about when people arrive at work. I’ve reached out to SGG and hope to hear something soon. I will likely post in the linked thread below.
Maybe they need more money, LOL!
Going to wait for the good deal, I am tempted now, But you know they’re going through something nice before it’s over.
Maybe plan on releasing Season 3 at the end of month and doesn’t want Season 3s release to bump heads with Atlantis??? My theory any way. No idea when Season 3 is suppose to launch though.
Thanks for staying on top of this @littleKAF and for merging all the threads together so cohesively.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Atlantis is Rising? MASTER
More information regarding new changes to Atlantis Rises can be found here. https://forum.smallgiantgames.com/t/atlantis-rises-schedule-change-february-2020-onwards/155862
Apologise accpeted if they give energy flask for not notifying us othervise im reconsidering if i will play this game thats it im done
Thank you for your efforts! Could you please also change the March Atlantis dates in the Coming next section, now that it’s been confirmed that Atlantis will be on the first Friday of every month. Thnx
Yeah, I completely over looked that and then remembered after I had already updated and posted the calendar, turn off my laptop and was heading to bed. However I anticipate some announcement soon regarding S3 or another change to the rare quest schedule; I will update that part of the calendar at that time as well.
Muito obrigado por essa postagem
Moderaror translation and reminder the English is the official,”
Thank you very much for this post
Thnx @Novo !
Woah! This is extremely useful! Thank you for your efforts! I’m definitely keen on knowing when rare quests crop up!
*02/17/2020 Revised remaining Rare Quests Dates since Mount Umber was released today. Also fixed the date for Atlantis Rises in the Coming Next Month box.
Aaaaand S3 release date announced. They’re keeping you busy
@GDIBass they are indeed. I’ll be updating the calendar later today and will have it uploaded soon.