2020 JANUARY Calendar (Events, Trials, Rare Quests & Atlantis Rises) Tentative

January Calendar of Events, includes Challenge Events Dates for the Santa’s Challenge, Guardians of Teltoc and Atlantis Rises.

Please note Rare Quests appear every 7-10 days more or less. Possible dates are listed and may be subject to change.
Any revisions will be noted and a revision date will be indicated on the calendar to ensure you have the most updated information

As a reminder the Costume Event has been put on hiatus until further notice. More information can be found here.

Your comments, feedback and continued support are always appreciated.

Wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :partying_face: :tada: :clinking_glasses:

Thank you.

*1/7/2020 Revised the Rare Quests Dates on calendar.
*1/10/2020 Added dates for the re-launch of the Costume Event. Additional information can be found here.
*1/21/2020 Extended Costume Event Dates so that it shows through the 22nd. Since Rare Quest: Shiloh Desert arrived on 1/20/2020 it is highly possible Morlovia will arrive before the end of the month. The coming events for February have also been updated.


Thank you for the share, and have a great holiday season . :blush:


Thank you, thank you for putting this together and sharing!!!


@Novo you rock!!!


Awesome job as always @Novo. Happy new year. :confetti_ball::tada::slightly_smiling_face:


Absolutely fantastic, thanks.


Ohh thanks :fire::fire: also characters limit? Smh

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Awesome as always. Thanks for this!

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February event SHOULD be Knights of Avalon.

Was the first one of the revised events and also next one indicated on the Challenge Coin


Thanks @Guvnor, I’ll keep this in mind. With all the changes we’ve had and with all the new things announced for this upcoming year it’s difficult to determine without a doubt what’s coming up and when exactly. Hopefully SG makes another announcement soonish that includes a little more detailed information or at the least a challenge event schedule for 2020.

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Hehe doubt they will :stuck_out_tongue: But it should be the case. They used to rotate through on the same order so no reason they won’t now that it’s all settled again.

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Thanks as always. Happy (almost) New Year Novo!

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Thanks for this, much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year.


Thanks @Novo you are the BEST!

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Thanks @Novo!! This calendar is greatly appreciated

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Thank you for putting this events calendar together & sharing with us. Happy holidays & Happy New Year to everyone :christmas_tree::dancer:t2::partying_face::champagne::clinking_glasses::blush:


Fantastic :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks @Novo Always appreciated…

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Just speechless…
An awesome help for my alliance and me.
Thank you. @Novo

Wish you a happy New Year too.

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Weren’t the challenge events moved to the first Wednesday of the month?